Schedule 1

Schedule 2
1.Sulphuric Acid Manufacture: That is to say, processes for the manufacture of sulphuric acid.2.Phosphate Fertilizer Processes: That is to say, processes in which any mineral phosphate is subjected to treatment involving chemical change with the evolution of any noxious or offensive gas, and works for the granulating of such fertilizers involving the evolution of any noxious or offensive gas.3.Manufacture or Processing of Ammoniacal Liquor: That is to say, processes in which sulphuretted hydrogen or any other noxious or offensive gas is evolved by the use of ammoniacal liquor, and works in which ammoniacal liquor is desulphurized in any process in connection with the purification of gas.4.Nitric Acid Processes: That is to say, processes connected with the manufacture of nitric acid or in which nitric acid is recovered from oxides of nitrogen or in which nitrogen oxides are evolved.5.Ammonium sulphate and Ammonium Chloride Processes: That is to say, processes for the manufacture of ammonium sulphate or ammonium chloride.6.Manufacture of Processing of Chlorine: That is to say, processes in which chlorine is made or used in any manufacturing process.7.Hydrochloric Acid Processes: That is to say -(a)processes in which chlorine gas is evolved either during the preparation of hydrochloric acid or as the result of the use of chlorides in a chemical process or for use in any manufacturing process;(b)tin plate flux works, that is to say, processes in which any residue of flux from tin plate works is calcined for the uitilisation of such residue or flux in which hydrogen chloride gas is evolved; and(c)salt processes (not being processes in which salt is produced by refining rock salt, otherwise than by the dissolution thereof at the place of deposit) in which the extraction of salt from brine is carried on and in which hydrogen chloride gas is evolved.8.Sulphide Works: That is to say, processes in which sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved by the decomposition of metallic sulphides, or in which sulphuretted hydrogen is used in the production of such sulphides, or in which sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved as part of a chemical process.9.Alkali Waste Works: That is to say, processes in which alkali waste or the drainage therefrom is subjected to any chemical process for the recovery of sulphur or for the utilisation of any constituent of such waste or drainage.10.Oxide Pigment Works: That is to say, processes for the manufacture of venetian red, crosus or polishing powder or some other oxide pigment by heating sulphate or some other salt of iron.11.Arsenic Works: That is to say, processes in which any volatile compound of arsenic is evolved.12.Carbon Disulphide Works: That is to say, processes in which carbon disulphide is manufactured, used orrecovered.13.Sulphocyanide Works: That is to say, any process for the manufacture of sulphocyanide or any of its compounds.14.Refining of Hydrocarbons: That is to say, the processing (such as distilling, cracking and refining) of crude shale oil, crude petroleum and similar synthetic products so as to cause the evolution of noxious or offensive gases.15.Bisulphite Works: That is to say, processes in which sulphurous acid is used in the manufacture of acid sulphites of the alkalis or alkaline earths and processes for the manufacture of liquid sulphur dioxide or of sulphurous acid or of any sulphite in which oxides of sulphur are evolved in any chemical manufacturing process.16.Tar Works: That is to say, processes in which tar is distilled or is heated in any manufacturing process and works in which creosote or any other product of the distillation of tar is distilled or is heated in any manufacturing process involving the evolution of any noxious or offensive gas.17.Zinc Works//: That is to say, processes in which by the application of heat, zinc is extracted from the ore or from any residue containing that metal.18.Benzene Processes: That is to say, processes (not being tar works as defined above) in which any wash oil used for the scrubbing of coal gas is distilled.19.Pyridine Processes: That is to say, processes in which pyridine is recovered and used.20.Bromine Processes: That is to say, processes in which bromine is made or is used in any manufacturing process.21.Hydrofluoric Acid Works: That is to say -(a)processes in which hydrofluoric acid is evolved in the manufacture of liquid hydrofluorix acid or its compounds; or(b)processes in which hydrofluoric acid is used.22.Cement production works: That is to say, works in which argillaceous and calcareous materials are used in the production of cement clinker, and works in which cement clinker is ground or cement is packed and also works in which metallurgical slags are treated for the purpose or mating cement or cement additives.23.Lead works: