| Appendices |
I | II | III |
AntilocapridaePronghorns | |
| Antilocapra americana (Only the population of Mexico; no other population is included in the Appendices) | | |
BovidaeAntelopes, cattle, duikers, gazelles, goats, sheep, etc. | |
| Addax nasomaculatus | | |
| | Ammotragus lervia | |
| | | Antilope cervicapra(Nepal, Pakistan) |
| Bos gaurus (Excludes the domesticated form, which is referenced as Bos frontalis, and is not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | | |
| Bos mutus (Excludes the domesticated form, which is referenced as Bos grunniens, and is not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | | |
| Bos sauveli | | |
| | | Boselaphus tragocamelus (Pakistan) |
| | | Bubalus arnee (Excludes the domesticated form, which is referenced as Bubalus bubalis and is not subject to the provisions of the Convention)(Nepal) |
| Bubalus depressicornis | | |
| Bubalus mindorensis | | |
| Bubalus quarlesi | | |
| | Budorcas taxicolor | |
| | Capra caucasica | |
| Capra falconeri | | |
| | | Capra hircus aegagrus (Specimens of the domesticated form are not subject to the provisions of the Convention)(Pakistan) |
| | | Capra sibirica(Pakistan) |
| Capricornis milneedwardsii | | |
| Capricornis rubidus | | |
| Capricornis sumatraensis | | |
| Capricornis thar | | |
| | Cephalophus brookei | |
| | Cephalophus dorsalis | |
| Cephalophus jentinki | | |
| | Cephalophus ogilbyi | |
| | Cephalophus silvicultor | |
| | Cephalophus zebra | |
| | Damaliscus pygargus pygargus | |
| | | Gazella bennettii(Pakistan) |
| Gazella cuvieri | | |
| | | Gazella dorcas(Algeria, Tunisia) |
| Gazella leptoceros | | |
| Hippotragus niger variani | | |
| | Kobus leche | |
| Naemorhedus baileyi | | |
| Naemorhedus caudatus | | |
| Naemorhedus goral | | |
| Naemorhedus griseus | | |
| Nanger dama | | |
| Oryx dammah | | |
| Oryx leucoryx | | |
| | Ovis ammon | |
| | Ovis arabica | |
| | Ovis bochariensis | |
| | Ovis canadensis (Only the population of Mexico; no other population is included in the Appendices) | |
| | Ovis collium | |
| | Ovis cycloceros | |
| | Ovis darwini | |
| Ovis gmelini (Only the population of Cyprus; no other population is included in the Appendices) | | |
| Ovis hodgsonii | | |
| | Ovis jubata | |
| | Ovis karelini | |
| Ovis nigrimontana | | |
| | Ovis polii | |
| | Ovis punjabiensis | |
| | Ovis severtzovi | |
| Ovis vignei | | |
| Pantholops hodgsonii | | |
| | Philantomba monticola | |
| | | Pseudois nayaur(Pakistan) |
| Pseudoryx nghetinhensis | | |
| | Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata | |
| | Saiga borealis (A zero export quota for wild specimens traded for commercial purposes) | |
| | Saiga tatarica (A zero export quota for wild specimens traded for commercial purposes) | |
| | | Tetracerus quadricornis (Nepal) |
CamelidaeCamels, guanacos, vicunas | |
| | Lama guanicoe | |
| Vicugna vicugna [Except the populations of: Argentina (the populations of the Provinces of Jujuy and Catamarca and the semi-captive populations of the Provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan), Chile (population of the Primera Región), Ecuador (the whole population), Peru (the whole population) and the Plurinational State of Bolivia (the whole population), which are included in Appendix II] | | |
| | Vicugna vicugna [Only the populations of Argentina (the populations of the Provinces of Jujuy and Catamarca and the semi-captive populations of the Provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan), Chile (population of the Primera Region), Ecuador (the whole population), Peru (the whole population) and the Plurinational State of Bolivia (the whole population); all other populations are included in Appendix I]1 | |
CervidaeDeer, huemuls, muntjacs, pudus | |
| Axis calamianensis | | |
| Axis kuhlii | | |
| | | Axis porcinus (Except the subspecies included in Appendix I)(Pakistan) |
| Axis porcinus annamiticus | | |
| Blastocerus dichotomus | | |
| | Cervas elaphus bactrianus | |
| | | Cervus elaphus barbarus (Algeria, Tunisia) |
| Cervus elaphus hanglu | | |
| Dama dama mesopotamica | | |
| Hippocamelus spp. | | |
| | | Mazama temama cerasina (Guatemala) |
| Muntiacus crinifrons | | |
| Muntiacus vuquangensis | | |
| | | Odocoileus virginianus mayensis(Guatemala) |
| Ozotoceros bezoarticus | | |
| | Pudu mephistophiles | |
| Pudu puda | | |
| Rucervus duvaucelii | | |
| Rucervus eldii | | |
GiraffidaeGiraffes | |
| | Giraffa camelopardalislio | |
HippopotamidaeHippopotamuses | |
| | Hexaprotodon liberiensis | |
| | Hippopotamus amphibius | |
MoschidaeMusk deer | |
| Moschus spp. (Only the populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan; all other populations are included in Appendix II) | | |
| | Moschus spp. (Except the populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan, which are included in Appendix I) | |
SuidaeBabirusa, hogs, pigs | |
| Babyrousa babyrussa | | |
| Babyrousa bolabatuensis | | |
| Babyrousa celebensis | | |
| Babyrousa togeanensis | | |
| Sus salvanius | | |
TayassuidaePeccaries | |
| | Tayassuidae spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I and the populations of Pecari tajacu of Mexico and the United States of America, which are not included in the Appendices) | |
| Catagonus wagneri | | |
AiluridaeRed pandas | |
| Ailurus fulgens | | |
CanidaeDogs, foxes, wolves | |
| | | Canis aureus(India) |
| Canis lupus (Only the populations of Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan; all other populations are included in Appendix II. Excludes the domesticated form and the dingo which are referenced as Canis lupus familiaris and Canis lupus dingo, respectively, which are not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | | |
| | Canis lupus (Except the populations of Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan, which are included in Appendix I. Excludes the domesticated form and the dingo which are referenced as Canis lupus familiaris and Canis lupus dingo, respectively, which are not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | |
| | Cerdocyon thous | |
| | Chrysocyon brachyurus | |
| | Cuon alpinus | |
| | Lycalopex culpaeus | |
| | Lycalopex fulvipes | |
| | Lycalopex griseus | |
| | Lycalopex gymnocercus | |
| Speothos venaticus | | |
