| | R | c |
1 | Agreement or contract in respect of which no other duty is specifically provided | 5 | 00 |
| Exemptions: | | |
| (a) Agreements or contracts (other than agreements or contracts of lease) which relate to the sale, supply or delivery of goods, wares or merchandise, including livestock and agricultural produce. | | |
| (b) Agreements or contracts for the hire of domestic servants, labourers or seamen. | | |
| (c) Agreement incorporated in the memorandum of association of any company which is formed or to be formed under the Companies Act, 1973 (Act 61 of 1973). | | |
| (d) Any agreement for the disposal or acquisition of property (as defined in section 1 of the Transfer Duty Act, 1993) or for the renunciation of any interest in, or restriction upon, the use or disposal of such property or for the acceptance of any benefit conferred by such renunciation and any agreement included in such afore-mentioned agreement as to matters connected with such disposal, acquisition, renunciation or acceptance. | | |
2 | Antenuptial or postnuptial contract | 20 | 00 |
3 | Bill of exchange or promissory note: | | |
| Any bill of exchange or any promissory note, whether payable on demand or otherwise: for every N$ 1 000 or part thereof of the amount or value | 2 | 00 |
| Exemptions: | | |
| (a) Draft or order by any banker on another banker, not available for payment or credit to any third person and used solely for settling or clearing accounts between the bankers concerned. | | |
| (b) Coupon or warrant for interest or dividend attached to or issued with any marketable security. | | |
| (c) Bill or draft by or upon the Treasury or any public account. | | |
| (d) Promissory note by any commercial bank or other acceptance, discount or financial house in favour of the Bank of Namibia for discount purposes where such promissory note is secured by the lodgment with the latter bank or commercial, industrial or agricultural bills of exchange of equivalent value. | | |
4 | Debit entries: | | |
| (1)Banking account(2)Credit card scheme account(3)Savings account | 000 | 202010 |
| Exemptions: | | |
| Debit entries in an account in respect of - | | |
| (a) interest, service or other charges relating to the holding or use of that account or any charge in respect of the duty under this Item recovered from the holder of the account: | | |
| (b) a bill of exchange drawn by the holder of that account; | | |
| (c) the reversal of an entry; | | |
| (d) a banking transaction if the holder of that account is a banking institution managed or controlled outside Namibia; | | |
| (e) a banking transaction if the holder of that account is the Government or a body or institution contemplated in section 4(1) of this Act; | | |
| (f) a transmission account as defined in section 1 of the Building Societies Act, 1986 (Act 2 of 1986), or a transmission account as defined in section 1 of the Banks Act, 1965 (Act 23 of 1965), or a savings account that is maintained at the Savings Bank as defined in section 1 of the Posts and Telecommunications Companies Establishment Act, 1992 (Act 17 of 1992), of the postal company as defined in section 1 of that Act; | | |
| (g) the settling or clearing or accounts between bankers. | | |
5 | Bond: | | |
| (1) Any mortgage bond hypothecating immovable property or an interest in such property and any general or special bond passed before a notary public: for every R1 000 or part thereof of the debt secured or to be secured | 5 | 00 |
| (2) (a) Any bond mentioned in (1) which is executed by way of suretyship only and is collateral to a duly stamped bond for the same debt or obligation executed by the principal debtor or obligor: for every R1 000 or part thereof of the debt secured or to be secured | 2 | 00 |
| (b) Any bond mentioned in (1) which is auxilliary or collateral to or substituted for a previously made and duly stamped bond for the same debt or obligation and which is executed by the debtor or the person substituted as debtor under such previously executed and duly stamped bond | 20 | 00 |
| (c) Any bond mentioned in (1) which was previously duly stamped for the same debt or obligation and which will be transferred and bundled into a special purpose entity for securitisation or for Bank of Namibia regulatory purposes. | N$100 | |
| (3) Cession of any bond mentioned in (1) or of any bond substituted therefor: for every R1 000 or part thereof of the amount remaining due | 5 | 00 |
| (4) Cession of any auxiliary or collateral bond mentioned in (1) | The like duty as is chargeable on the bond |
| (5) Substitution of debtor in respect of any bond mentioned in (1) | The like duty as is chargeable on a cession of the bond |
| In determining, for the purposes of this Item, the amount of any debt secured or to be secured or remaining due under any bond, any sum separately secured by such bond to cover any costs incurred in connection with such debt shall be excluded from that amount. | | |