That is to say -(a)works in which, by the application of heat, lead is melted and/or extracted from any material containing lead or its compounds; or(b)works in which compounds of lead are manufactured from metallic lead or its compounds by processes which give rise to noxious or offensive gases; or(c)processes by which lead or any material containing lead or its compounds are used or handled in such a way as to give rise to noxious or offensive gases.24.Fluorine Processes: That is to say, processes in which fluorine or its compounds with other halogens are made, used or evolved in any manufacturing process.25.Acid Sludge Works: That is to say, processes in which acid sludge produced in the refining of coal tar, petroleum or other hydrocarbon derivatives, is treated in such a manner as to cause the evolution of any noxious of offensive gas.26.Alkali Processes: That is to say -(a)the manufacture of potassium or sodium sulphate; or(b)the treatment of ores by common salt or other chlorides, whereby any sulphate is formedin which hydrogen chloride gas is evolved.27.Roasting Processes: That is to say, works in which sulphate and sulphide ores, including regulas, are calcined or smelted.28.Asbestos works: That is to say, processes involving the handling, grinding or use or asbestos.29.Power stations: That is to say, processes in which -(a)solid or liquid fuels are burned to raise steam for the generation of electricity for distribution to the public or for purposes of public transport;(b)boilers burning solid or liquid fuels at a rate of not less than 150 megajoules per second are used to raise steam for the supply of energy for purposes other than those mentioned in (a) above.30.Iron works and steel works: That is to say, processes in which -(a)iron or ferro-alloys are produced in a blast furnace and in which raw materials for use in blast furnaces are handled or prepared; or(b)iron ores for use in blast furnaces are calcined or sintered; or(c)iron or steel is melted in air or rotary furnaces, fired by coal or oil, or in cupolas employing a heated air blast, or in electric arc furnaces; or(d)steel is produced, melted or refined in Bessemer, tropaena, open hearth or electric arc furnaces; or(e)oxygen or air enriched with oxygen is used for the refining of iron or for the production, shaping or finishing of steel; or(f)ferro-alloys are made by processes giving rise to fume; or(g)iron or steel is melted in cupolas employing a cold air blast; or(h)castings are cleaned and casting mould material is handled.31.Copper works: That is to say, processes in which -(a)by the application of heat -(i)copper is extracted from any ore or concentrate or from any material containing copper or its compounds; or(ii)copper or copper alloy swarf is degreased; or(iii)molten copper is refined; or(iv)copper alloys are recovered from scrap, fabricated metal, swarf or residues by processes designed to reduce the zinc content; or(b)copper or copper alloy is melted and cast in moulds the internal surfaces or which have been coated with grease-bound or oil-bound dressings: Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to works in which the aggregate casting capacity does not exceed 10 metric tons per day32.Aluminium works: That is to say, processes in which -(a)aluminium is produced by means of an electrolitic furnace from its oxide; or(b)aluminium swarf is degreased by the application of heat; or(c)aluminium or aluminium alloys are recovered from aluminium or aluminium alloy scrap, fabricated metal, aluminium swarf, aluminium skimmings, aluminium drosses or other aluminium residues by melting; or(d)aluminium is recovered from slag; or(e)molten aluminium or aluminium alloys are treated by any process involving the evolution of chlorine or its compounds.33.Producer gas works: That is to say, processes in which producer gas is made from coal and in which raw producer gas is transmitted or used.34.Gas and coke works: That is to say, processes (not being producer gas works) in which -(a)coal, oil or mixtures of coal or oil with other carbonaceous materials or products of petroleum refining or natural gas or methane from coal mines or gas derived from fermentation of carbonaceous materials, are handled or prepared for carbonisation or gasification or reforming and in which these materials are subsequently carbonised or gasified or reformed; or(b)water gas is produced or purified; or(c)coke or semi-coke is produced and quenched, cut, crushed or graded; or(d)gases derived from any process mentioned in paragraph (a) are subjected to purification processes.35.Ceramic works: That is to say, processes in which -(a)pottery products (including domestic earthenware and china, sanitary ware, electrical porcelain and glazed tiles) are made in intermittent kilns fired by coal or oil; or(b)heavy clay or refractory goods are fired by solid, liquid