| | | Vulpes bengalensis(India) |
| | Vulpes cana | |
| | | Vulpes vulpes griffithi (India) |
| | | Vulpes vulpes montana (India) |
| | | Vulpes vulpes pusilla(India) |
| | Vulpes zerda | |
EupleridaeFossa, falanouc, Malagasy civets | |
| | Cryptoprocta ferox | |
| | Eupleres goudotii | |
| | Fossa fossana | |
FelidaeCats | |
| | Felidae spp. [Except the species included in Appendix I. Excludes specimens of the domesticated form, which are not subject to the provisions of the Convention. For Panthera leo (African populations): a zero annual export quota is established for specimens of bones, bone pieces, bone products, claws, skeletons, skulls and teeth removed from the wild and traded for commercial purposes. Annual export quotas for trade in bones, bone pieces, bone products, claws, skeletons, skulls and teeth for commercial purposes, derived from captive breeding operations in South Africa, will be established and communicated annually to the CITES Secretariat.] | |
| Acinonyx jubatus (Annual export quotas for live specimens and hunting trophies are granted as follows: Botswana: 5; Namibia: 150; Zimbabwe: 50. The trade in such specimens is subject to the provisions of Article III of the Convention) | | |
| Caracal caracal (Only the population of Asia; all other populations are included in Appendix II) | | |
| Catopuma temminckii | | |
| Felis nigripes | | |
| Herpailurus yagouaroundi (Only the populations of Central and North America; all other populations are included in Appendix II) | | |
| Leopardus geoffroyi | | |
| Leopardus guttulus | | |
| Leopardus jacobita | | |
| Leopardus pardalis | | |
| Leopardus tigrinus | | |
| Leopardus wiedii | | |
| Lynx pardinus | | |
| Neofelis nebulosa | | |
| Panthera leo (Only the populations of India; all other populations are included in Appendix II) | | |
| Panthera onca | | |
| Panthera pardus | | |
| Panthera tigris | | |
| Panthera uncia | | |
| Pardofelis marmorata | | |
| Prionailurus bengalensis bengalensis (Only the populations of Bangladesh, India and Thailand; all other populations are included in Appendix II) | | |
| Prionailurus planiceps | | |
| Prionailurus rubiginosus (Only the population of India; all other populations are included in Appendix II) | | |
| Puma concolor (Only the populations of Costa Rica and Panama; all other populations are included in Appendix II) | | |
HerpestidaeMongooses | |
| | | Herpestes edwardsi(India, Pakistan) |
| | | Herpestes fuscus(India) |
| | | Herpestes javanicus (Pakistan) |
| | | Herpestes javanicus auropunctatus(India) |
| | | Herpestes smithii(India) |
| | | Herpestes urva(India) |
| | | Herpestes vitticollis(India) |
HyaenidaeAardwolf, hyenas | |
| | | Hyaena hyaena(Pakistan) |
| | | Proteles cristata(Botswana) |
MephitidaeSkunks | |
| | Conepatus humboldtii | |
MustelidaeBadgers, martens, otters, weasels, etc. | |
LutrinaeOtters | |
| | Lutrinae spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Aonyx capensis microdon (Only the populations of Cameroon and Nigeria; all other populations are included in Appendix II) | | |
| Aonyx cinerea | | |
| Enhydra lutris nereis | | |
| Lontra felina | | |
| Lontra longicaudis | | |
| Lontra provocax | | |
| Lontra lutra | | |
| Lutra nippon | | |
| Lutrogale perspicillata | | |
| Pteronura brasiliensis | | |
MustelinaeGrisons, honey badgers, martens, tayra, weasels | |
| | | Eira barbara(Honduras) |
| | | Martes flavigula(India) |
| | | Martes foina intermedia (India) |
| | | Martes gwatkinsii(India) |
| | | Mellivora capensis (Botswana) |
| | | Mustela altaica(India) |
| | | Mustela erminea ferghanae (India) |
| | | Mustela kathiah(India) |
| Mustela nigripes | | |
| | | Mustela sibirica(India) |
OdobenidaeWalruses | |
| | | Odobenus rosmarus (Canada) |
OtariidaeFur seals, sealions | |
| | Arctocephalus spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Arctocephalus townsendi | | |
PhocidaeSeals | |
| | Mirounga leonina | |
| Monachus spp. | | |
ProcyonidaeCoatis, kinkajous, olingos | |
| | | Nasua narica(Honduras) |
| | | Nasua nasua solitaria (Uruguay) |
| | | Potos flavus(Honduras) |
UrsidaeBears, giant pandas | |
| | Ursidae spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Ailuropoda melanoleuca | | |
| Helarctos malayanus | | |
| Melursus ursinus | | |
| Tremarctos ornatus | | |
| Ursus arctos (Only the populations of Bhutan, China, Mexico and Mongolia: all other populations are included in Appendix II) | | |
| Ursus arctos isabellinus | | |
| Ursus thibetanus | | |
ViverridaeBinturong, civets, linsangs, otter-civet, palm civets | |
| | | Arctictis binturong(India) |
| | | Civettictis civetta (Botswana) |
| | Cynogale bennettii | |
| | Hemigalus derbyanus | |
| | | Paguma larvata(India) |
| | | Paradoxurus hermaphroditus (India) |
| | | Paradoxurus jerdoni(India) |
| | Prionodon linsang | |
| Prionodon pardicolor | | |
| | | Viverra civettina(India) |
| | | Viverra zibetha(India) |
| | | Viverricula indica(India) |
CETACEADolphins, porpoises, whales | |
| | CETACEA spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I. A zero annual export quota has been established for live specimens from the Black Sea population of Tursiops truncatus removed from the wild and traded for primarily commercial purposes) | |
BalaenidaeBowhead whale, right whales | |
| Balaena mysticetus | | |
| Eubalaena spp. | | |
BalaenopteridaeFin whales, humpback whales, rorquals | |
| Balaenoptera acutorostrata (Except the population of West Greenland, which is included in Appendix II) | | |
| Balaenoptera bonaerensis | | |
| Balaenoptera borealis | | |
| Balaenoptera edeni | | |
| Balaenoptera musculus | | |
| Balaenoptera omurai | | |
| Balaenoptera physalus | | |
| Megaptera novaeangliae | | |
DelphinidaeDolphins | |
| Orcaella brevirostris | | |
| Orcaella heinsohni | | |
| Sotalia spp. | | |
| Sousa spp. | | |
EschrichtiidaeGrey whale | |
| Eschrichtius robustus | | |
IniidaeRiver dolphins | |
| Lipotes vexillifer | | |
NeobalaenidaePygmy right whale | |
| Caperea marginata | | |
PhocoenidaePorpoises | |
| Neophocaena asiaeorientalis | | |
| Neophocaena phocaenoides | | |
| Phocoena sinus | | |
PhyseteridaeSperm whales | |
| Physeter macrocephalus | | |
PlatanistidaeRiver dolphins | |
| Platanista spp. | | |
ZiphiidaeBeaked whales, bottle-nosed whales | |