| Exemptions: | | |
| (a) Bond given solely in security for any payment due to the public revenue. | | |
| (b) Bond given by any public officer in respect of the discharge of his or her official duties. | | |
| (c) Cession of any bond to any company (in this paragraph referred to as the subsidiary company), which has been incorporated in Namibia and is managed and controlled in Namibia by any other company (in this paragraph referred to as the foreign company), which has been incorporated, and is managed and controlled, outside Namibia, if it is proved to the satisfaction of the Executive Director - | | |
| (i) that at the time of such cession all the issued shares of the subsidiary company were held for its own benefit by the foreign company or a company which was incorporated, managed and controlled outside Namibia and was controlled by, or which controlled, the foreign company; and | | |
| (ii) that the subsidiary company has, under an arrangement with the foreign company, all the assets, including the said bond, relating to any industrial, commercial or other business undertaking of the foreign company in Namibia: | | |
| Provided that the Executive Director has given a certificate to the effect that this exemption is applicable. | | |
6 | Customs and Excise documents: | | |
| On each original bill or document of entry or document in lieu thereof | 1 | 00 |
| Exemptions: | | |
| (a) Any bill or document of entry for coastwise removal of released goods between places in Namibia or removal through contiguous territories of such goods to any place in Namibia. | | |
| (b) Any bill or document of entry relating to any goods imported by post and which are not by law required to be cleared at a customs and excise office. | | |
| (c) Any provisional bill or document of entry covered later by a bill or document of entry which is not exempted under this Item. | | |
| (d) Any triptyques, Carnet de Passages en Douane, A.T.A. carnets, temporary import permits and tourist baggage receipts relating to any goods imported under the provisions of Schedule No. 4 to the Customs and Excise Act, 1964 (Act 91 of 1964). | | |
7 | Duplicate original of any instrument, the original which is chargeable with stamp duty: the like duty to that chargeable upon the original but not to exceed | 1 | 00 |
| Exemptions: | | |
| (a) Any duplicate original in respect of which a substantive duty is otherwise chargeable. | | |
| (b) Any duplicate original which is required to be filed of record in any public office in Namibia. | | |
| (c) Any duplicate original of any endorsement referred to in section 5(4)(b) of this Act. | | |
8 | Fixed deposit receipt, including any certificate or other instrument whereby any fixed deposit is acknowledged or is expressed to have been received, deposited or paid: | | |
| If given for or in respect of any fixed deposit made with any bank, legally established building society, company or association, whether corporate or unincorporate: for every R1 000, or part thereof, of the amount of the fixed deposit and for every period of twelve months, or part thereof, for which the deposit is made | 1 | 00 |
| For the purposes of this Item a share certificate issued in respect of any “paid-up share” as defined in the Building Societies Act, 1986 (Act 2 of 1986), in any legally established building society shall be deemed to be a fixed deposit receipt in respect of a fixed deposit of an amount equal to the amount stated in the certificate, and such deposit shall be deemed to have been made for a period of 24 months. | | |
| Exemptions: | | |
| Provisional receipt in respect of money deposited on fixed deposit if a duly stamped fixed deposit receipt in respect of the amount deposited is issued within 21 days after the date of such provisional receipt. | | |
9 | Hire purchase agreement or contract or financial lease, in respect of goods, wares or merchandise (other than livestock or agricultural produce): for every R1 000, or part thereof, of the amount payable under such agreement, contract or lease (including any interest and finance or other charges) | 1 | 00 |
| Subject to a maximum duty of R100 | | |
| Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Act contained, an instrument which is signed by a person in connection with the sale or disposal to him or her of any goods, wares or merchandise (other than livestock or agricultural produce) and which, if signed by the other party to the transaction, would be a hire-purchase agreement or contract in respect of such goods, wares or merchandise, shall for the purposes of this Item be regarded as a hire-purchase agreement or contract executed on the date on which it was signed by such person. | | |
| For the purposes of this Item - | | |
| “financial lease” means a financial lease contemplated in paragraph 1 of Schedule 4 to the Sales Tax Act, 1992 (Act 5 of 1992); | | |