or gaseous fuels; or(c)salt glazing of any earthenware or clay material is carried on.36.Lime, dolomite and magnesite works: That is to say, processes in which calcium carbonate, calcium-magnesium carbonate or magnesium carbonate is calcined.37.Sulphate reduction works: That is to say, processes in which metallic sulphates are reduced to the corresponding sulphides by heating with carbonaceous material.38.Caustic soda works: That is to say, processes in which -(a)either concentrated solutions of caustic soda or fused caustic soda are produced in heated vessels; or(b)black liquor produced in the manufacture of paper is calcined in the recovery of caustic soda.39.Chemical incineration works: That is to say, processes for the destruction by burning of wastes produced in the course of organic chemical reactions which occur during the manufacture of materials for the fabrication of plastics and fibres and processes for the destruction by burning of chemical wastes containing chemically bonded chlorine, fluorine, nitrogen, phosphorus or sulphur.40.Beryllium works: That is to say, processes in which -(a)any ore or concentrate or any material containing beryllium or its compounds is treated for the production of beryllium or its alloys or its compounds; or(b)any material containing beryllium or its alloys or its compounds is treated, processed or fabricated in any manner giving rise to dust or fume.41.Selenium works: That is to say, processes in which -(a)any ore or concentrate or any material containing selenium or its componds is treated for the production of selenium or its alloys or its compounds; or(b)any material containing selenium or its alloys or its compounds otherthan as colouring matter, is treated, processed or fabricated in any manner giving rise to dust of fume.42.Phosphorus works: That is to say, processes in which -(a)phosphorus is made; or(b)yellow phosphorus is used in any chemical or metallurgical process.43.Ammonia works: That is to say, processes in which ammonia is -(b)used in the ammonia-soda process; or(c)used in the manufacture of carbonate, nitrate or phosphate of ammonia or urea.44.Acetylene works: That is to say, processes in which acetylene is made and used in any chemical manufacturing process.45.Hydrogen cyanide works: That is to say, processes in which hydrogen cyanide is made or is used in any chemical manufacturing process.46.Amines works: That is to say, processes in which methylamine or ethylamine is made.47.Calcium carbide works: That is to say, processes in which calcium carbide is made.48.Aldehyde works: That is to say, processes in which formaldehyde or acetaldehyde or acrolein or the methyl, ethyl or propyl derivatives of acrolein are made.49.Anhydride works: That is to say, processes in which acetic, maleic or phthalic anhydrides or the corresponding acids are made.50.Chromium works: That is to say, processes in which any chrome ore or concentrate is treated for the production therefrom of chromium compounds or chromium metal is made by dry processes giving rise to fume.51.Magnesium works: That is to say, processes in which magnesium or any compound of magnesium is made by dry processes giving rise to fume.52.Cadmium works: That is to say, processes in which metallic cadmium is recovered or cadmium alloys are made or any compound of cadmium is made by dry processes giving rise to fume.53.Mangenese works: That is to say, processes in which manganese or its alloys or any compound of manganese is made by dry processes giving rise to fume.54.Metal recovery works: That is to say, processes in which metal is recovered from any form of scrap material containing combustible components.55.Galvanising works: That is to say, processes involving coating with zinc by dipping into molten metal, including pickling and fluxing giving rise to fumes or noxious or offensive gases.56.Bagasse Incineration works: That is to say, processes involving the combustion of bagasse.57.Metal spray works: That is to say, processes in which any metal is deposited on to a surface in the form of a spray through the application of heat in such a way as to give rise to noxious or offensive gases.58.The bulk storage and handling of ore: That is to say, the storage and handling of metallic ore at dumps designed to hold 100 000 metric tons or more, which are not situated on the premises of a mine or works as defined in the Mines, Works and Minerals Ordinance, 1968 (Ordinance 20 of 1968).59.Vanadium works: That is to say, processes in which vanadium pentoxide or vanadium carbide is manufactured or handled in such a way as to give rise to noxious or offensive gases.60.Macadam preparation works: That is to say, processes in which crushed stone is heated or dried, with or without the addition of tar or bituminous binders, for the purposes of preparing road surfacing or paving material.Schedule 3