| Berardius spp. | | |
| Hyperoodon spp. | | |
PhyllostomidaeBroad-nosed bats | |
| | | Platyrrhinus lineatus (Uruguay) |
PteropodidaeFruit bats, flying foxes | |
| | Acerodon spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Acerodon jubatus | | |
| | Pteropus spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I and Pteropus brunneus) | |
| Pteropus insularis | | |
| Pteropus loochoensis | | |
| Pteropus mariannus | | |
| Pteropus molossinus | | |
| Pteropus pelewensis | | |
| Pteropus pilosus | | |
| Pteropus samoensis | | |
| Pteropus tonganus | | |
| Pteropus ualanus | | |
| Pteropus yapensis | | |
DasypodidaeArmadillos | |
| | | Cabassous tatouay (Uruguay) |
| | Chaetophractus nationi (A zero annual export quota has been established. All specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly) | |
| Priodontes maximus | | |
DasyuridaeDunnarts | |
| Sminthopsis longicaudata | | |
| Sminthopsis psammophila | | |
MacropodidaeKangaroos, wallabies | |
| | Dendrolagus inustus | |
| | Dendrolagus ursinus | |
| Lagorchestes hirsutus | | |
| Lagostrophus fasciatus | | |
| Onychogalea fraenata | | |
PhalangeridaeCuscuses | |
| | Phalanger intercastellanus | |
| | Phalanger mimicus | |
| | Phalanger orientalis | |
| | Spilocuscus kraemeri | |
| | Spilocuscus maculatus | |
| | Spilocuscus papuensis | |
PotoroidaeRat-kangaroos | |
| Bettongia spp. | | |
VombatidaeWombats | |
| Lasiorhinus krefftii | | |
LeporidaeHares, rabbits | |
| Caprolagus hispidus | | |
| Romerolagus diazi | | |
TachyglossidaeEchidnas, spiny anteaters | |
| | Zaglossus spp. | |
PeramelidaeBandicoots, echymiperas | |
| Peramles bougainville | | |
ThylacomyidaeBilbies | |
| Macrotis lagotis | | |
EquidaeHorses, wild asses, zebras | |
| Equus qfricanus (Excludes the domesticated form, which is referenced as Equus asinus, and is not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | | |
| Equus grevyi | | |
| | Equus hemionus (Except the subspecies included in Appendix I) | |
| Equus hemionus hemionus | | |
| Equus hemionus khur | | |
| | Equus kiang | |
| Equus przewalskii | | |
| | Equus zebra hartmannae | |
| | Equus zebra zebra | |
RhinocerotidaeRhinoceroses | |
| Rhinocerotidae spp. (Except the subspecies included in Appendix II) | | |
| | Ceratotherium simum simum (Only the populations of Eswatini and South Africa; all other populations are included in Appendix I. For the exclusive purpose of allowing international trade in live animals to appropriate and acceptable destinations and hunting trophies. All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly) | |
TapiridaeTapirs | |
| Tapiridae spp. (Except the species included in Appendix II) | | |
| | Tapirus terrestris | |
ManidaePangolins | |
| | Manis spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Manis crassicaudata | | |
| Manis culionensis | | |
| Manis gigantea | | |
| Manis javanica | | |
| Manis pentadactyla | | |
| Manis temminckii | | |
| Manis tetradactyla | | |
| Manis tricuspis | | |
BradypodidaeThree-toed sloths | |
| | Bratypus pygmaeus | |
| | Bratypus variegatus | |
MyrmecophagidaeAmerican anteaters | |
| | Myrmecophaga tridactyla | |
| | | Tamandua mexicana (Guatemala) |
PRIMATESApes, monkeys | |
| | PRIMATES spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
AtelidaeHowler monkeys, spider monkeys | |
| Alouatta coibensis | | |
| Alouatta palliata | | |
| Alouatta pigra | | |
| Ateles geoffroyi frontatus | | |
| Ateles geoffroyi ornatus | | |
| Brachyteles arachnoides | | |
| Brachyteles hypoxanthus | | |
| Oreonax flavicauda | | |
CebidaeMarmosets, tamarins, new-world monkeys | |
| Callimico goeldii | | |
| Callithrix aurita | | |
| Callithrix flaviceps | | |
| Leontopithecus spp. | | |
| Saguinus bicolor | | |
| Saguinus geoffroyi | | |
| Saguinus leucopus | | |
| Saguinus martinsi | | |
| Saguinus oedipus | | |
| Saimiri oerstedii | | |
CercopithecidaeOld-world monkeys | |
| Cercocebus galeritus | | |
| Cercopithecus diana | | |
| Cercopithecus roloway | | |
| Macaca silenus | | |
| Macaca sylvanus | | |
| Mandrillus leucophaeus | | |
| Mandrillus sphinx | | |
| Nasalis larvatus | | |
| Piliocolobus kirkii | | |
| Piliocolobus rufomitratus | | |
| Presbytis potenziani | | |
| Pygathrix spp. | | |
| Rhinopithecus spp. | | |
| Semnopithecus ajax | | |
| Semnopithecus dussumieri | | |
| Semnopithecus entellus | | |
| Semnopithecus hector | | |
| Semnopithecus hypoleucos | | |
| Semnopithecus priam | | |
| Semnopithecus schistaceus | | |
| Simias concolor | | |
| Trachypithecus geei | | |
| Trachypithecus pileatus | | |
| Trachypithecus shortridgei | | |
CheirogaleidaeDwarf lemurs | |
| Cheirogaleidae spp. | | |
DaubentoniidaeAye-aye | |
| Daubentonia madagascariensis | | |
HominidaeApes, chimpanzees, gorillas, orang-utans | |
| Gorilla beringei | | |
| Gorilla gorilla | | |
| Pan spp. | | |
| Pongo abelii | | |
| Pongo pygmaeus | | |
HylobatidaeGibbons | |
| Hylobatidae spp. | | |
IndriidaeIndris, sifakas, woolly lemurs | |
| Indriidae spp. | | |
LemuridaeLarge lemurs | |
| Lemuridae spp. | | |
LepilemuridaeSportive lemurs | |
| Lepilemuridae spp. | | |
LorisidaeLorises | |
| Nycticebus spp. | | |
PitheciidaeSakis, uakaris | |
| Cacajao spp. | | |
| Chiropotes albinasus | | |
ElephantidaeElephants | |
| Elephas maximus | | |
| Loxodonta africana (Except the populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, which are included in Appendix II subject to annotation 2) | | |
| | Loxodonta africana2 (Only the populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe; all other populations are included in Appendix I) | |
ChinchillidaeChinchillas | |
| Chinchilla spp. (Specimens of the domesticated form are not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | | |
CuniculidaePacas | |
| | | Cuniculus paca(Honduras) |
DasyproctidaeAgoutis | |
| | | Dasyprocta punctata (Honduras) |
ErethizontidaeNew-world porcupines | |
| | | Sphiggurus mexicanus (Honduras) |
| | | Sphiggurus spinosus (Uruguay) |
MuridaeMice, rats | |
| Leporillus conditor | | |
| Pseudomys fieldi | | |
| Xeromys myoides | | |
| Zyzomys pedunculatus | | |
SciuridaeGround squirrels, tree squirrels | |
| Cynomys mexicanus | | |
| | | Marmota caudata(India) |
| | | Marmota himalayana (India) |
| | Ratufa spp. | |
| | | |
SCANDENTIATree shrews | |