| “hire-purchase agreement or contract” includes any agreement whereby goods, wares or merchandise are sold subject to the condition that the ownership therein shall not pass merely by the transfer of the possession thereof, and the purchase price is to be paid in instalments, two or more of which are payable after such transfer, and includes any other agreement which has or agreements which together have the same import, irrespective of the form of such agreement or agreements. | | |
10 | Lease or agreement of lease (including any instrument intended or operating as a lease or sub-lease or as an agreement to let or sub-let) whereby immovable property is let, whether with or without other assets or rights, provided transfer duty is not chargeable in respect of such lease or agreement: | | |
| (1) In respect of any such lease or agreement, an amount of duty calculated in accordance with the following scale on a sum equal to the aggregate amount of rent payable in respect of the period for which the lease or agreement is required to be stamped as provided in section 22 of this Act, plus the amount of any other consideration whatsoever (excluding the duty payable under this Item) due or payable in respect or by virtue of such lease or agreement: | | |
| (a) where such period does not exceed 5 years: for every R1 000 or part thereof | 5 | 00 |
| (b) where such period exceeds 5 years but not 10 years: for every R1 000 or part thereof | 8 | 00 |
| (c) where such period exceeds 10 years but not 20 years: for every R1 000 or part thereof | 10 | 00 |
| (d) where such period exceeds 20 years: for every R1 000 or part thereof | 15 | 00 |
| Provided that if in any case it is shown to the satisfaction of the Executive Director that an amount of rent and any other consideration payable under any such lease or agreement of lease is payable in respect of immovable property and that the total amount thereof exceeds the full selling value of such property, duty shall be payable on the amount of such full selling value plus the aggregate amount of rent and any other consideration payable under such lease or agreement as in the opinion of the Executive Director relates to movable property. | | |
| (2) In respect of any continuance, renewal or extension of any such lease or agreement | An amount of duty calculated in accordance with section 22(4) of this Act. |
| (3) In respect of any cession or assignment by a lessee of any of his or her rights under any such lease agreement, provided transfer duty is not chargeable in respect of such cession or assignment | 5 | 00 |
| Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Act contained, for the purposes of this Item an instrument which, if signed by the parties thereto, would constitute a lease or agreement of lease as aforesaid or a continuance, renewal or extension thereof, shall, if signed by the lessee, be deemed to have been executed on the date on which it was so signed by the lessee, unless such instrument has within three months after that date also been signed by the lessor. | | |
11 | Marketable security, including any scrip, certificate, warrant or any other like instrument representing any share, stock or debenture, or any right of option to acquire any share, stock or debenture, of any company or other corporate body other than - | | |
| (a) a regional council; | | |
| (b) a local authority council; | | |
| (c) the Bank of Namibia. | | |
| (1) In respect of the original issue within Namibia of any such shares, stock or debentures, if transferable only by registration: for every R1 000 or part thereof of the nominal value of such shares, stock or debentures and any premium payable therefor | 2 | 00 |
| For the purposes of this paragraph shares having no par value shall be deemed to have a nominal value equal to the issue price of or other consideration for such shares or, where no issue price or other consideration for such shares is payable, the nominal value of the interest represented by the shares in the share capital of the company or corporate body issuing such shares. | | |
| (2) In respect of the issue within Namibia of any certificate or other like instrument representing any interest in respect of such shares, stock or debentures, whether called unit or fixed trust certificates or by any other name: | | |
| (a) if not transferable or if transferable only by registration: for every R1 000 or part thereof of the price of issue | 2 | 00 |
| (b) if made out to bearer or in any manner so as to be transferable by delivery only: for every R1 000 or part thereof of the price of issue | 5 | 00 |
| For the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2) shares, stock or debentures or any certificate or other like instrument representing any interest in respect of shares, stock or debentures shall, when issued by a company or juristic person, which is registered, incorporated or established by or under any law of Namibia, be deemed to have been issued in Namibia notwithstanding the fact that such shares, stock, debentures, certificate or other instrument may be registered or noted in a branch register kept by that company or juristic person outside Namibia. | | |
