Related documents
- Is amended by Correctional Service Act, 2012
- Is commenced by Commencement of the Defence Act, 2002
- Amends Civil Defence Act, 1966
- Amends Married Persons Equality Act, 1996

Defence Act, 2002
Act 1 of 2002
- Published in Government Gazette 2749 on 7 June 2002
- Assented to on 22 May 2002
- Commenced on 15 July 2002 by Commencement of the Defence Act, 2002
- [This is the version of this document from 1 January 2014 and includes any amendments published up to 17 January 2025.]
- [Amended by Correctional Service Act, 2012 (Act 9 of 2012) on 1 January 2014]
Chapter I
1. Definitions
Chapter II
Composition and organisation of Defence Force
2. Continued existence and composition of Defence Force
The Namibian Defence Force established by section 5 of the Defence Act, 1957 (Act No. 44 of 1957), continues, notwithstanding the repeal of that Act by this Act, to exist and consists of -3. Organization of Defence Force
The Defence Force is organized in such headquarters, arms of the service, formations, units and personnel musterings as the Minister may determine or as may be prescribed.4. Executive command and functions and removal of Chief of the Defence Force
Chapter III
Training and service
5. Liability for training and services
Chapter IV
Members of the Defence Force
6. Appointment of officers and other ranks
7. Qualifications of members of Defence Force
8. Appointment of officers
Officers of the Defence Force are as far as practicable appointed from amongst persons who have been trained at a military training institution established under section 15, or any other like institution approved by the Minister.9. Discharge of members from Defence Force
10. Member of defence force not eligible for certain offices
No member of the Defence Force is eligible for nomination, election or appointment as a member of Parliament or any prescribed public body.Chapter V
Administration and general powers of the President, the Minister and officers
11. Establishment of Council of Defence
12. Establishment of Defence Staff Council
13. Establishment of military commands, areas, headquarters, arms of the service, formations, units and personnel musterings
The Minister may establish -14. General powers of Minister
15. Military training institutions
16. Areas for training
17. Auxiliary services
18. Medical service
19. Reserve force
20. Application of laws governing the public service to members of defence force and auxiliary services, medical service and reserve force
The laws governing the Public Service are, to the extent that they are not in conflict with this Act, applicable to all members of the Defence Force and to all persons engaged or appointed in any auxiliary services, medical service or reserve force.21. Commission
22. Retirement of officers and other ranks
23. Termination of service
24. Resignation of officer’s commission or appointment
25. Identification marks and protection of defence property
26. Prohibition of access to military premises
Chapter VI
National defence, terrorism, armed conflict, internal disorder and other emergencies
27. Employment of Defence Force
Subject to this Act, the whole or any portion or any member of the Defence Force may at any time be employed on service as provided in section 5(2).28. Mobilization of reserve force in time of national defence
The President may in time of national defence, by proclamation in the Gazette or in such other manner as the President may consider expedient, call out the whole or any portion of a reserve force for mobilization for service in defence of Namibia.29. Mobilization of reserve force for the combating of terrorism, internal disorder or other emergency
30. Notification to persons called out
31. Where training is to be undergone and service is to be performed
32. Service outside Namibia
33. Release and discharge from service
34. Securing of harbours and aerodromes
35. Safeguarding borders of Namibia
36. Commandeering
37. Control and use of transport systems
The President may during operations in defence of Namibia or for the prevention or suppression of terrorism or for the prevention or suppression of internal disorder in Namibia, authorize any officer of the Defence Force to assume control over any railway, road, inland water or sea transport system or any air service, or any portion thereof, within Namibia.38. Evacuation and concentration of persons
Chapter VII
Discipline, legal procedure and offences
39. Military Discipline Code
40. Establishment of Rules Board
41. Jurisdiction of civil courts in regard to offences under the code
42. Military courts
43. Jurisdiction of military courts in respect of offences under this Act
A military court may try any person who is subject to the Code for an offence under this Act as if the offence were an offence under the Code, but such a court may not impose in respect of any such offence a penalty which is beyond the jurisdiction of that court in terms of the Code or exceeds the penalty prescribed for that offence by this Act.44. Person to be tried once only in respect of same offence
45. Right to review of proceedings
Subject to the Code, every person who is convicted of an offence by a military court has the right to a speedy and competent review of the proceedings of the case to ensure -46. Contempt of military court by persons not subject to the code and attendance of witnesses at military courts, preliminary investigations or boards of inquiry
47. Offences by persons against members of other forces
Whenever the Defence Force and any other force are associated together under one command, the provisions of this Act and the Code apply with the necessary changes to any act or omission on the part of a member of the Defence Force in respect of or in relation to the members or institutions of that other force in the same manner as if it were an act or omission on the part of that member in respect of or in relation to the members or institutions of the Defence Force.48. Arrest and trial of member of reserve force
49. Warrants
50. Place of imprisonment for military offences
51. Misuse of uniforms
52. Unauthorized use of decorations
53. Use of name, title, description or symbol indicating connection with defence force
54. Unauthorized disclosure of information
55. Prohibition on taking of photographs or making of sketches, plans, models or notes of military premises or installations
56. Obstructing Defence Force
Any person who wilfully obstructs or interferes with any portion of the Defence Force or of any auxiliary services, medical service or reserve force, or any member of the Defence Force or any auxiliary services, medical service or reserve force, in the performance of any service or duty commits an offence.57. Prohibition of certain acts in connection with liability to render service