| | SCANDENTIA spp. | |
DugongidaeDugong | |
| Dugong dugon | | |
TrichechidaeManatees | |
| Trichechus inunguis | | |
| Trichechus manatus | | |
| Trichechus senegalensis | | |
AnatidaeDucks, geese, swans, etc. | |
| Anas aucklandica | | |
| | Anas bernieri | |
| Anas chlorotis | | |
| | Anas formosa | |
| Anas laysanensis | | |
| Anas nesiotis | | |
| Asarcornis scutulata | | |
| Branta canadensis leucopareia | | |
| | Branta ruficollis | |
| Branta sandvicensis | | |
| | Coscoroba coscoroba | |
| | Cygnus melancoryphus | |
| | Dendrocygna arborea | |
| | | Dendrocygna autumnalis (Honduras) |
| | | Dendrocygna bicolor (Honduras) |
| | Oxyura leucocephala | |
| Rhodonessa caryophyllacea | | |
| | Sarkidiornis melanotos | |
TrochilidaeHummingbirds | |
| | Trochdidae spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Glaucis dohrnii | | |
BurhinidaeThick-knees | |
| | | Burhinus bistriatus (Guatemala) |
LaridaeGulls | |
| Larus relictus | | |
ScolopacidaeCurlews, greenshanks | |
| Numenius borealis | | |
| Numenius tenuirostris | | |
| Tringa guttifer | | |
BalaenicipitidaeShoebills, whale-headed storks | |
| | Balaeniceps rex | |
CiconiidaeStorks | |
| Ciconia boyciana | | |
| | Ciconia nigra | |
| Jabiru mycteria | | |
| Mycteria cinerea | | |
PhoenicopteridaeFlamingos | |
| | Phoenicopteridae spp. | |
ThreskiornithidaeIbises, spoonbills | |
| | Eudocimus ruber | |
| | Geronticus calvus | |
| Geronticus eremita | | |
| Nipponia nippon | | |
| | Platalea leucorodia | |
ColumbidaeDoves, pigeons | |
| Caloenas nicobarica | | |
| Ducula mindorensis | | |
| | Gallicolumba luzonica | |
| | Goura spp. | |
| | | Nesoenas mayeri (Mauritius) |
BucerotidaeHornbills | |
| | Aceros spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Aceros nipalensis | | |
| | Anorrhinus spp. | |
| | Anthracoceros spp. | |
| | Berenicornis spp. | |
| | Buceros spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Buceros bicornis | | |
| | Penelopides spp. | |
| Rhinoplax vigil | | |
| | Rhyticeros spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Rhyticeros subruficollis | | |
MusophagidaeTuracos | |
| | Tauraco spp. | |
FALCONIFORMESEagles, falcons, hawks, vultures | |
| | FALCONIFORMES spp. (Except Caracara lutosa and the species of the family Cathartidae, which are not included in the Appendices; and the species included in Appendices I and III) | |
AccipitridaeHawks, eagles | |
| Aquila adalberti | | |
| Aquila heliaca | | |
| Chondrohierax uncinatus wilsonii | | |
| Haliaeetus albicilla | | |
| Harpia harpyja | | |
| Pithecophaga jefferyi | | |
CathartidaeNew-world vultures | |
| Gymnogyps Californianus | | |
| | | Sarcoramphus papa (Honduras) |
| Vultur gryphus | | |
FalconidaeFalcons | |
| Falco araeus | | |
| Falco jugger | | |
| Falco newtoni (Only the population of Seychelles) | | |
| Falco pelegrinoides | | |
| Falco peregrinus | | |
| Falco punctatus | | |
| Falco rusticolus | | |
CracidaeChachalacas, currassows, guans | |
| | | Crax alberti(Colombia) |
| Crax blumenbachii | | |
| | | Crax daubentoni (Colombia) |
| | | Crax globulosa(Colombia) |
| | | Crax rubra(Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras) |
| Mitu mitu | | |
| Oreophasis derbianus | | |
| | | Ortalis vetula(Guatemala, Honduras) |
| | | Pauxi pauxi(Colombia) |
| Penelope albipennis | | |
| | | Penelope purpurascens (Honduras) |
| | | Penelopina nigra (Guatemala) |
| Pipile jacutinga | | |
| Pipile pipile | | |
MegapodiidaeMegapodes, scrubfowl | |
| Macrocephalon maleo | | |
PhasianidaeGrouse, guineafowl, partridges, peafowl, pheasants, tragopans | |
| | Argusianus argus | |
| Catreus wallichii | | |
| Colinus virginianus ridgwayi | | |
| Crossoptilon crossoptilon | | |
| Crossoptilon mantchuricum | | |
| | Gallus sonneratii | |
| | Ithaginis cruentus | |
| Lophophorus impejanus | | |
| Lophophorus lhuysii | | |
| Lophophorus sclateri | | |
| Lophura edwardsi | | |
| | | Lophura leucomelanos (Pakistan) |
| Lophura swinhoii | | |
| | | Meleagris ocellata (Guatemala) |
| | | Pavo cristatus(Pakistan) |
| | Pavo muticus | |
| | Polyplectron bicalcaratum | |
| | Polyplectron germaini | |
| | Polyplectron malacense | |
| Polyplectron napoleonis | | |
| | Polyplectron schleiermacheri | |
| | | Pucrasia macrolopha (Pakistan) |
| Rheinardia ocellata | | |
| Syrmaticus ellioti | | |
| Syrmaticus humiae | | |
| Syrmaticus mikado | | |
| | Syrmaticus reevesii | |
| Tetraogallus caspias | | |
| Tetraogallus tibetanus | | |
| Tragopan blythii | | |
| Tragopan caboti | | |
| Tragopan melanocephalus | | |
| | | Tragopan satyra(Nepal) |
| | Tympanuchus cupido attwateri | |
GruidaeCranes | |
| | Gruidae spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Balearica pavonina | | |
| Grus americana | | |
| Grus canadensis nesiotes | | |
| Grus canadensis pulla | | |
| Grus japonensis | | |
| Grus leucogeranus | | |
| Grus monacha | | |
| Grus nigricollis | | |
| Grus vipio | | |
OtididaeBustards | |
| | Otididae spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Ardeotis nigriceps | | |
| Chlamydotis macqueenii | | |
| Chlamydotis undulata | | |
| Houbaropsis bengalensis | | |
RallidaeRails | |
| Gallirallus sylvestris | | |
RhynochetidaeKagu | |
| Rhynochetos jubatus | | |
AtrichornithidaeScrub-birds | |
| Atrichornis clamosus | | |
CotingidaeCotingas | |
| | | Cephalopterus ornatus (Colombia) |
| | | Cephalopterus penduliger (Colombia) |
| Cotinga maculata | | |
| | Rupicola spp. | |
| Xipholena atropurpurea | | |
EmberizidaeCardinals, tanagers | |
| | Gubernatrix cristata | |
| | Paroaria capitata | |
| | Paroaria coronata | |
| | Tangara fastuosa | |
EstrildidaeMannikins, waxbills | |
| | Amandava formosa | |
| | Lonchura oryzivora | |
| | Poephila cincta cincta | |
FringillidaeFinches | |
| Carduelis cucullata | | |
| | Carduelis yarrellii | |
HirundinidaeMartins | |
| Pseudochelidon sirintarae | | |
IcteridaeNew-world blackbirds | |
| Xanthopsar flavus | | |
MeliphagidaeHoneyeaters | |
| | Lichenostomus melanops cassidix | |
MuscicapidaeOld-world flycatchers | |
| | | Acrocephalus rodericanus (Mauritius) |
| | Cyornis ruckii | |
| | Dasyornis broadbenti litoralis | |
| | Dasyornis longirostris | |
| | Garrulax canorus | |
| | Garrulax taewanus | |
| | Leiothrix argentauris | |
| | Leiothrix lutea | |