| Exemptions from the duty under paragraph (1) or (2): | | |
| (a) Where the scrip, certificate, warrant or other like instrument is issued solely in substitution for any instrument or instruments of the same nature of like or equivalent value, withdrawn, cancelled or lost, which were owned by the person to whom the issue in substitution is made: Provided that this exemption shall only be allowable if the new instrument is endorsed by a director, secretary or responsible officer as being a bona fide substitution without change of owner. | | |
| (b) The issue of any negotiable certificate in respect of any deposit made with any banking institution registered under the Banks Act, 1965 (Act 23 of 1965) or with any building society registered under the Building Societies Act, 1986 (Act 2 of 1986), if such certificate is subject to duty under Item 8. | | |
| (3) In respect of the registration of transfer of any such marketable security: | | |
| (a) if transfer is registered before the expiry of a period of six months from the date of execution of the relevant instrument of transfer referred to in section 23 of this Act: for every R1 000, or part thereof, of the amount or value of the consideration given or, where no consideration is given or the consideration is less than the value of the marketable security transferred, of the value of the marketable security transferred | 2 | 00 |
| (b) if transfer is registered after the expiry of the said period | Three times the duty which would have been payable under (a) if transfer had been registered before the expiry of the said period of six months. |
| Exemptions from the duty under paragraph (3): | | |
| (a) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security held by any executor of the estate of a deceased person, or by any administrator or trustee under a trust created by will or written instrument or deed (other than a trust under which the administrator or trustee is the nominee of any person in relation to the marketable security), if such transfer is necessitated by a change of executors, administrators or trustees and no change in the beneficial interest of any person in the said marketable security is effected. | | |
| (b) The registration of transfer of any negotiable certificate in respect of any deposit made with any banking institution registered under the Banks Act, 1965 (Act 23 of 1965), if such certificate is subject to the duty under Item 8. | | |
| (c) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security issued by any company or corporate body, if the instrument of transfer is executed outside Namibia and the registration of transfer is effected in any branch register kept by such company or corporate body outside Namibia: Provided that the Executive Director is satisfied- | | |
| (i) that such branch register is kept in a country in which there is a recognized stock exchange; | | |
| (ii) that marektable securities which have been issued by that company or corporate body, and which are of the same kind as the marketable security the registration of transfer of which is effected, are regularly bought and sold on that stock exchange; and | | |
| (iii) that such branch register is kept solely or mainly for the convenience of investors who are not ordinarily resident in Namibia, | | |
| and the Executive Director has notified that company or corporate body that he or she is so satisfied and has not notified that company or corporate body that he or she is no longer so satisfied. | | |
| (d) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security purchased on a licensed stock exchange, as defined in section 1 of the Stock Exchanges Control Act, 1985 (Act 1 of 1985), if such marketable security is included in the list of securities kept by the committee of such stock exchange in terms of section 16(a) of that Act, and such purchase has been effected on or after 16 October 1992. | | |
| (e) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security - | | |
| (i) from a principal who, at the time of such registration, is the owner of the beneficial interest in such marketable security, to a nominee appointed by that principal, without any alteration of the beneficial interest of the principal therein; or | | |
| (ii) from a nominee to a principal who is the owner of the beneficial interest in such marketable security if - | | |
| (aa) throughout the period reckoned from the date at which such nominee became a nominee in respect of such marketable security, or from the date at which such marketable security was registered in the name of such nominee, whether in the capacity of a nominee or otherwise, whichever date is earlier, to the date of registration of such transfer, the said nominee has, in relation to such marketable security, been the nominee of the said principal, without any change of the beneficial interest of the principal therein; or | | |