Any person who -58. Prohibition of certain acts in connection with service as mercenary
59. Offences relating to intoxicating liquor
Any person who supplies or is a party to supplying any member of the Defence Force or any auxiliary services, medical service or reserve force with intoxicating liquor while such member -60. Impersonation
Any person who by word, conduct, demeanour or otherwise falsely represents himself or herself to be a member of the Defence Force or any auxiliary services, medical service or reserve force, or a particular member thereof or a person holding a particular rank or appointment therein, commits an offence.61. Prohibition of citizens to serve in military forces of other countries
62. Wrongful disposal of property
Any member of the Defence Force or any auxiliary services, medical service or reserve force, or any person permitted under section 14(2)(f) to participate in training exercises with members of the Defence Force, who -63. Penalties
Any person who is convicted of an offence under this Act for which no penalty is specially prescribed, is liable -Chapter VIII
Visiting forces
64. Discipline and internal administration of visiting forces
65. Relation of visiting forces to civil power and civilians
66. Deserters from other forces
67. Attachment of personnel
68. Members of visiting forces not subject to jurisdiction of local courts in certain respects
69. Mutual powers of command
70. Proof of membership of visiting force
A certificate issued under the hand or on the authority of the appropriate authority of any country, stating that at a time specified therein a person so specified was or was not a member of a visiting force of that country or of a civilian component of such a force, is prima facie proof of the facts so stated.71. Inquest on and removal of body of deceased member of visiting force
Chapter IX
General provisions
72. Regulations
73. Limitation of actions
74. Orders, decorations and medals
75. Language of instruction
Every officer and every non-commissioned officer of the Defence Force must be instructed in giving and receiving executive words of command in the English language, and the training and instruction of any citizen must be given in the English language.76. Pay and allowances not to be assigned or attached
77. Exemption from registration and licensing of defence vehicles ad drivers
No law relating to the registration and licensing of motor vehicles or the licensing of drivers of such vehicles applies in respect of any motor vehicle which is the property of the State in the Ministry.78. Exemption from laws relating to conveyance of firearms
No law relating to the conveyance of firearms applies in respect of the conveyance of firearms by any person where such conveyance takes place in connection with training, service or performance of duty under this Act.79. Exemption from tolls and dues
80. Railway charges
Any member of the Defence Force traveling on the service of that Force must, when provided with a government warrant, be conveyed over any portion of any railway system in Namibia at fares which are determined by agreement between the operator of the railway and the Ministry acting in consultation with the Treasury.81. Compulsory immunization and prophylaxis
82. Payment of remuneration of missing member of Defence Force
83. Payment of remuneration of member of Defence Force who has been taken prisoner of war
84. Injuries received or illness contracted on service or training
85. Conveyance of members of Defence Force
Any member of the Defence Force may, in connection with or for the purpose of such member’s service, training or duty, be conveyed by any means whatever as may be ordered by that member’s superior officer.86. Clubs, messes and trading institutions
Clubs, messes and trading institutions for the exclusive use or benefit of -87. Exemption from licence fees, taxes, duties and other fees
88. Non-liability
89. Right of recourse of state in respect of expenditure for injuries of members
90. Suspension awaiting trial, appeal or review
91. Indemnity in respect of trespass and nuisance
No action lies in respect of trespass or nuisance by reason only of the flight of aircraft, being the property of the State in the Defence Force, over any property at a height which, having regard to wind, weather and all the circumstances of the case, is reasonable, or in respect of the ordinary incidents of such flight.92. Presumption as to delivery of notices
A notice sent by registered post to a person’s registered address is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, deemed -93. Act to apply both within and outside Namibia
This Act applies to all members of the Defence Force and of any auxiliary services, medical service or reserve force, whether such members are serving within or outside Namibia, and whenever it is necessary to enforce this Act outside Namibia any sentence, fine or penalty pronounced or imposed for the purpose of such enforcement is as valid and effectual and is carried into effect as if it had been pronounced or imposed in Namibia.94. Repeal of laws, and savings
95. Short title and commencement
This Act is called the Defence Act, 2002, and comes into operation on a date to be determined by the Minister by notice in the Gazette.History of this document
01 January 2014 this version
Amended by
Correctional Service Act, 2012
15 July 2002
Commenced by
Commencement of the Defence Act, 2002
07 June 2002
22 May 2002
Assented to
Cited documents 13
Act 12
1. | Public Service Act, 1995 | 316 citations |
2. | Legal Practitioners Act, 1995 | 255 citations |
3. | Police Act, 1990 | 246 citations |
4. | State Finance Act, 1991 | 153 citations |
5. | Correctional Service Act, 2012 | 117 citations |
6. | Mental Health Act, 1973 | 100 citations |
7. | Births, Marriages and Deaths Registration Act, 1963 | 45 citations |
8. | Married Persons Equality Act, 1996 | 44 citations |
9. | General Law Amendment Act, 1975 | 13 citations |
10. | Second General Law Amendment Act, 1974 | 12 citations |
Proclamation 1
1. | Security Matters Proclamation, 1985 | 1 citation |
Documents citing this one 46
Gazette 22
Proclamation 13
Judgment 6
Act 3
1. | Labour Act, 2007 | 627 citations |
2. | Married Persons Equality Act, 1996 | 44 citations |
3. | Civil Aviation Act, 2016 | 34 citations |
Government Notice 1
1. | General Regulations relating to Namibian Defence Force, 2010 |
Law Reform Report 1
1. | Report on the Abolishment of the Common Law Offences of Sodomy and Unnatural Sexual Offences |
Subsidiary legislation
General Regulations relating to Namibian Defence Force, 2010 | Government Notice 189 of 2010 | 15 November 2017 |