| | Liocichla omeiensis | |
| Picathartes gymnocephalus | | |
| Picathartes oreas | | |
| | | Terpsiphone bourbonnensis (Mauritius) |
ParadisaeidaeBirds of paradise | |
| | Paradisaeidae spp. | |
PittidaePittas | |
| | Pitta guajana | |
| Pitta gurneyi | | |
| Pitta kochi | | |
| | Pitta nympha | |
PycnonotidaeBulbuls | |
| Pycnonotus zeylanicus | | |
SturnidaeMynas, starlings | |
| | Gracula religiosa | |
| Leucopsar rothschildi | | |
ZosteropidaeWhite-eyes | |
| Zosterops albogularis | | |
FregatidaeFrigatebirds | |
| Fregata andrewsi | | |
PelecanidaePelicans | |
| Pelecanus crispus | | |
SulidaeGannets | |
| Papasula abbotti | | |
CapitonidaeBarbets | |
| | | Semnornis ramphastinus (Colombia) |
PicidaeWoodpeckers | |
| Dryocopus javensis richardsi | | |
RamphastidaeToucans | |
| | | Baillonius bailloni (Argentina) |
| | Pteroglossus aracari | |
| | | Pteroglossus castanotis (Argentina) |
| | Pteroglossus viridis | |
| | | Ramphastos dicolorus (Argentina) |
| | Ramphastos sulfuratus | |
| | Ramphastos toco | |
| | Ramphastos tucanus | |
| | Ramphastos vitellinus | |
| | | Selenidera maculirostris (Argentina) |
PodicipedidaeGrebes | |
| Podifymbus gigas | | |
DiomedeidaeAlbatrosses | |
| Phoebastria albatrus | | |
| | PSITTACIFORMES spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I and Agapornis roseicollis, Melopsittacus undulatus, Nymphicus hollandicus and Psittacula krameri, which are not included in the Appendices) | |
CacatuidaeCockatoos | |
| Cacatua goffiniana | | |
| Cacatua haemtruropygia | | |
| Cacatua moluccensis | | |
| Cacatua sulphurea | | |
| Probosciger aterrimus | | |
LoriidaeLories, lorikeets | |
| Eos histrio | | |
| Vini ultramarina | | |
PsittacidaeAmazons, macaws, parakeets, parrots | |
| Amazona arausiaca | | |
| Amazona auropalliata | | |
| Amazona barbadensis | | |
| Amazona brasiliensis | | |
| Amazona finschi | | |
| Amazona guildingii | | |
| Amazona imperials | | |
| Amazona leucocephala | | |
| Amazona oratrix | | |
| Amazona pretrei | | |
| Amazona rhodocorytha | | |
| Amazona tucumana | | |
| Amazona versicolor | | |
| Amazona vinacea | | |
| Amazona viridigenalis | | |
| Amazona vittata | | |
| Anodorhynchus spp. | | |
| Ara ambiguus | | |
| Ara glaucogularis | | |
| Ara macao | | |
| Ara militaris | | |
| Ara rubrogenys | | |
| Cyanopsitta spixii | | |
| Cyanoramphus cookii | | |
| Cyanoramphus forbesi | | |
| Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae | | |
| Cyanoramphus saisseti | | |
| Cyclopsiita diophthalma coxeni | | |
| Eunymphicus cornutus | | |
| Guarouba guarouba | | |
| Neophema chrysogaster | | |
| Ognorhynchus icterotis | | |
| Pezoporus occidentalis | | |
| Pezoporus wallicus | | |
| Pionopsitta pileata | | |
| Primolius couloni | | |
| Primolius maracana | | |
| Psephotus chrysopterygius | | |
| Psephotus dissimilis | | |
| Psephotus pulcherrimus | | |
| Psittacula echo | | |
| Psittacus erithacus | | |
| Pyrrhura cruentata | | |
| Rhynchopsitta spp. | | |
| Strigops habroptilus | | |
RheidaeRheas | |
| Pterocnemia pennata (Except Pterocnemia pennata pennata which is included in Appendix II) | | |
| | Pterocnemia pennata pennata | |
| | Rhea americana | |
SpheniscidaePenguins | |
| | Spheniscus demersus | |
| Spheniscus humboldti | | |
| | STRIGIFORMES spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I and Sceloglaux albifacies) | |
StrigidaeOwls | |
| Heteroglaux blewitti | | |
| Mimizuku gurneyi | | |
| Ninox natalis | | |
TytonidaeBarn owls | |
| Tyto soumagnei | | |
StruthionidaeOstriches | |
| Struthio camelus (Only the populations of Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, the Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and the Sudan; all other populations are not included in the Appendices) | | |
TinamidaeTinamous | |
| Tinamus solitarius | | |
TrogonidaeQuetzals | |
| Pharomachrus mocinno | | |
CROCODYLIAAlligators, caimans, crocodiles | |
| | CROCODYLIA spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
AlligatoridaeAlligators, caimans | |
| Alligator sinensis | | |
| Caiman crocodilus apaporiensis | | |
| Caiman latirostris (Except the population of Argentina, which is included in Appendix II) | | |
| Melanosuchus niger (Except the population of Brazil, which is included in Appendix II, and the population of Ecuador, which is included in Appendix II and is subject to a zero annual export quota until an annual export quota has been approved by the CITES Secretariat and the IUCN/ SSC Crocodile Specialist Group) | | |
CrocodylidaeCrocodiles | |
| Crocodylus acutus (Except the population of the Integrated Management District of Mangroves of the Bay of Cispata, Tinajones, La Balsa and Surrounding Areas. Department of Córdoba, Colombia, and the population of Cuba, which are included in Appendix II; and the population of Mexico, which is included in Appendix II and is subject to a zero-export quota for wild specimens for commercial purposes) | | |
| Crocodylus cataphractus | | |
| Crocodylus intermedius | | |
| Crocodylus mindorensis | | |
| Crocodylus moreletii (Except the population of Belize, which is included in Appendix II with a zero quota for wild specimens traded for commercial purposes, and the population of Mexico, which is included in Appendix II) | | |
| Crocodylus niloticus [Except the populations of Botswana, Egypt (subject to a zero quota for wild specimens traded for commercial purposes), Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (subject to an annual export quota of no more than 1,600 wild specimens including hunting trophies, in addition to ranched specimens), Zambia and Zimbabwe, which are included in Appendix II] | | |
| Crocodylus palustris | | |
| Crocodylus porosus {Except the populations of Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia [wild harvest restricted to the State of Sarawak and a zero quota for wild specimens for the other States of Malaysia (Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia), with no change in the zero quota unless approved by the Parties] and Papua New Guinea, which are included in Appendix II} | | |
| Crocodylus rhombifer | | |
| Crocodylus siamensis | | |
| Osteolaemus tetraspis | | |
| Tomistoma schlegelii | | |
GavialidaeGavials | |
| Gavialis gangeticus | | |
SphenodontidaeTuataras | |
