Related documents
- Is commenced by Commencement of the Traditional Authorities Act, 2000
- Repeals Traditional Authorities Act, 1995

Traditional Authorities Act, 2000
Act 25 of 2000
- Published in Government Gazette 2456 on 22 December 2000
- Assented to on 21 December 2000
- Commenced on 17 May 2001 by Commencement of the Traditional Authorities Act, 2000
- [This is the version of this document from 22 December 2000 and includes any amendments published up to 17 January 2025.]
1. Definitions
In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise -“chief” means the supreme traditional leader of a traditional community designated in accordance with section 4(1)(a) and recognised as such under section 6;“Chief’s Council” means a Chief’s Council established by section 9;“communal area” means the geographic area habitually inhabited by a specific traditional community, excluding any local authority area as defined in section 1 of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act No. 23 of 1992);“Community Trust Fund” means a Community Trust Fund contemplated in section 18(3);“Council of Traditional Leaders” means the Council of Traditional Leaders established by section 2 of the Council of Traditional Leaders Act, 1997 (Act No. 13 of 1997);“customary law” means the customary law, norms, rules of procedure, traditions and usages of a traditional community in so far as they do not conflict with the Namibian Constitution or with any other written law applicable in Namibia;“designation”, in relation to the institution of a chief or head of a traditional community, includes the election or hereditary succession to the office of a chief or head of a traditional community, and any other method of instituting a chief or head of a traditional community recognised under customary law;“head”, in relation to a traditional community, means the supreme traditional leader of that traditional community designated in accordance with section 4(1)(a) or (b), as the case may be, and recognised as such under section 6;“investigation committee” means the investigation committee appointed in terms of section 12(2);“member”, in relation to -(a)a traditional community, means a person either or both of whose parents belong to that traditional community, and includes any other person who by marriage to or adoption by a member of that traditional community or by any other circumstance has assimilated the culture and traditions of that traditional community and has been accepted by the traditional community as a member thereof;(b)a traditional authority, means a chief, a head of a traditional community, a senior traditional councilor, or a traditional councilor;“Minister” means the Minister responsible for Regional and Local Government;“prescribed” means prescribed by regulation made under section 19;“repealed Act” means the Traditional Authorities Act, 1995 (Act No. 17 of 1995);“senior traditional councilor” means a senior councilor of a traditional community appointed or elected in accordance with section 10;“this Act” includes any regulation prescribed thereunder;“traditional authority” means a traditional authority of a traditional community established in terms of section 2(1);“traditional community” means an indigenous homogeneous, endogamous social grouping of persons comprising of families deriving from exogamous clans which share a common ancestry, language, cultural heritage, customs and traditions, who recognises a common traditional authority and inhabits a common communal area, and may include the members of that traditional community residing outside the common communal area;“Traditional Council” means a Traditional Council established by section 9;“traditional councilor” means a councilor of a traditional community appointed or electedin accordance with section 10; and“traditional leader” means a chief, a head of a traditional community, a senior traditional councilor, or a traditional councilor designated and recognized or appointed or elected, as the case may be, in accordance with this Act, and by whatever traditional title named.2. Establishment of traditional authorities
3. Powers, duties and functions of traditional authorities and members thereof
4. Designation of chief or head of traditional community
5. Prior notification of designation of chief or head of traditional community
6. Recognition of chief or head of traditional community
7. Powers, duties and functions of chief or head of traditional community
A chief or head of a traditional community -8. Removal and succession of chief or head of traditional community
9. Establishment of Chief’s Council and Traditional Council, and powers, duties and functions thereof
10. Appointment of senior traditional councillors, traditional councillors and secretary, and their powers, duties, and functions
11. Use of traditional titles
Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed as precluding the members of a traditional community from addressing a traditional leader by the traditional title accorded to that office, but such traditional title shall not derogate from, or add to, the status, powers, duties and functions associated with the office of a traditional leader as provided for in this Act.12. Settlement of disputes
13. Powers of investigation committee
14. Limitation of powers of traditional authorities
In the exercise of the powers or the performance of the duties and functions referred to in section 3 by a traditional authority or a member thereof -15. Holding of political office by chief or head of traditional community
16. Relationship of traditional authorities with government organs
A traditional authority shall in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties and functions under customary law or as specified in this Act give support to the policies of the Government, regional councils and local authority councils and refrain from any act which undermines the authority of those institutions.17. Payment of allowances to traditional leaders
18. Assets and Trust Fund of traditional community
19. Regulations
The Minister may make regulations relating to -20. Repeal of laws and savings
21. Construction of a certain expression
Any reference to the chief of a traditional community in any other law shall be construed as to include a reference to the head of a traditional community.22. Short title and commencement
History of this document
17 May 2001
22 December 2000 this version
21 December 2000
Assented to
Cited documents 6
Act 6
1. | Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 | 1953 citations |
2. | Local Authorities Act, 1992 | 1345 citations |
3. | Deeds Registries Act, 1937 | 150 citations |
4. | Registration of Deeds in Rehoboth Act, 1976 | 55 citations |
5. | Council of Traditional Leaders Act, 1997 | 26 citations |
6. | Traditional Authorities Act, 1995 | 23 citations |
Documents citing this one 164
Gazette 93
Judgment 58
Act 8
1. | Communal Land Reform Act, 2002 | 110 citations |
2. | Community Courts Act, 2003 | 89 citations |
3. | Financial Intelligence Act, 2012 | 66 citations |
4. | National Heritage Act, 2004 | 41 citations |
5. | Inland Fisheries Resources Act, 2003 | 13 citations |
6. | Aquaculture Act, 2002 | 7 citations |
7. | Water Resources Management Act, 2013 | 5 citations |
8. | Civil Registration and Identification Act, 2024 | 2 citations |
Government Notice 3
1. | Animal Health Regulations, 2013 | |
2. | Regulations made under the Traditional Authorities Act, 2000 | |
3. | Regulations of Community Courts, 2003 |
Law Reform Report 1
1. | Report on Customary Law Marriages |
Working Paper 1
1. | Working Paper on Issues Related to the Traditional Authorities in the Ovawambo Communities |
Subsidiary legislation
Regulations made under the Traditional Authorities Act, 2000 | Government Notice 94 of 2001 | 15 November 2017 |
Regulations in terms of the Traditional Authorities Act, 1995, 1997 | Government Notice 246 of 1997 | 15 November 2017 |