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- Is amended by Public Service Act, 1995
- Is amended by State Finance Amendment Act, 2022

State Finance Act, 1991
Act 31 of 1991
- Published in Government Gazette 333 on 30 December 1991
- Assented to on 12 December 1991
- Commenced on 30 December 1991
- [This is the version of this document from 16 March 2022 and includes any amendments published up to 17 January 2025.]
- [Amended by Public Service Act, 1995 (Act 13 of 1995) on 1 November 1995]
- [Amended by Public Service Act, 1995 (Act 13 of 1995) on 28 December 2018]
- [Amended by State Finance Amendment Act, 2022 (Act 1 of 2022) on 16 March 2022]
Act 13 of 1995 was later amended by section 7 of Act 18 of 2018 to substitute the expressions “executive director” and “executive directors” for the expressions “permanent secretary” and “permanent secretaries” throughout.
We have interpreted the original instruction in Act 13 of 1995 to substitute “Permanent Secretary” with “Permanent Secretary: Finance” in several provisions of this Act, after amendment by section 7 of Act 18 of 2018, as being an instruction to substitute “Permanent Secretary” with “Executive Director: Finance” in those same provisions. The provisions containing “Permanent Secretary” that were not originally amended by Act 13 of 1995 remain unchanged.][Note: section 1 of Act 1 of 2022 amends this Act by the substitution for the words “permanent secretary” wherever they appear in the Act of the words “executive director”.]
1. Definitions
Part I – Banking accounts, accounting system, defrayal of expenditure and recovery of losses or damages
2. Accounts at Bank or commercial banks
3. Establishment of trading and related accounts
4. System of account books, accounts and registers
The Executive Director: Finance shall keep proper accounts of all transactions in relation to State moneys by means of a system of account-books, accounts and registers approved by the Treasury after consultation with the Auditor-General.[section 4 amended by Act 13 of 1995, as amended by section 7 of Act 18 of 2018, to substitute “Permanent Secretary: Finance” for “Permanent Secretary”, and then “Executive Director: Finance” for “Permanent Secretary: Finance”]5. Form of estimates of expenditure and revenue
The Minister shall determine the form in which estimates of expenditure and revenue shall be presented to the National Assembly.6. Expenditure during a financial year
Subject to the provisions of sections 9 and 16(1)(a) no expenditure shall be incurred during a financial year on services of the State which -7. Duration of appropriation Act
An appropriation Act shall not be construed as authorising the withdrawal from the State Revenue Fund of amounts of money appropriated thereby during a financial year other than the financial year to which it expressly relates.8. Accounting officers and other responsible officers
9. Authorisation by Minister for withdrawal of moneys from State Revenue Fund
10. Withdrawal of moneys from State Account or State Revenue Fund by Permanent Secretary for certain purposes
[The reference to “Permanent Secretary” in subsection (1) below was changed to “Permanent Secretary: Finance”, and then “Executive Director: Finance”, by Act 13 of 1995, as amended by section 7 of Act 18 of 2018, but the heading of section 10 was not amended accordingly.]11. Recovery of losses or damages
12. Accounts and statements
13. Appropriation accounts
14. Designation of internal auditors
The Treasury may designate as internal auditor or auditors any officer or officers of the Ministry of Finance to carry out investigations at offices, ministries, agencies and statutory institutions in connection with any matter relating to the functions of the Treasury and to determine whether the provisions of this Act or any instructions issued under section 24 have been or are being complied with.[section 14 amended by Act 13 of 1995 to substitute “offices, ministries, agencies and statutory institutions” for “ministries, public offices and statutory institutions”]15. Internal auditor shall have access to accounts, documents, books and records
Part II – General powers of Treasury and Treasury authorisations
16. General powers of Treasury
17. Prohibition on incurring expenditure or making payments without Treasury authorisation
Subject to the provisions of this Act and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any other law contained -18. Prohibition on unauthorised disposal of movable and immovable properties of State
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any other law contained, no movable and no immovable property of the State shall be alienated, let, exchanged, donated or otherwise disposed of without the authorisation of the Treasury.19. Prohibition on acceptance of gifts to State without Treasury authorisation