| Sphenodon spp. | | |
AgamidaeSpiny-tailed lizards, agamas | |
| | Ceratophora aspera (Zero quota for wild specimens for commercial purposes) | |
| Ceratophora erdeleni | | |
| Ceratophora karu | | |
| | Ceratophora stoddartii (Zero quota for wild specimens for commercial purposes) | |
| Ceratophora tennentii | | |
| Cophotis ceylanica | | |
| Cophotis dumbara | | |
| | Lyriocephalus scutatus (Zero quota for wild specimens for commercial purposes) | |
| | Saara spp. | |
| | Uromastyx spp. | |
AnguidaeAlligator lizards | |
| | Abronia spp. [Except the species included in Appendix I (zero export quota for wild specimens for Abronia aurita, A. gaiophantasma, A. montecristoi, A. salvadorensis and A. vasconcelosii)] | |
| Abronia anzuetoi | | |
| Abronia campbelli | | |
| Abronia fimbriata | | |
| Abronia frosti | | |
| Abronia meledona | | |
ChamaeleonidaeChameleons | |
| | Archaius spp. | |
| | Bradypodion spp. | |
| | Brookesia spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Brookesia perarmata | | |
| | Calumma spp. | |
| | Chamaeleo spp. | |
| | Furcifer spp. | |
| | Kinyongia spp. | |
| | Nadzikambia spp. | |
| | Palleon spp. | |
| | Rhampholeon spp. | |
| | Rieppeleon spp. | |
| | Trioceros spp. | |
CordylidaeSpiny-tailed lizards | |
| | Cordylus spp. | |
| | Hemicordylus spp. | |
| | Karusaurus spp. | |
| | Namazonurus spp. | |
| | Ninurta spp. | |
| | Ouroborus spp. | |
| | Pseudocordylus spp. | |
| | Smaug spp. | |
GekkonidaeGeckos | |
| Cnemaspis psychedelica | | |
| | | Dactylocnemis spp.(New Zealand) |
| | Gekko gecko | |
| Gonatodes daudini | | |
| | | Hoplodactylus spp.(New Zealand) |
| Lygodactytus williamsi | | |
| | | Mokopirirakau spp.(New Zealand) |
| | Nactus serpensinsula | |
| | Naultinus spp. | |
| | Paroedura androyensis | |
| | Paroedura masobe | |
| | Phelsuma spp. | |
| | Rhoptropella spp. | |
| | | Sphaerodactylus armasi(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus celicara(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus dimorphicus(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus intermedius(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus nigropunctatus alayoi(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus nigropunctatus granti(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus nigropunctatus lissodesmus(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus nigropunctatus ocujal(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus nigropunctatus strategus(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus notatus atactus(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus oliveri(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus pimienta(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus ruibali(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus siboney(Cuba) |
| | | Sphaerodactylus torrei(Cuba) |
| | | Toropuku spp.(New Zealand) |
| | | Tukutuku spp.(New Zealand) |
| | Uroplatus spp. | |
| | | woodworthia spp.(New Zealand) |
HelodermatidaeBeaded lizards, gila monsters | |
| | Heloderma spp. (Except the subspecies included in Appendix I) | |
| Heloderma horridum charlesbogerti | | |
IguanidaeIguanas | |
| | Amblyrhynchus cristatus | |
| Brachylophus spp. | | |
| | Conolophus spp. | |
| | Ctenosaura spp. | |
| Cyclura spp. | | |
| | Iguana spp. | |
| | Phrynosoma blainvillii | |
| | Phrynosoma cerroense | |
| | Phrynosoma coronatum | |
| | Phrynosoma wigginsi | |
| Sauromalus varius | | |
LacertidaeLizards | |
| Gallotia simonyi | | |
| | Podarcis lilfordi | |
| | Podarcis pityusensis | |
LanthanotidaeEarless monitor lizards | |
| | Lanthanotidae spp. (Zero export quota for wild specimens for commercial purposes) | |
PolychrotidaeAnoles | |
| | | Anolis agueroi (Cuba) |
| | | Anolis baracoae (Cuba) |
| | | Anolis barbatus (Cuba) |
| | | Anolis chamaeleonides (Cuba) |
| | | Anolis equestris (Cuba) |
| | | Anolis guamuhaya (Cuba) |
| | | Anolis luteogularis (Cuba) |
| | | Anolis pigmaequestris (Cuba) |
| | | Anolis porcus(Cuba) |
ScincidaeSkinks | |
| | Corucia zebrata | |
TeiidaeCaiman lizards, tegu lizards | |
| | Crocodilurus amazonicus | |
| | Dracaena spp. | |
| | Salvator spp. | |
| | Tupinambis spp. | |
VaranidaeMonitor lizards | |
| | Varanus spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Varanus bengalensis | | |
| Varanus flavescens | | |
| Varanus griseus | | |
| Varanus komodoensis | | |
| Varanus nebulosus | | |
XenosauridaeChinese crocodile lizard | |
| Shinisaurus crocodilurus | | |
BoidaeBoas | |
| | Boidae spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Acrantophis spp. | | |
| Boa constrictor occidentalis | | |
| Epicrates inornatus | | |
| Epicrates monensis | | |
| Epicrates subflavus | | |
| Sanzinia madagascariensis | | |
BolyeriidaeRound Island boas | |
| | Bolyeriidae spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Bolyeria multocarinata | | |
| Casarea dussumieri | | |
ColubridaeTypical snakes, water snakes, whipsnakes | |
| | | Atretium schistosum(India) |
| | | Cerberus rynchops(India) |
| | Clelia clelia | |
| | Cyclagras gigas | |
| | Elachistodon westermanni | |
| | Ptyas mucosus | |
| | | Xenochrophis piscator (India) |
| | | Xenochrophis schnurrenbergeri(India) |
| | | Xenochrophis tytleri (India) |
ElapidaeCobras, coral snakes | |
| | Hoplocephalus bungaroides | |
| | | Micrurus diastema (Honduras) |
| | | Micrurus nigrocinctus (Honduras) |
| | | Micrurus ruatanus (Honduras) |
| | Naja atra | |
| | Naja kaouthia | |
| | Naja mandalayensis | |
| | Naja naja | |
| | Naja oxiana | |
| | Naja philippinensis | |
| | Naja sagittifera | |
| | Naja samarensis | |
| | Naja siamensis | |
| | Naja sputatrix | |
| | Naja sumatrana | |
| | Ophiophagus hannah | |
LoxocemidaeMexican dwarf boas | |
| | Loxocemidae spp. | |
PythonidaePythons | |
| | Pythonidae spp. (Except the subspecies included in Appendix I) | |
| Python molurus molurus | | |
TropidophiidaeWood boas | |
| | Tropidophiidae spp. | |
ViperidaeVipers | |
| | Atheris desaixi | |
| | Bitis worthingtoni | |
| | | Crotalus durissus (Honduras) |
| | | Daboia russelii(India) |
| | Pseudocerastes urarachnoides | |
| | Trimeresurus mangshanensis | |
| Vipera ursinii (Only the population of Europe, except the area which formerly constituted the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; these latter populations are not included in the Appendices) | | |
