Related documents
- Is amended by Appeal Laws Amendment Act, 2001
- Is amended by Judicial Service Commission Act, 1995
- Is amended by Supreme Court Amendment Act, 2002

Supreme Court Act, 1990
Act 15 of 1990
- Published in Government Gazette 84 on 8 October 1990
- Assented to on 5 October 1990
- Commenced on 8 October 1990
- [This is the version of this document from 22 July 2002 and includes any amendments published up to 17 January 2025.]
- [Amended by Judicial Service Commission Act, 1995 (Act 18 of 1995) on 20 November 1995]
- [Amended by Appeal Laws Amendment Act, 2001 (Act 10 of 2001) on 25 July 2001]
- [Amended by Supreme Court Amendment Act, 2002 (Act 4 of 2002) on 22 July 2002]
1. Definitions
In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates -“Chief Justice” means the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court appointed under Article 32(4)(a)(aa) of the Namibian Constitution;“deputy-sheriff” means the deputy-sheriff of the Supreme Court appointed under section 26;“High Court” means the High Court of Namibia constituted under Article 80(1) of the Namibian Constitution;“Independence” or “date of Independence” means 21 March 1990 which was the day on which the Republic of Namibia was declared to be an independent State;“Judicial Service Commission” means the Judicial Service Commission established under Article 85 of the Namibian Constitution;“lower Court” means any court (other than the High Court or the Supreme Court) which is required to keep a record of its proceedings, and includes a magistrate or other officer holding a preparatory examination into an alleged offence;“Minister” means the Minister of Justice;“registrar” means the registrar of the Supreme Court, and includes an assistant registrar;“rules of court” means the rules made under section 37;“sheriff” means the sheriff of the Supreme Court appointed under section 26;“Supreme Court” means the Supreme Court of Namibia constituted under Article 79(1) of the Namibian Constitution.2. Jurisdiction of Supreme Court in general
The Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction to hear and to determine appeals and any such other matters which may be conferred or imposed upon it by this Act or the Namibian Constitution or any other law.3. Seat of Supreme Court
The seat of the Supreme Court shall be in Windhoek: Provided that any sitting of the Supreme Court may be conducted in any other place within Namibia, if the Chief Justice is of the opinion that special circumstances renders expedient for any particular matter or matters to be heard at such other place or places in Namibia.4. Nature of Supreme Court and seal
5. Permanent judges of Supreme Court
The Supreme Court shall consist of the Chief Justice and such additional judges appointed in a permanent capacity as determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 79(1) of the Namibian Constitution.6. Proceedings of Supreme Court to be carried on in open court
Save as is otherwise provided in Article 12(1)(a) and (b) of the Namibian Constitution, all proceedings in the Supreme Court shall be carried on in open court.7. Period of appointment of acting judges and ad hoc judges
Any appointment of a person as an acting judge or as an ad hoc judge under Article 82(2) of the Namibian Constitution shall be regarded to be also in respect of any period during which such person is necessarily engaged in connection with the disposal of any proceedings in which he or she had taken part as such a judge and which have not been disposed of at the termination of the period for which he or she has so been appointed or, having been disposed of before or after such termination, are re-opened.8. Retirement of judges of Supreme Court
9. Qualifications for appointment as judges of Supreme Court
No person shall be eligible for appointment as the Chief Justice or as an additional or acting judge of the Supreme Court, unless -10. Remuneration of judges of Supreme Court
11. Judge may not hold other office of profit
No judge of the Supreme Court shall, unless authorised thereto by the Judicial Service Commission accept or hold any other office of profit, or receive, in respect of any service rendered by him or her any remuneration other than the remuneration as contemplated in section 10.12. No process to be issued against judge of Supreme Court except with consent of Chief Justice
13. Quorum and manner of arriving at decisions
14. Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court
15. Jurisdiction of Supreme Court as court of first instance
16. Review jurisdiction of Supreme Court
17. Finality of decisions of Supreme Court
18. Administration of oath
19. Powers of Supreme Court on hearing appeals
The Supreme Court shall have power -20. Powers of Supreme Court in cases where it is sitting as court of first instance or on review
Whenever the Supreme Court is properly seized with a matter as a court of first instance in terms of section 15 or it exercises its review jurisdiction in terms of section 16, the court shall have the power -21. Manner of securing attendance of witnesses in civil proceedings
22. Manner in which recalcitrant witnesses may be dealt with
23. Compilation of special dossiers
24. Foreign witnesses
25. Certified copies of Supreme Court records admissible as evidence
Whenever a judgment, sentence, order or other record of the Supreme Court is required to be proved or inspected or in any manner referred to, a copy of such judgment, sentence, order or record duly certified as such by the registrar under the seal of the court, shall, on mere production and without proof of the authenticity of the said registrar’s signature, be prima facie evidence thereof.26. Appointment of officers of Supreme Court
27. Suspension and dismissal of deputy-sheriff
28. Execution of process
29. Application of certain provisions of High Court Act, 1990
The provisions of sections 33, 34, 35 and 37 of the High Court Act, 1990, shall mutatis mutandis apply in respect of the liability of the State for acts performed by the sheriff, or the deputy-sheriff or his or her assistant appointed under this Act, the service of process on such sheriff or deputy-sheriff, the property which is not liable to be seized in execution by such sheriff, deputy-sheriff or his or her assistant and the transmission of any process of the court, as the case may be, and any reference in those provisions to the High Court shall be deemed to be a reference to the Supreme Court.30. Offences relating to execution
Any person who -31. Witness fees
The allowance payable to any witness who is lawfully obliged to attend any civil proceedings in the Supreme Court shall be on the same tariff and subject to the same conditions which are prescribed from time to time in respect of witnesses obliged to attend such proceedings in the High Court.32. Enforceability of process of Supreme Court
The process of the Supreme Court shall run throughout Namibia and any judgment or order of the Supreme Court shall have force and effect in Namibia.33. Execution of judgment or order of Supreme Court sitting as court of appeal
Any judgement or order of the Supreme Court sitting as a court of appeal shall be executed and enforced by the High Court in like manner as if it were an original judgment or order of the High Court.34. Right of person in custody to be present at hearing of his or her appeal or as an interested party to any proceedings in Supreme Court
35. Right of audience
36. Sessions of Supreme Court
37. Rules of court
38. Repeal of Act 59 of 1959, Proclamation 222 of 1981 and certain provisions of Act 29 of 1985, and saving
39. Application of other laws
Unless it would in any particular case obviously be inappropriate, any reference in any other law, or in any document or register -40. Short title
This Act shall be called the Supreme Court Act, 1990.History of this document
22 July 2002 this version
Amended by
Supreme Court Amendment Act, 2002
25 July 2001
Amended by
Appeal Laws Amendment Act, 2001
20 November 1995
Amended by
Judicial Service Commission Act, 1995
08 October 1990
05 October 1990
Assented to
Cited documents 2
Act 2
1. | Supreme Court Act, 1959 | 40 citations |
2. | Appeals Amendment Act, 1985 | 8 citations |
Documents citing this one 148
Judgment 109
Gazette 25
Act 8
1. | Agricultural (Commercial) Land Reform Act, 1995 | 257 citations |
2. | Electoral Act, 2014 | 187 citations |
3. | Criminal Procedure Act, 2004 | 18 citations |
4. | Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Protection Act, 1994 | 14 citations |
5. | International Co-operation in Criminal Matters Act, 2000 | 14 citations |
6. | Judicial Service Commission Act, 1995 | 9 citations |
7. | Financial Institutions and Markets Act, 2021 | 7 citations |
8. | Judiciary Act, 2015 | 2 citations |
Proclamation 3
Government Notice 2
Discussion Paper 1
1. | Discussion Paper on Locus Standi |