This Act was repealed on 2021-12-01 by Gaming and Entertainment Control Act, 2018.
This is the version of this Act as it was when it was repealed.
Casinos and Gambling Houses Act, 1994
Related documents
- Is amended by Casinos and Gambling Houses Amendment Act, 1995
- Is amended by Casinos and Gambling Houses Amendment Act, 1996
- Is commenced by Commencement of the Casinos and Gambling Houses Act, 1994
- Is repealed by Gaming and Entertainment Control Act, 2018

Casinos and Gambling Houses Act, 1994
Act 32 of 1994
- Published in Government Gazette 983 on 1 December 1994
- Assented to on 21 November 1994
- Commenced on 2 December 1994 by Commencement of the Casinos and Gambling Houses Act, 1994
- [This is the version of this document from 31 December 1996 and includes any amendments published up to 7 February 2025.]
- [Amended by Casinos and Gambling Houses Amendment Act, 1995 (Act 12 of 1995) on 31 July 1995]
- [Amended by Casinos and Gambling Houses Amendment Act, 1996 (Act 28 of 1996) on 31 December 1996]
- [Repealed by Gaming and Entertainment Control Act, 2018 (Act 13 of 2018) on 1 December 2021]
1. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates -“accommodation establishment” means any premises registered as an accommodation establishment under the Accommodation Establishments and Tourism Ordinance, 1973 (Ordinance 20 of 1973), but excluding any premises of a safari undertaking so registered;“board” means the Casino Board established by section 2;“bookmaking business” means any business carried on for the purpose of receiving or negotiating bets on the result of any event or contingency;[definition of “bookmaking business” inserted by Act 12 of 1995]“casino”, in relation to licensed premises, means any room in or any part of such premises in which games are conducted and played or gambling machines are kept and played;“casino licence” means a licence issued in terms of section 22;“certificate of approval” means a certificate of approval issued under section 29;“gambling” means any form of gambling, including any game or the casting of any lot in which luck is an element and by which any prize may be won, whether or not any element of knowledge or skill is included in the process of determining the winner;“gambling house”, in relation to licensed premises, means any room in or any part of such premises in which gambling machines are kept and played;“gambling house licence” means a gambling house licence issued under section 22;“gambling machine” means a machine for playing a game of chance, being a game which requires no action by any player other than the actuation or manipulation of the machine;“game” means any game of chance for stakes played with playing cards, dice or any mechanical device by which any prize may be won;“inspector” means a person appointed as such under section 42;“licence” means a casino licence or a gambling house licence;“licensed premises” means any premises in or on which the keeping of a casino or gambling house, as the case may be, is authorised under a licence;[definition of “licensed premises” substituted by Act 12 of 1995]“Minister” means the Minister of Environment and Tourism;“Ministry” means the Ministry of Environment and Tourism;“officer” means any person in the employment of the Public Service;“prescribe” means prescribed by regulation, and “prescribed” shall have a corresponding meaning;“person” includes any body corporate or association of persons;“prize” means any prize or benefit or anything of value which is offered to be won, including any movable or immovable property and any cash prize;[definition of “prize” amended by Act 12 of 1995]“retail liquor business” means any business carried on for the sale and supply of intoxicating liquor, whether for on-consumption or off-consumption, under any licence or other authority granted under any law regulating the sale and supply of intoxicating liquor;“this Act” includes any regulations made thereunder.Chapter I
2. Establishment of Casino Board
There is hereby established a board to be known as the Casino Board.3. Functions of the board
The functions of the board shall be -4. Constitution of board
5. Persons disqualified from being members of the board
No person shall be appointed as a member or an alternate member of the board if such person -6. Tenure of office
7. Remuneration
The chairperson of the board and the person appointed as his or her alternate and an adviser appointed under section 4(3), except if such adviser is an officer, shall receive such remuneration and allowances as the Minister may determine with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance.8. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies
9. Meetings of board
10. Members with interest may not take part in proceedings
A member of the board, or the alternate of a member when acting in the place of a member, shall not take part in the consideration of any application which the board is in terms of this Act required to consider, if he or she or his or her spouse or child -11. Secrecy
Chapter II
12. Types of licences
Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Minister may grant -13. Persons to whom casino licences may be granted
14. Persons to whom gambling house licences may be granted
15. Restrictions upon grant of licences
No casino licence or gambling house licence shall be granted to any person who -16. Applications for grant, transfer or removal of licences
17. Procedure for applications
18. Report of inspector
19. Objections
20. Consideration of applications by board