| | Vipera wagneri | |
CarettochelyidaePig-nosed turtles | |
| | Carettochelys insculpta | |
ChelidaeAustro-American sideneck turtles | |
| | Chelodina mccordi (Zero export quota for specimens from the wild) | |
| Pseudemydura umbrina | | |
CheloniidaeSea turtles | |
| Cheloniidae spp. | | |
ChelydridaeSnapping turtles | |
| | | Chelydra serpentina (United States of America) |
| | | Macrochelys temminckii (United States of America) |
DermatemydidaeCentral American river turtles | |
| | Dermatemys mawii | |
DermochetyidaeLeatherback turtles | |
| Dermochelys coriacea | | |
EmydidaeBox turtles, freshwater turtles | |
| | Clemmys guttata | |
| | Emydoidea blandingii | |
| | Glyptemys insculpta | |
| Glyptemys muhlenbergii | | |
| | | Graptemys spp.(United States of America) |
| | Malaclemys terrapin | |
| | Terrapene spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Terrapene coahuila | | |
GeoemydidaeBox turtles, freshwater turtles | |
| Batagur affinis | | |
| Batagur baska | | |
| | Batagur borneoensis (Zero quota for wild specimens for commercial purposes) | |
| | Batagur dhongoka | |
| | Batagur kachuga | |
| | Batagur trivittata (Zero quota for wild specimens for commercial purposes) | |
| | Cuora spp. (Zero quota for wild specimens for commercial purposes for Cuora aurocapitata, C. flavomarginata, C. galbinifrons, C. mccordi, C. mouhotii, C. pani, C. trifasciata, C. yunnanensis and C. zhoui) | |
| Cuora bourreti | | |
| Cuora picturata | | |
| | Cyclemys spp. | |
| Geoclemys hamiltonii | | |
| | Geoemyda japonica | |
| | Geoemyda spengleri | |
| | Hardella thurjii | |
| | Heosemys annandalii (Zero quota for wild specimens for commercial purposes) | |
| | Heosemys depressa (Zero quota for wild specimens for commercial purposes) | |
| | Heosemys grandis | |
| | Heosemys spinosa | |
| | Leucocephalon yuwonoi | |
| | Malayemys macrocephala | |
| | Malayemys subtrijuga | |
| Mauremys annamensis | | |
| | | Mauremys iversoni(China) |
| | Mauremys japonica | |
| | | Mauremys megalocephala (China) |
| | Mauremys mutica | |
| | Mauremys nigricans | |
| | | Maureniys pritchardi (China) |
| | | Maureniys reevesii(China) |
| | | Mauremys sinensis(China) |
| Melanochelys tricarinata | | |
| | Melanochelys trijuga | |
| Morenia ocellata | | |
| | Morenia petersi | |
| | Notochelys platynota | |
| | | Ocadia glyphistoma(China) |
| | | Ocadia philippeni(China) |
| | Orlitia borneensis (Zero quota for wild specimens for commercial purposes) | |
| | Pangshura spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Pangshura tecta | | |
| | Sacalia bealei | |
| | | Sacalia pseudocellata (China) |
| | Sacalia quadriocellata | |
| | Siebenrockiella crassicollis | |
| | Siebenrockiella leytensis | |
| | Vijayachelys silvatica | |
PlatysternidaeBig-headed turtles | |
| Platystenidae spp. | | |
PodocnemididaeAfro-American sideneck turtles | |
| | Erymnochelys madagascariensis | |
| | Peltocephalus dumerilianus | |
| | Podocnemis spp. | |
TestudinidaeTortoises | |
| | Testudinidae spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I. A zero annual expoit quota has been established for Centrochelys sulcata for specimens removed from the wild and traded for primarily commercial purposes) | |
| Astrochelys radiata | | |
| Astrochelys yniphora | | |
| Chelonoidis niger | | |
| Geochelone elegans | | |
| Geochelone platynota | | |
| Gopherus flavomarginatus | | |
| Malacochersus tornieri | | |
| Psammobates geometricus | | |
| Pyxis arachnoides | | |
| Pyxis planicauda | | |
| Testudo kleinmanni | | |
TrionychidaeSoftshell turtles | |
| | Amyda cartilaginea | |
| | | Apalone ferox(United States of America) |
| | | Apalone mutica(United States of America) |
| | | Apalone spinifera (Except the subspecies included in Appendix I)(United States of America) |
| Apalone spinifera atra | | |
| | Chitra spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Chitra chitra | | |
| Chitra vandijki | | |
| | Cyclanorbis elegans | |
| | Cyclanorbis senegalensis | |
| | Cycloderma aubryi | |
| | Cycloderma frenatum | |
| | Dogania subplana | |
| | Lissemys ceylonensis | |
| | Lissemys punctata | |
| | Lissemys scutata | |
| | Nilssonia formosa | |
| Nilssonia gangetica | | |
| Nilssonia hurum | | |
| | Nilssonia leithii | |
| Nilssonia nigricans | | |
| | Palea steindachneri | |
| | Pelochelys spp. | |
| | Pelodiscus axenaria | |
| | Pelodiscus maackii | |
| | Pelodiscus parviformis | |
| | Rafetus euphraticus | |
| | Rafetus swinhoei | |
| | Trionyx triunguis | |
AromobatidaeCryptic forest frogs | |
| | Allobates femoralis | |
| | Allobates hodli | |
| | Allobates myersi | |
| | Allobates zaparo | |
| | Anomaloglossus rufulus | |
BufonidaeToads | |
| Amietophrynus channingi | | |
| Amietophrynus superciliaris | | |
| Altiphrynoides spp. | | |
| Atelopus zeteki | | |
| Incilius periglenes | | |
| Nectophrynoides spp. | | |
| Nimbaphrynoides spp. | | |
CalyptocephalellidaeChilean toads | |
| | | Calyptocephalella gayi (Chile) |
DendrobatidaePoison frogs | |
| | Adelphobates spp. | |
| | Ameerega spp. | |
| | Andinobates spp. | |
| | Dendrobates spp. | |
| | Epipedobates spp. | |
| | Excidobates spp. | |
| | Hyloxalus azureivenitris | |
| | Minyobates spp. | |
| | Oophaga spp. | |
| | Phyllobates spp. | |
| | Ranitomeya spp. | |
DicroglossidaeFrogs | |
| | Euphlyctis hexadactylus | |
| | Hoplobatrachus tigerinus | |
HylidaeTree frogs | |
| | Agalychnis spp. | |
MantellidaeMantella frogs | |
| | Mantella spp. | |
MicrohylidaeTomato frogs | |
| | Dyscophus antongilii | |
| | Dyscophus guineti | |
| | Dyscophus insularis | |
| | Scaphiophryne boribory | |
| | Scaphiophryne gottlebei | |
| | Scaphiophryne marmorata | |
| | Scaphiophryne spinosa | |
MyobatrachidaeGastric-brooding frogs | |
| | Rheobatrachus spp. (Except Rheobatrachus silus and Rheobatrachus vitellinus which are not included in the Appendices) | |
TelmatobiidaeAndean water frogs | |
| Telmatobius culeus | | |
CAUDATA | | | |
Ambystomatidae Axolotls, mole salamanders | | | |
| | Ambystoma dumerilii | |
| | Ambystoma mexicanum | |
CryptobranchidaeGiant salamanders | |
| Andrias spp. | | |
| | | Cryptobranchus alleganiensis(United States of America) |
HynobiidaeAsiatic salamanders | |