20. Discharge from liability in respect of money due to State Revenue Fund
21. Prohibition on variation of contracts or settlement or waiver of claims, without Treasury authorisation
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any law contained -22. Prohibition on rendering of free services without Treasury authorisation
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any law contained -23. Authorisations or approvals of, or determinations by the Treasury
24. Treasury instructions
Part III – Duties and powers of Auditor-General
25. Duties of Auditor-General
26. Power of Auditor-General
27. Reports of Auditor-General
28. Expenditure in connection with auditing
Part IV – Loans by state and determination of interest rates in respect of loans chargeable to and debts to the benefit of the State Revenue Fund
29. Raising of loans
30. ***
[section 30 repealed by section 4 of Act 1 of 2022]31. Conversion of stock issued outside Namibia
The Executive Director: Finance may upon the request of the holder thereof, in his or her discretion, convert stock issued outside Namibia under paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 29 into stock issued in Namibia under the said paragraph (b), at such value as the Executive Director: Finance may determine and subject to the conditions determined at the time of the making of the issue thereof, except that the principal amount and interest thereon shall be payable in Namibia.[section 31 amended by Act 13 of 1995, as amended by section 7 of Act 18 of 2018, to substitute “Permanent Secretary: Finance” for “Permanent Secretary”, and then “Executive Director: Finance” for “Permanent Secretary: Finance”]32. Expenditure in connection with loans
Whenever in the raising of a loan under this Act or any other law the gross amount of the loan is reduced by any expenditure, including any discount and commission, such expenditure shall be deemed to be appropriated by law as a charge to the State Revenue Fund and the net amount of such loan shall be increased by the amount of such expenditure.33. Appointment of agents
The Minister may within Namibia or elsewhere enter into an agreement with any person, including a financial institution, providing for the exercise or performance, on the terms and conditions agreed upon, by such person of any power or duty which in terms of this Act may be or is required to be exercised or performed by the Minister or the Executive Director: Finance in relation to the issue, transfer, administration, purchase or repayment of securities.[section 33 amended by Act 13 of 1995, as amended by section 7 of Act 18 of 2018, to substitute “Permanent Secretary: Finance” for “Permanent Secretary”, and then “Executive Director: Finance” for “Permanent Secretary: Finance”]34. Minister not liable for obligation resulting from lien or cession of securities
The Minister shall not be liable for any obligation resulting from a lien over or the cession of any security issued under this Act.35. Interest rates and conditions in respect of loans, other debts and permanent capital
The Minister may determine from time to time -Part V – General provisions
36. General power of Minister to furnish guarantees, indemnities and securities
If the Minister deems it desirable or necessary in the public interest, the Minister may at any time, on such conditions as the Minister may determine, furnish a guarantee, indemnity or security in respect of any financial commitment incurred or to be incurred by any board or body established by or under any law, bank, company or juristic person, whether within or outside Namibia.37. Delegation and assignment of powers and duties
38. Repeal and savings
39. Short title
This Act shall be called the State Finance Act, 1991.History of this document
16 March 2022 this version
Amended by
State Finance Amendment Act, 2022
28 December 2018
Amended by
Public Service Act, 1995
Read this version
01 November 1995
Amended by
Public Service Act, 1995
Read this version
30 December 1991
12 December 1991
Assented to
Documents citing this one 153
Gazette 102
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5. | Community Courts Act, 2003 | 89 citations |
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7. | Environmental Management Act, 2007 | 63 citations |
8. | Stamp Duties Act, 1993 | 59 citations |
9. | Value-Added Tax Act, 2000 | 59 citations |
10. | Education Act, 2001 | 53 citations |
Judgment 13
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3. | Namibian Correctional Service Regulations, 2013 |
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