| (bb) where during the said period duty has become payable under paragraph (5) of this Item in respect of one or more acquisitions of such marketable security, the said duty has been paid in respect of each such acquisition. | | |
| (f) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security registered in the name of any pension fund which is registered under the Pension Funds Act, 1956 (Act 24 of 1956), to any other pension fund which is registered under that Act, if such transfer is made in pursuance of a scheme referred to in section 14(1) of that Act. | | |
| (g) Any registration of transfer effected on or after 28 December 1992, in respect of any marketable security sold or disposed of to any company (hereinafter referred to as the subsidiary company) which has been incorporated, and is managed and controlled, in Namibia by any other company (hereinafter referred to as the foreign company) which has been incorporated, and is managed and controlled, outside Namibia, if it is proved to the satisfaction of the Executive Director - | | |
| (i) that at the time of such sale or disposal all the issued shares of the subsidiary company were held for its own benefit by the foreign company or a company which was incorporated, managed and controlled outside Namibia and was controlled by or controlled the foreign company; and | | |
| (ii) that the subsidiary company has under an arrangement with the foreign company acquired from the foreign company all the assets, including the said marketable security, relating to any industrial or commercial or other business undertaking of the foreign company in Namibia. | | |
| (h) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security from a transferor who is the registered holder thereof to a broker in his or her capacity as a nominee or to a nominee company in its capacity as nominee, if such registration is effected at the request of a bank or broker in consequence of the purchase or sale of such marketable security by such broker on behalf of a client of such broker or by a broker on behalf of a client of any broker or bank by whom the nominee company is controlled. | | |
| (i) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security from a transferor who is the registered holder thereof to a broker in his or her capacity as a nominee or to a nominee company in its capacity as a nominee if the transferor retains his or her interest in such marketable security. | | |
| (j) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security from a broker to a client of such broker or from a nominee company to a client of the broker or bank by whom such nominee company is controlled, if, throughout the period during which the marketable security has been registered in the name of such first-mentioned broker or such nominee company, the broker or nominee company has held the marketable security as a nominee solely for the benefit of the client concerned. | | |
| (k) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security from one nominee (hereinafter referred to as the transferor) to another nominee, if - | | |
| (i) such registration of transfer is effected in consequence of a mere change of nominees without any alteration of the beneficial interest of any person in such marketable security being thereby effected; and | | |
| (ii) throughout the period during which such marketable security has been registered in the name of the transferor, he or she has held the marketable security as a nominee solely for the benefit of the person for whose benefit it was so held by him or her at the commencement of that period. | | |
| (l) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security into the name of a broker or of a nominee company, if such registration of transfer is effected in consequence of the purchase or sale of such marketable security under an arbitrage transaction (as defined in section 23 of this Act) in order to facilitate the delivery of such marketable security to a purchaser in Namibia or to a person outside Namibia who is concerned in the transaction. | | |
| (m) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security into the name of a person (hereinafter referred to as the purchaser) or of a nominee company acting as nominee of the purchaser, if the purchaser has become the owner of such marketable security in consequence of the purchase by a broker of such marketable security under an arbitrage transaction concluded on or after 1 September 1985 and any regulation, order or rule regarding currency made under the Currency and Exchanges Act, 1933 (Act 9 of 1933), which is applicable in connection with the acquisition of the marketable security by the purchaser, has been complied with. | | |
