This is the version of this Act as it was from 14 November 2019 to 27 July 2023. Read the latest available version.
Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 2004
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Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 2004
Act 29 of 2004
- Published in Government Gazette 3363 on 31 December 2004
- Assented to on 19 December 2004
- Commenced on 5 May 2009 by Commencement of Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 2004
- [This is the version of this document as it was from 14 November 2019 to 27 July 2023.]
- [Amended by Prevention of Organised Crime Amendment Act, 2008 (Act 10 of 2008) on 31 December 2008]
- [Amended by Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act, 2018 (Act 1 of 2018) on 14 November 2019]
Chapter 1
1. Definitions and interpretation
Chapter 2
2. Offences
3. Penalties
Chapter 3
4. Disguising unlawful origin of property
Any person who knows or ought reasonably to have known that property is or forms part of proceeds of unlawful activities and -5. Assisting another to benefit from proceeds of unlawful activities
A person who knows or ought reasonably to have known that another person has obtained the proceeds of unlawful activities, and who enters into an agreement with anyone or engages in any arrangement or transaction whereby -6. Acquisition, possession or use of proceeds of unlawful activities
Any person who -7. Offences of corporations
Where an offence under section 4, 5 or 6 is committed by a body of persons, whether corporate or incorporate, every person who, at the time of the commission of the offence acted in an official capacity for or on behalf of that body of persons, whether as a director, manager, secretary or other similar office, or was purporting to act in that capacity, commits that offence.8. Jurisdiction in respect of offences
9. Reporting of suspicion regarding proceeds of unlawful activities
Any person who knows or ought reasonably to have known or suspected that -10. Defence
11. Penalties
Chapter 4
12. Gang related offences
13. Penalties
14. Interpretation of member of criminal gang
In considering whether a person is a member of a criminal gang for the purposes of this Act, the court may have regard to all relevant factors, including the following factors, namely that, that person -Part 2 – OTHER OFFENCES
15. [section 15 repealed by section 28(2)(c) of Act 1 of 2018]
16. [section 16 repealed by section 28(2)(c) of Act 1 of 2018]
Chapter 5
17. Definitions and interpretation of Chapter
18. Proceedings are civil, not criminal
19. Confiscation proceedings not affected by forfeiture
A restraint order, preservation of property order or confiscation order may be granted against a person in spite of the fact that separate proceedings in terms of this Chapter or Chapter 6 have been instituted in respect of that person or any property in which that person may have an interest.20. Realisable property
21. Value of property
22. Affected gifts
“(4) The value of an affected gift at the time of the realisation of the property concerned is -
(a) the value of the affected gift at the time when the recipient received it, as adjusted to take into account any subsequent fluctuations in the value of money; or
(b) where subsection (5) applies, the value mentioned in that subsection,
whichever is the greater value.”]
23. Conclusion of proceedings against defendant
For the purposes of this Chapter, the proceedings contemplated in terms of this Chapter against a defendant are concluded -Part 2 – RESTRAINT ORDERS
24. Cases in which restraint orders may be made
25. Restraint orders
26. Provision for expenses from restrained property
27. Variation or rescission of orders
28. Seizure of property subject to restraint order
29. Appointment of curator bonis in respect of property subject to restraint order
30. Endorsement of title deed in respect of immovable property subject to restraint order
31. Variation and rescission of certain orders suspended by appeal
The noting of an appeal against a decision to vary or rescind any order referred to in sections 27(1) and 27(3) suspends that variation or rescission pending the outcome of the appeal.Part 3 – CONFISCATION ORDERS
32. Confiscation orders
33. Anti-disposal order by court
34. Value of proceeds of offences and related criminal activities
35. Statements relating to proceeds of offences and related criminal activities
36. Evidence relating to proceeds of offences and related criminal activities
37. Effect of confiscation order
38. Payment of confiscation order
When a defendant pays the amount ordered under section 32(2), that payment must be made -39. Orders concerning payment of compensation
40. Application of amount paid in satisfaction of confiscation order
The clerk or the registrar of the court where a payment has been made under section 38 must, subject to the overall control and supervision of the court, apply that amount on the defendant’s behalf -41. Procedure where person absconds or dies
42. Order to remain in force pending appeal
An order authorising the seizure of property, or another ancillary order which is in force at the time of any decision by the court in relation to the making of a confiscation order, remains in force pending the outcome of any appeal against the decision concerned.Part 4 – REALISATION OF PROPERTY
43. Realisation of property
44. Orders concerning realised property
45. Application of certain sums of money
46. Exercise of powers by High Court and curator bonis
47. Variation of confiscation orders
48. Effect of sequestration of estates on realisable property
49. Effect of winding up of companies or other juristic persons on realisable property
Chapter 6
50. Proceedings are civil, not criminal
51. Preservation of property orders
52. Notice of preservation of property order
53. Duration of preservation of property order
54. Seizure of property subject to preservation of property order
55. Appointment of curator bonis in respect of property subject to preservation of property order
56. Endorsement of title deed in respect of immovable property subject to preservation of property order
57. Provision for expenses
58. Variation and rescission of orders
59. Application for forfeiture order
60. Failure to give notice
61. Making of forfeiture order
62. Notice that property is concerned in commission of offence
63. Exclusion of interests in property
64. Forfeiture order by default
65. Protection of interests of third parties in forfeited property
66. Appeal against forfeiture order
Any preservation of property order and any order authorising the seizure of the property concerned or ancillary order which is in force at the time of any decision regarding the making of a forfeiture order under section 61(1) remains in force pending the outcome of an appeal against the decision concerned.67. Effect of forfeiture order
68. Fulfillment of forfeiture order
69. Offence may form the basis of multiple orders
The fact that a preservation of property order or a forfeiture order has been made on the basis of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 in which a specific person has been involved, does not prevent the making of another or other preservation of property orders or forfeiture orders on the basis of the same offence.70. Forfeiture proceedings not affected by confiscation proceedings
Proceedings in terms of this Chapter may be instituted in respect of property in spite of the fact that separate proceedings in terms of Chapter 5 have been instituted in respect of the same property or against a person with an interest in that property.71. Application of Chapter to deceased estates
72. Effect of death of joint owner of preserved property
73. Expedition of applications
Chapter 7
74. Establishment of Criminal Assets Recovery Fund
75. Finances of the Fund
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other law -76. Utilisation of Fund and accountability
Chapter 8
77. Establishment of Committee
78. Conditions of service and other benefits of certain members of Committee
A member of the Committee appointed in terms of section 77(2)(e) -79. Meetings of Committee
80. Objects of Committee
The objects of the Committee are to -81. Functions and powers of Committee
82. Other matters to be prescribed
All other matters in connection with the Committee or arising from this Act may be prescribed.Chapter 9
83. Investigations
84. Property tracking orders
85. Warrant to search for and seize tainted property
86. Powers conferred by warrant
87. Request for information
88. Sharing of information
Notwithstanding the Income Tax Act, 1981 (Act No. 24 of 1981), and with regard to any other secrecy provision in similar legislation, whenever any investigation is instituted in terms of this Act, including an investigation into any offence referred to in Schedule 1, and an investigation into the property, financial activities, affairs or business of any person, the Minister responsible for finance or any official designated by him or her for this purpose, must be notified of that investigation with a view to mutual co-operation and the sharing of information.89. Offences relating to misuse of information and other matters
90. Rules of court
91. Procedure for certain applications
92. Functions of curator bonis
93. Staff member may take care of property
Where a court may appoint a curator bonis in terms of this Act, the court may dispense with such an appointment and direct instead that a staff member will, subject to the directions of the court, take care of the property concerned.94. Costs
95. Taxation of costs
96. Maximum legal expenses
97. Jurisdiction in respect of sentence
98. Hearings of court to be open to public
99. Fugitives precluded from participating in proceedings
A person -100. Regulations
101. Limitation of liability
Any person generally or specifically authorised to perform any function in terms of this Act, is not, in his or her personal capacity, liable for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith under this Act.102. Amendment of laws
The International Co-operation in Criminal Matters Act, 2000 (Act No. 9 of 2000), is amended to the extent set out in Schedule 2.103. Short title and commencement
History of this document
28 July 2023
14 November 2019 this version
05 May 2009
31 December 2008
31 December 2004
19 December 2004
Assented to
Cited documents 21
Act 20
1. | Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 | 1953 citations |
2. | Administration of Estates Act, 1965 | 1840 citations |
3. | Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 | 989 citations |
4. | Insolvency Act, 1936 | 733 citations |
5. | Companies Act, 2004 | 459 citations |
6. | Public Service Act, 1995 | 316 citations |
7. | Combating of Rape Act, 2000 | 294 citations |
8. | Legal Practitioners Act, 1995 | 255 citations |
9. | Police Act, 1990 | 246 citations |
10. | Income Tax Act, 1981 | 245 citations |
Proclamation 1
1. | Interpretation of Laws Proclamation, 1920 | 3 citations |
Documents citing this one 367
Gazette 223
Judgment 128
Act 13
1. | Financial Intelligence Act, 2012 | 66 citations |
2. | Child Care and Protection Act, 2015 | 61 citations |
3. | Gaming and Entertainment Control Act, 2018 | 55 citations |
4. | Banking Institutions Act, 2023 | 23 citations |
5. | Microlending Act, 2018 | 18 citations |
6. | International Co-operation in Criminal Matters Act, 2000 | 14 citations |
7. | Deposit Guarantee Act, 2018 | 11 citations |
8. | Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act, 2018 | 8 citations |
9. | Witness Protection Act, 2017 | 8 citations |
10. | Financial Institutions and Markets Act, 2021 | 7 citations |
Government Notice 3
Subsidiary legislation
Rules for High Court regulation proceedings contemplated in chapters 5 and 6 of Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 2004 | Government Notice 79 of 2009 | 5 May 2009 |
Prevention of Organised Crime Regulations | Government Notice 78 of 2009 | 5 May 2009 |