Related documents
- Is amended by Immigration Control Act, 1993
- Is commenced by Commencement of the Namibian Citizenship Act, 1990
- Amends Aliens Act, 1937

Namibian Citizenship Act, 1990
Act 14 of 1990
- Published in Government Gazette 65 on 30 August 1990
- Assented to on 20 August 1990
- Commenced on 15 September 1990 by Commencement of the Namibian Citizenship Act, 1990
- [This is the version of this document from 29 July 1994 and includes any amendments published up to 17 January 2025.]
- [Amended by Immigration Control Act, 1993 (Act 7 of 1993) on 29 July 1994]
Part I – Definitions
1. Definitions
Part II – Namibian citizenship
Chapter 1
Citizenship by descent
2. Regulation of citizenship by descent
Chapter 2
Citizenship by marriage
3. Regulation of citizenship by marriage
Chapter 3
Citizenship by registration
4. Regulation of citizenship by registration
Chapter 4
Citizenship by naturalisation
5. Regulation of citizenship by naturalisation
Chapter 5
Honorary citizenship
6. Honorary citizenship
Part III – Loss of citizenship
7. Loss of Namibian citizenship acquired by registration or naturalisation
8. Renunciation of Namibian citizenship
9. Deprivation of Namibian citizenship
10. Deprivation of citizenship in case of children
11. Status of persons who cease to be Namibian citizens
12. Saving of obligations incurred before loss of citizenship
Whenever a person ceases to be a Namibian citizen he or she shall not thereby be discharged from any obligation, duty or liability in respect of any act done before he or she ceased to be a Namibian citizen.Part IV – Restoration of citizenship
13. Restoration of citizenship in certain cases
Part V – Miscellaneous
14. Registration of certain persons
When the Minister is satisfied that any child under the age of 18 years who is not or has not been married has associations which relate to Namibian citizenship by birth, descent, registration or naturalisation, and which would justify such child’s registration as a Namibian citizen, the Minister may, as he or she deems fit, cause such person to be registered as such a citizen.15. Grant of certificate of citizenship in cases of doubt
16. Certificates of Namibian citizenship
17. Representations to minister with regard to any applicant for registration or naturalisation
18. Proof of affidavits and certificates
19. Compilation of register in respect of Namibian citizenship
The Minister or any person designated by him shall cause any register in such form and manner as may be directed by the Minister, to be compiled and maintained in respect of persons -20. Proof of entries in registers
Entries in any register made in pursuance of this Act may be proved by such copies to be certified in such manner as may be directed by the Minister, and the copies of such entries shall be evidence of any matters, by this Act or by any regulation of the Minister, authorized to be inserted in the register.21. Amendment of certificate of citizenship
22. Offences and penalties
23. Delegation of powers and duties
The Minister may authorize any officer in his or her Ministry to exercise or perform, subject to his or her control and directions any power or duty conferred or imposed upon him or her by this Act, and any power or duty so exercised or performed by any such officer, shall be deemed to have been exercised or performed by the Minister.24. Instruction on the responsibilities and privileges of Namibian citizenship
The Minister may establish such facilities as to him or her may appear necessary or desirable to enable applicants for certificates of naturalisation under this Act to receive instruction on the responsibilities and privileges of Namibian citizenship.25. Manner of making application
Every application made under this Act shall be -26. Prohibition of dual citizenship
Subject to the provisions of this Act or any other law, no Namibian citizen shall also be a citizen of a foreign country.[The High Court has held that section 26 may not be constitutionally applied to Namibian citizens by birth or descent; see Thloro v Minister of Home Affairs 2008 (1) NR 97 (HC) and Le Roux v Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration & Others 2011 (2) NR 606 (HC).]27. Citizenship of women not affected by marriage
A married woman shall, subject to the provisions of this Act or any other law, be capable of acquiring, losing or being deprived of Namibian citizenship, in all respects as if she were an unmarried person.28. Regulations
29. Repeal or amendment of laws
The laws specified in the Third Schedule are hereby repealed or amended to the extent indicated in the third column thereof.[section 29 repealed by Act 7 of 1993 “in so far as it relates to any entry in the Third Schedule relating to the Aliens Act, 1937, the Residence in the Republic Regulation Act, 1964, and the Admission of Persons to Namibia Regulation Act, 1972”]30. Short title and commencement
This Act shall be called the Namibian Citizenship Act, 1990, and shall come into operation on a date to be determined by the President by proclamation in the Gazette.History of this document
29 July 1994 this version
Amended by
Immigration Control Act, 1993
15 September 1990
Commenced by
Commencement of the Namibian Citizenship Act, 1990
30 August 1990
20 August 1990
Assented to
Cited documents 5
Act 5
1. | Aliens Act, 1937 | 187 citations |
2. | Commissions Act, 1947 | 48 citations |
3. | Commonwealth Relations Act, 1962 | 8 citations |
4. | National Education Act, 1980 | 8 citations |
5. | Residence in the Republic Regulation Act, 1964 | 3 citations |
Documents citing this one 36
Gazette 13
Judgment 13
Act 8
1. | Immigration Control Act, 1993 | 263 citations |
2. | Electoral Act, 2014 | 187 citations |
3. | Public Procurement Act, 2015 | 72 citations |
4. | Walvis Bay and Off-shore Islands Act, 1994 | 16 citations |
5. | Civil Registration and Identification Act, 2024 | 2 citations |
6. | Namibian Citizenship (Second) Special Conferment Act, 2015 | 2 citations |
7. | Namibian Citizenship Special Conferment Act, 1991 | |
8. | Regularisation of Status of Certain Residents of Namibia, their Descendants and Foreign Spouses Act, 2024 |
Government Notice 1
1. | General Regulations, 1991 |
Law Reform Report 1
1. | Report on Customary Law Marriages |