| (n) Any registration of transfer of any interest-bearing debenture stock, debenture bonds and any other securities of a company, whether constituting a charge on the assets of the company or not, listed by any licensed stock exchange in Namibia. | | |
| (o) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security into the name of an heir or legatee if such registration of transfer is effected in consequence of the acquisition by such heir or legatee of such marketable security ab intestato or by testamentary succession or as a result of a redistribution of the assets of a deceased estate in the process of liquidation. | | |
| (p) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security from a trustee, who is the registered holder thereof, of a trust created in accordance with a will to a beneficiary entitled thereto under such will. | | |
| (q) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security issued under section 29(2) of the State Finance Act, 1991 (Act 31 of 1991). | | |
| (r) Any registration of transfer of any marketable security registered in the name of any insurer registered under the Insurance Act, 1943 (Act 27 of 1943), to any other insurer so registered, if such transfer if made in accordance with a transfer of insurance business as contemplated in section 25A of that Act. | | |
| (4) In respect of the cancellation or redemption of any company shares which any person is in terms of section 23(11) of this Act deemed to have disposed of: for every R1 000 or part thereof of the value of the consideration referred to in the said section 23(11) | 2 | 00 |
| (5) In respect of the acquisition by any person (hereinafter referred to as the transferee) from any other person (hereinafter referred to as the transferor) of any marketable security - | | |
| (a) immediately prior to such acquisition, any person (other than the transferee) was a nominee in respect of such marketable security; or | | |
| (b) immediately prior to such acquisition, the transferee was a nominee in respect of such marketable security; or | | |
| (c) after such acquisition, the transferor continues to be or becomes the registered holder of such marketable security and becomes or is to become a nominee in respect of such marketable security, | | |
| the duty to be the following - | | |
| (i) if the relevant deed or declaration referred to in section 23(16) of this Act is duly stamped before the expiry of a period of six months from the date of such acquisition: for every R1 000 or part thereof, of the amount or value of the consideration given or, where no consideration is given, of the value of the marketable security | 2 | 00 |
| (ii) if the relevant deed or declaration is not duly stamped within the period of six months referred to in (i) | Three times the duty which would have been payable under (i), if the deed or declaration had been duly stamped within the period of six months referred to in (i) |
| Exemptions from the duty under paragraph (5): | |
| (a) The acquisition of any marketable security by the transferee, if registration of the transfer of such marketable security from the transferor to the transferee has been effected and the provisions of section 23(18), or that section, as applied by section 23(19), of this Act have not been contravened. | |
| (b) The acquisition of any marketable security of a deceased by an heir or legatee ab intestato or by testamentary succession or as a result of a re-distribution of the assets of a deceased estate in the process of liquidation. | |
| In this Item “broker”, “nominee” and “nominee company” respectively means a broker, nominee or nominee company as defined in section 23 of this Act. | |
12 | Partnership: Agreement of partnership | 20 | 00 |
13 | Policy of insurance: including any other instrument which constitutes a policy of insurance under the Insurance Act, 1943 (Act 27 of 1943): | | |
| (1) Policy of life insurance (excluding a policy providing for the payment of an annuity only): for every R1 000 or part thereof of the aggregate sum assured, excluding the value of any annuity | 1 | 00 |
| (2) Policy of life insurance providing for the payment of an annuity only | 10 | 00 |
| (3) Policy or certificate of insurance not subject to duty under any of the aforegoing paragraphs or any endorsement thereto or renewal thereof | A duty of one per cent on the dutiable premiums referred to in section 24(4)(a) of this Act. |
| For the purposes of this paragraph any ticket, coupon, notice, bill or other document purporting to be an insurance policy or to give a right to insurance in the event of death, accident, sickness or the like, shall be deemed to be a policy of insurance executed on the date of sale or issue thereof for consideration and shall be chargeable with duty under this paragraph. | | |
| (4) Cession of any policy of insurance or of any interest under such policy | 5 | 00 |
| Provided that the duty on any cession of a policy referred to in paragraph (1) or of any interest thereunder shall not exceed the duty to which the policy which is ceded or under which an interest is ceded would be liable under that paragraph. | | |