| | | Hynobius amjiensis(China) |
SalamandridaeNewts and salamanders | |
| | Echinotriton chinhaiensis | |
| | Echinotriton maxiquadratus | |
| Neurergus kaiseri | | |
| | Paramesotriton hongkongensis | |
| | | Salamandra algira (Algeria) |
| | Tylototriton spp. | |
CarcharhinidaeRequiem sharks | |
| | Carcharhinus falciformis | |
| | Carcharhinus longimanus | |
SphyrnidaeHammerhead sharks | |
| | Sphyrna lewini | |
| | Sphyrna mokarran | |
| | Sphyrna zygaena | |
AlopiidaeThresher sharks | |
| | Alopias spp. | |
CetorhinidaeBasking sharks | |
| | Cetorhinus maximus | |
LamnidaeMackerel sharks | |
| | Carcharodon carcharias | |
| | Isurus oxyrinchus | |
| | Isurus paucus | |
| | Lamna nasus | |
MyliobatidaeEagle and mobulid rays | |
| | Manta spp. | |
| | Mobula spp. | |
PotamotrygonidaeFreshwater stingrays | |
| | | Paratrygon aiereba (Colombia) |
| | | Potamotrygon spp. (population of Brazil)(Brazil) |
| | | Potamotrygon constellata (Colombia) |
| | | Potamotrygon magdalenae (Colombia) |
| | | Potamotrygon motoro (Colombia) |
| | | Potamotrygon orbignyi (Colombia) |
| | | Potamotrygon schroederi (Colombia) |
| | | Potamotrygon scobina (Colombia) |
| | | Potamotrygo yepezi (Colombia) |
RhincodontidaeWhale sharks | |
| | Rhincodon typus | |
PristidaeSawfishes | |
| Pristidae spp. | | |
Glaucostegidae Guitarfishes | | | |
| | Glaucostegus spp. | |
Rhinidae Wedgefishes | | | |
| | Rhinidae spp. | |
| | ACIPENSERIFORMES spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
AcipenseridaeSturgeons | |
| Acipenser brevirostrum | | |
| Acipenser sturio | | |
AnguillidaeFreshwater eels | |
| | Anguilla anguilla | |
Catostomidae Cui-ui | | | |
| Chasmistes cujus | | |
CyprinidaeCarps | |
| | Caecobarbus geertsii | |
| Probarbus jullieni | | |
ArapaimidaeArapaimas | |
| | Arapaima gigas | |
OsteoglossidaeBonytongue | |
| Scleropages formosus | | |
| Scleropages inscriptus | | |
LabridaeWrasses | |
| | Cheilinus undulatus | |
PomacanthidaeAngelfishes | |
| | Holacanthus clarionensis | |
SciaenidaeTotoaba | |
| Totoaba macdonaldi | | |
LoricariidaeArmoured catfishes | |
| | | Hypancistrus zebra(Brazil) |
PangasiidaePangasid catfish | |
| Pangasianodon gigas | | |
SyngnathidaePipefishes, seahorses | |
| | Hippocampus spp. | |
NeoceratodontidaeAustralian lungfishes | |
| | Neoceratodus forsteri | |
LatimeriidaeCoelacanths | |
| Latimeria spp. | | |
StichopodidaeSea cucumbers | |
| | | Isostichopus fuscus (Ecuador) |
Holothuriidae Teatfishes, Sea cucumbers | | | |
| | Holothuria fuscogilva (Entry into effect delayed by 12 months, i.e. until 28 August 2020) | |
| | Holothuria nobilis (Entry into effect delayed by 12 months, i.e. until 28 August 2020) | |
| | Holothuria whitmaei (Entry into effect delayed by 12 months, i.e. until 28 August 2020) | |
TheraphosidaeRed-kneed tarantulas, tarantulas | |
| | Aphonopelna albiceps | |
| | Aphonopelna pallidum | |
| | Brachypelma spp. | |
| | Poecilotheria spp. | |
ScorpionidaeScorpions | |
| | Pandinus camerounensis | |
| | Pandinus dictator | |
| | Pandinus gambiensis | |
| | Pandinus imperator | |
| | Pandinus roeseli | |
LucanidaeStag beetles | |
| | | Colophon spp.(South Africa) |
ScarabaeidaeScarab beetles | |
| | Dynastes satanas | |
NymphalidaeBrush-footed butterflies | |
| | | Agrias amydon boliviensis (Plurinational State of Bolivia) |
| | | Morpho godartii lachaumei (Plurinational State of Bolivia) |
| | | Prepona praeneste buckleyana(Plurinational State of Bolivia) |
PapilionidaeBirdwing butterflies, swallowtail butterflies | |
| Achillides chikae chikae | | |
| Achillides chikae hermeli | | |
| | Atrophaneura jophon | |
| | Atrophaneura pandiyana | |
| | Bhutanitis spp. | |
| | Ornithoptera spp. (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
| Ornithoptera alexandrae | | |
| Papilio homerus | | |
| | Papilio hospiton | |
| Parides burchellanus | | |
| | Parnassius apollo | |
| | Teinopalpus spp. | |
| | Trogonoptera spp. | |
| | Troides spp. | |
HirudinidaeMedicinal leeches | |
| | Hirudo medicinalis | |
| | Hirudo verbana | |
MytilidaeMarine mussels | |
| | Lithophaga lithophaga | |
UnionidaeFreshwater mussels, pearly mussels | |
| Conradilla caelata | | |
| | Cyprogenia aberti | |
| Dromus dromas | | |
| Epioblasma curtisi | | |
| Epioblasma florentina | | |
| Epioblasma sampsonii | | |
| Epioblasma sulcata perobliqua | | |
| Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum | | |
| | Epioblasma torulosa rangiana | |
| Epioblasma torulosa torulosa | | |
| Epioblasma turgidula | | |
| Epioblasma walkeri | | |
| Fusconaia cuneolus | | |
| Fusconaia edgariana | | |
| Lampsilis higginsii | | |
| Lampsilis orbiculata orbiculata | | |
| Lampsilis satur | | |
| Lampsilis virescens | | |
| Plethobasus cicatricosus | | |
| Plethobasus cooperianus | | |
| | Pleurobema clava | |
| Pleurobema plenum | | |
| Potamilus capax | | |
| Quadrula intermedia | | |
| Quadrula sparsa | | |
| Toxolasma cylindrella | | |
| Unio nickliniana | | |
| Unio tampicoensis tecomatensis | | |
| Villosa trabalis | | |
TridacnidaeGiant clams | |
| | Tridacnidae spp. | |
NautilidaeChambered nautilus | |
| | Nautilidae spp. | |
StrombidaeTrue conchs | |
| | Strombus gigas | |
AchatinellidaeAgate snails, oahu tree snails | |
| Achatinella spp. | | |
CamaenidaeGreen tree snails | |
| | Papustyla pulcherrima | |
CepolidaeHelicoid terrestrial snails | |
| Polymita spp. | | |
ANTIPATHARIABlack corals | |
| | ANTIPATHARIA spp. | |
CoralliidaeRed and pink corals | |
| | | Corallium elatius(China) |
| | | Corallium japonicum (China) |
| | | Corallium konjoi(China) |
| | | Corallium secundum (China) |
HelioporidaeBlue corals | |
| | Helioporidae spp. (Includes only the species Heliopora coerulea. Fossils are not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | |
SCLERACTINIAStony corals | |
| | SCLERACTINIA spp. (Fossils are not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | |
TubiporidaeOrgan-pipe corals | |
| | Tubiporidae spp. (Fossils are not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | |
MilleporidaeFire corals | |
| | Milleporidae spp. (Fossils are not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | |
StylasteridaeLace corals | |
| | Stylasteridae spp. (Fossils are not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | |