Related documents
- Is commenced by Commencement of Biosafety Act, 2006 and Biosafety Regulations
Biosafety Act, 2006
Act 7 of 2006
- Published in Government Gazette 3763 on 30 December 2006
- Assented to on 22 December 2006
- Commenced on 1 November 2016 by Commencement of Biosafety Act, 2006 and Biosafety Regulations
- [This is the version of this document from 30 December 2006 and includes any amendments published up to 3 January 2025.]
Chapter 1
1. Definitions
2. Objectives
The objectives of this Act are -3. Scope of the Act
This Act is applicable to the following activities involving a GMO or GMO product, namely -4. Act binds the State
This Act binds the State, except a provision imposing criminal liability for an offence.Chapter 2
Biosafety Council
5. Establishment of the Biosafety Council
6. Composition of the Council
7. Alternate members
8. Disqualification
A person is not eligible for appointment as, or to be, a member or alternate member of the Council, if he or she -9. Term of office
10. Vacating of office and filling of vacancy
11. Remuneration
A member or an alternate member, a consultant engaged under section 12(9) or a member of a committee not being a member of the Council, must be paid such remuneration and allowances as the Commission, with the concurrence of the Minister and the Minister responsible for finance, may determine.12. Meetings of the Council
13. Committees
14. Disclosure of interest
15. Functions of the Council
Subject to this Act, the functions of the Council are -Chapter 3
Administration, financing and inspectors
16. Appointment of Registrar and supporting staff
17. Delegation of powers and assignment of duties
The Council may in writing, on such conditions as it may determine, delegate or assign to the Registrar, or any employee assisting the Registrar, any power conferred or duty imposed on the Council by or under this Act.18. Inspectors
19. Financing of Council
Chapter 4
Requirements for dealings with GMOs
20. Person not to deal with GMO or GMO product without a permit
21. Exemptions
The Minister may by regulation -22. Application for permit
23. Risk assessment and risk management plan
24. Procedure of consideration of application
25. Submission of application to the Minister for decision
26. Conditions that may be prescribed or imposed
Without limiting the power of the Council to recommend, and the Minister to impose, permit conditions under section 25(7), or the power of the Minister to prescribe permit conditions, such conditions may relate to -27. Activities to be carried out in facility registered by Council
28. Conditions of registration
The registration of a facility is subject to such conditions as -29. Guidelines on registration of facility
30. Condition as to monitoring and auditing of dealings
31. Duty to furnish certain information to the Council
32. Packaging, labelling, identification and transport
Chapter 5
Suspension, cancellation or variation of permits or of registration of facilities
33. Suspension cancellation or variation of permit
34. Suspension, cancellation or variation of registration of facility
35. Notice of proposed suspension, cancellation or variation
36. Surrender of permit or registration of a facility
The holder of a permit or the owner of a registered facility -Chapter 6
37. Powers of inspectors
38. Routine inspections
An inspector may at any reasonable time without warrant enter the premises of a registered facility or any other premises where dealings with a GMO is authorised to be undertaken under a permit, and may -39. Register
40. Emergency measures
41. Steps after accidental or unintentional release of GMO
42. Report to Minister of notification given under Protocol of unintentional transboundary movement of GMO
The Council must forthwith report to the Minister, in the prescribed manner, any incident where the Council has given notification in accordance with the requirements of the Protocol of any occurrence that has lead or may lead to an unintentional transboundary movement of a GMO that is likely to have significant adverse effects on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.43. Declaration of information to be commercially confidential
44. Revocation of declaration
45. Commercially confidential information must not be disclosed
46. Appeal
47. Offences and competent court orders
48. Forfeiture
49. Regulations
50. Limitation of liability
The Council, a member of the Council or of a committee of the Council, the Registar or any person engaged or assisting in the performance of the functions of the Council, including an inspector or a person engaged as consultant, is not personally liable for any loss or damage occasioned to any person as result of a bona fide performance of any function or duty under this Act.[The word “Registrar” is misspelt in the Government Gazette, as reproduced above.]51. Transitional provisions
Any person who, on the date of commencement of this Act, carries on any activity with or in relation to a GMO or GMO product for which a permit is required by this Act -52. Compliance with other laws
The provisions of this Act are in addition to, and not in substitution for, the requirements of any other law.53. Short title and commencement
History of this document
01 November 2016
30 December 2006 this version
22 December 2006
Assented to
Cited documents 2
Act 2
1. | Regional Councils Act, 1992 | 397 citations |
2. | Research, Science and Technology Act, 2004 | 15 citations |
Documents citing this one 10
Gazette 9
Government Notice 1
1. | Biosafety Regulations, 2016 |
Subsidiary legislation
Biosafety Regulations, 2016 | Government Notice 210 of 2016 | 15 November 2017 |