21. Minister to decide on applications
The Minister shall decide on every application made in terms of section 16 and may, after consideration of the application and all documents and information submitted to him or her in terms of section 20(3), grant or refuse such an application.21A. Temporary suspension of granting of gambling house licences
22. Issue of licences and certificates
23. Duration of licence
24. Withdrawal or suspension of licence
Employees of casinos
25. Certain casino employees to be approved
26. Application for certificate of approval
27. Consideration of application for certificate of approval
28. Refusal of application for certificate of approval
29. Issue of certificate of approval
Where the Minister grants an application for a certificate of approval the secretary of the board shall issue to the applicant a certificate in the prescribed form.30. Register of certificates of approval
The secretary of the board shall keep a register in which he or she shall enter the name and prescribed particulars of each person to whom a certificate of approval has been issued under section 29.31. Duration of certificate of approval
A certificate of approval shall lapse -32. Suspension or withdrawal of certificate of approval
33. Commencement of duties pending issue of certificate of approval
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 25, where an application for a certificate has been made and the Minister is of the opinion that -34. Restrictions applicable to certain employees
Duties of and restrictions applicable to licence holders
35. Restrictions applicable to certain employees
No holder of a casino licence or a gambling house licence or employee of such a licence holder shall extend any credit in any form to any person in connection with or for the purpose of gambling.36. Assistance to customers in relation to rules of games
The holder of a licence shall -37. Control and prohibition of entry into casino or gambling house
38. Sharing in profits by persons other than licence holder
39. Furnishing of particulars of bank account
40. Keeping of books, accounts and records
The holder of a licence shall keep such books, accounts and records as may be prescribed or specified in the licence.41. Levies on income of casinos and gambling houses
42. Appointment of inspectors
43. Powers of inspectors
44. Offence regarding unlicensed gambling
Any person who in or on any premises carries on or allows to be carried on gambling by means of any game or, for the purpose of gambling, keeps or allows to be kept any gambling machines, without such person being -45. Offence regarding unlawful conducting of games
Any person who -46. Offence regarding playing of games
Any person who knowingly makes use of any counterfeit chip or contravenes the rules of any game or interferes in any way with any gambling machine or any other device used for gambling with the intention of obtaining any pecuniary advantage, directly or indirectly, whether for himself or herself or any other person, shall be guilty of an offence and on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding N$ 50 000 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 3 years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.47. Offences regarding minors in casinos and gambling houses
48. Offences regarding inspectors
Any person who -Chapter III
General provisions
49. Enquiries by board
50. Forfeiture
51. Withdrawal of licence by court
Any court of law may with draw any licence granted in terms of this Act if the holder of such licence is convicted on any offence under this Act.51A. Jurisdiction of magistrate’s courts
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any law, a magistrate’s court shall have jurisdiction to try any offence under this Act and to impose any penalty prescribed by this Act if the Prosecutor-General, or any officer of the Prosecutor-General’s office designated by the Prosecutor-General, has personally granted written authority that the prosecution in respect of such offence may be instituted and conducted in the magistrate’s court in question.[section 51A inserted by Act 12 of 1995]52. Delegation of powers
Except for the powers conferred by section 54, the Minister may delegate to any person employed in the service of the Ministry any power conferred upon the Minister by this Act.53. Taxing of prizes
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other act, no prize or other benefit won or gained from any casino or gambling house authorised in terms of this Act shall be subject to any form of tax.54. Regulations
55. Application of Gambling Act, 1965
56. Short title and commencement
This Act shall be called the Casinos and Gambling Houses Act, 1994, and shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by the Minister by notice in the Gazette.History of this document
01 December 2021
Repealed by
Gaming and Entertainment Control Act, 2018
31 December 1996 this version
31 July 1995
02 December 1994
01 December 1994
21 November 1994
Assented to
Cited documents 2
Act 1
1. | Gambling Act, 1965 | 4 citations |
Ordinance 1
1. | Accommodation Establishments and Tourism Ordinance, 1973 | 4 citations |
Documents citing this one 77
Gazette 69
Judgment 4
Act 3
1. | Financial Intelligence Act, 2012 | 66 citations |
2. | Value-Added Tax Act, 2000 | 59 citations |
3. | Gaming and Entertainment Control Act, 2018 | 56 citations |
Government Notice 1
1. | General Regulations, 1994 |
Subsidiary legislation
General Regulations, 1994 | Government Notice 231 of 1994 | 15 November 2017 |