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Karakul Pelts and Wool Act, 1982
Act 14 of 1982
- Published in Official Gazette 4707 on 22 November 1982
- Assented to on 18 November 1982
- Commenced on 22 November 1982 by Commencement of the Karakul Pelts and Wool Act, 1982
- [This is the version of this document from 1 November 2006 and includes any amendments published up to 17 January 2025.]
- [Amended by Karakul Pelts and Wool Amendment Act, 1986 (Act 15 of 1986) on 21 July 1986]
- [Amended by Second Karakul Pelts and Wool Amendment Act, 1986 (Act 22 of 1986) on 20 October 1986]
- [Amended by Public Enterprises Governance Act, 2006 (Act 2 of 2006) on 1 November 2006]
1. Definitions
In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates -“board” means the Karakul Board of South West Africa established by section 2;“committee” means a committee appointed under section 9(1)(a);“inspector” means an inspector appointed under section 10(1)(g);“karakul pelt” means a flayed, cured or processed karakul lamb pelt or any portion thereof intended for the fur trade;“Marketing unit” means any marketing unit referred to in section 12(1);[The word “marketing” should not be capitalised.]“premises” includes any vehicle, aircraft or vessel;“prescribed” means prescribed by or under this Act;“process” means(a)in relation to karakul pelts, subject to a tanning process or to any other similar process in which the skin and the hair are not separated from each other;(b)in relation to wool, subject to any mechanical or chemical process other than mechanical sorting,and “processing” or “processor” shall have a corresponding meaning;“producer” means -(a)in relation to karakul pelts, any person by whom or on whose behalf karakul pelts are produced;(b)in relation to wool, any person by whom or on whose behalf wool is produced and includes, except in section 4(1)(a) -(i)in relation to wool acquired from any person as a consideration for the right to use land on which such person has produced wool or as remuneration for services rendered to a producer of wool, the person who so acquired such wool;(ii)in relation to wool imported into the territory, the person who imported it;(iii)in relation to wool shorn from an animal or removed from a skin, the owner of such animal or skin;(iv)in relation to wool on skins, the person on whose behalf the skin has been flayed;(v)in relation to dead wool collected by any person, the person on whose behalf the wool has been collected;“sell” includes -(a)attempt or agree to sell;(b)mark with a selling price;(c)export, offer, advertise, keep, exhibit, transmit, convey, deliver or prepare for sale;(d)exchange;(e)dispose for any consideration whatsoever; or(f)export, transmit, convey or deliver in pursuance of any sale, exchange or disposal as aforesaid,and “sale” shall also have a corresponding meaning;“territory” means the territory of South West Africa;“this Act” includes any regulation made under section 22 and any notice published in the Official Gazette under section 10(2) or 18;“wool” means the shorn natural coat of the sheep (genus ovis) and includes wool on flayed skins.2. Establishment of board
There is hereby established a board to be known as the Karakul Board of South West Africa which shall be a body corporate, capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name and of performing all such acts as are necessary for or incidental to the carrying out of its objects and the performance of its functions and duties in terms of this Act.3. Objects of board
The objects of the board shall be to promote the interests of the karakul industry and the wool industry in the territory and elsewhere.4. Constitution and advisers of board
5. ***
[section 5 deleted by Act 2 of 2006]6. Vacation of office by member of board
Any member of the board shall vacate office if -7. Chairman and deputy chairman of board
8. Meetings of board
9. Committees of board
10. Powers of board
11. Appeal to Council of Ministers from decision of board
Whenever any decision of the board is in terms of this Act subject to an appeal to the Council of Ministers, any person aggrieved by such decision may, within ninety days after the board has notified him of the decision, appeal against it to the Council of Ministers, and the Council of Ministers may confirm, set aside or amend such decision, or issue in connection therewith such order as it may deem fit.12. Marketing of wool by board
13. Inspectors
14. Banking accounts and accounting
15. Financial year
The financial year of the board shall with effect from 1 April 1987 be the period from 1 April of any year up to and including 31 March of the following year.[section 15 amended by Act 22 of 1986; amendment markings incorrect]16. ***
[section 16 deleted by Act 2 of 2006]17. Financial statements, auditing and submission of reports to Council of Ministers and National Assembly
18. Levies
19. Offences, penalties and presumptions
20. Evidence
21. Jurisdiction of magistrates court
[There should be an apostrophe in the word “magistrate’s”, as in the text below.]Any magistrate’s court shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any law contained, have jurisdiction to make any order or impose any penalty provided for by this Act.22. Regulations
23. Application of certain provisions relating to wool also to karakul pelts
The Council of Ministers may from time to time at the request of the board and after consultation with any body or organization which in the opinion of the Council of Ministers is representative of producers of karakul pelts, by notice in the Official Gazette mutatis mutandis apply also in relation to karakul pelts, for such period and to such extent and in such manner as may be stated in the notice, any provision of this Act mentioned in the notice applying in relation to wool only.24. Transfer of assets and liabilities of old board to new board
All assets, liabilities, rights and duties of the Karakul Board of South West Africa (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the old board) referred to in Proclamation R.172 of 1968, shall without payment of transfer duty or other taxes or moneys and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any other law contained, become the assets, liabilities, rights and duties of the board, and the several banking accounts of the board shall, on such basis as the Council of Ministers may determine, be credited with the moneys in the several funds under the control of the old board or accruing to those funds or which would so have accrued if this Act had not been enacted.25. Certain provisions shall bind the State
The provisions of this Act other than penal provisions, shall in as far as such first-mentioned provisions relate to the imposition or payment of any levy shall bind the State.26. Repeal of laws and savings
27. Short title and commencement
This Act shall be called the Karakul Pelts and Wool Act, 1982, and shall come into operation upon a date to be fixed by the Administrator-General by proclamation in the Official Gazette.History of this document
01 November 2006 this version
20 October 1986
21 July 1986
Amended by
Karakul Pelts and Wool Amendment Act, 1986
22 November 1982
18 November 1982
Assented to
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