| Exemptions: | | |
| (a) Interim cover note issued in respect of a policy of insurance to be issued within Namibia. | | |
| (b) Policy solely for the purpose of effecting reinsurance by one insurance company or association with another insurance company or association to cover general risks. | | |
14 | Power of attorney: Special or general power of attorney or instrument of a like kind or any substitution thereunder: in respect of each grantor | 5 | 00 |
| A power granted by or on behalf of a company or partnership or by persons holding jointly the office of administrator, executor, curator, tutor or trustee and granting the power in any such capacity only, shall be deemed to be given by one grantor. | | |
| Exemptions: | | |
| (a) Proxy solely to attend, speak and vote at any specified meeting or adjournment thereof. | | |
| (b) Power granted to an attorney or conveyancer to act in regard to the registration of any deed in a deeds registry as defined in section l of the Transfer Duty Act, 1993. | | |
15 | Security or suretyship: Any document of security or pledge, or any act of suretyship, indemnity or guarantee not otherwise chargeable with duty: | | |
| (1) Where such instrument secures the payment of any money debt and the amount secured is stated in such instrument: For every R1 000 or part thereof of such amount | 1 | 00 |
| Subject to a maximum duty of | 50 | 00 |
| (2) Where such instrument secures the payment of any money debt and the amount secured is not stated in such instrument | 50 | 00 |
| (3) Where such security, pledge, suretyship, indemnity or guarantee is given in respect of any other matter | 5 | 00 |
| Exemptions: | | |
| (a) Where such security, pledge, suretyship, indemnity or guarantee is given solely in relation to any payment due to the public revenue. | | |
| (b) Where such document of security or pledge or such act of suretyship, indemnity or guarantee constitutes a policy of insurance under the Insurance Act, 1943 (Act 27 of 1943). | | |
| (c) Indemnity by any person solely in respect of loss or damage caused by or suffered in consequence of the death of, or any personal injury to, such person or any child or dependant of such person. | | |
| (d) Indemnity in respect of loss or damage caused by or suffered in consequence of the death of or any personal injury to any person while being taken up or conveyed in or put down from any vehicle, aircraft, ship or boat owned, operated or hired by the Government or in respect of the loss of, or any damage to, any property of such person arising from any accident or other cause while or as a result of being so taken up, conveyed or put down. | | |
| (e) Indemnity given to the State in connection with a lost or missing stock certificate, Treasury bond, tax bond, tax redemption certificate, loan levy certificate, warrant voucher or interest voucher or in connection with any certificate, voucher or document of a similar nature. | | |
| (f) Indemnity given to the Government in respect of loss or damage caused by or suffered in consequence of any act or omission of any officer or employee of the Government in carrying out the duties of his or her office or employment. | | |
| (g) Security or guarantee given in connection with the registration of transfer of property as defined in section 1 of the Transfer Duty Act, 1993, in a deeds registry as defined in the said section 1. | | |
16 | Transfer deed, relating to immovable property purchased by: | | |
| Natural persons - | | |
| (1) where the value or consideration does not exceed N$1 100 000: | Exempt |
| |
| (2) where the value or consideration exceeds N$1 100 000 for every N$1 000 or part thereof of the value or consideration that exceeds N$1 100 000: | N$10 |
| |
| A person (including a trust) other than a natural person - | | |
| On the value or consideration for every N$1 000 or part thereof: | N$12 |
| Where the amount of such value differs from the amount of such consideration, the duty under this item is payable on the higher amount. | | |
| Where, in terms of the Sectional Titles Act, 1971 (Act 66 of 1971), the ownership or any share of or interest in the ownership in any unit or land held under sectional title deed is transferred or any alienation of any such unit or land or any share of or interest therein is registered by means of an endorsement made by the registrar of deeds on such sectional title deed or by means of the issue by such registrar of a certificate of registered sectional title, such endorsement or certificate is for the purposes of this item deemed to be a transfer deed relating to immovable property. | | |
| Exemptions: | | |
| (a) Partition Transfers, except in respect of consideration paid by one of the parties thereto to another such party. | | |
| (b) Transfers which bring about no alteration in the legal rights in the property transferred. | | |
| |