Related documents
- Is amended by Council of Traditional Leaders Amendment Act, 2000
- Is commenced by Commencement of Council of Traditional Leaders Act, 1997

Council of Traditional Leaders Act, 1997
Act 13 of 1997
- Published in Government Gazette 1706 on 16 October 1997
- Assented to on 6 October 1997
- Commenced on 31 March 1998 by Commencement of Council of Traditional Leaders Act, 1997
- [This is the version of this document from 28 December 2000 and includes any amendments published up to 7 February 2025.]
- [Amended by Council of Traditional Leaders Amendment Act, 2000 (Act 31 of 2000) on 28 December 2000]
1. Definitions
In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise -“committee” means a committee established in terms of section 12(1);[definition of “committee” inserted by Act 31 of 2000]“Council” means the Council of Traditional Leaders established by section 2;“Minister” means the Minister of Regional and Local Government and Housing;“Traditional Authority” means a traditional authority as defined in section 1 of the Traditional Authorities Act, 2000;[definition of “Traditional Authority” substituted by Act 31 of 2000]“traditional community” means a traditional community as defined in section 1 of the Traditional Authorities Act, 2000.[definition of “traditional community” inserted by Act 31 of 2000]2. Establishment of Council
Pursuant to Article 102(5) of the Namibian Constitution, there is hereby established a Council of Traditional Leaders in order to advise the President on -3. Members of the Council
4. Persons disqualified from being members of the Council
No person shall be qualified to become or remain a member of the Council if he or she -5. Term of office of members
Subject to section 6, a member of the Council shall hold office for a period of five years, and shall be eligible for re-appointment.6. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies
7. Temporary members
8. Payment to members
9. Secretary and staff
10. Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of Council
11. Meetings of Council
12. Committees of Council
13. Investigations by Council
14. Report of Council
15. Draft legislation pertaining to communal land
16. Short title and commencement
This Act shall be called the Council of Traditional Leaders Act, 1997 and shall come into operation on a date fixed by the Minister by notice in the Gazette.History of this document
28 December 2000 this version
31 March 1998
16 October 1997
06 October 1997
Assented to
Cited documents 2
Act 2
1. | Regional Councils Act, 1992 | 398 citations |
2. | Commissions Act, 1947 | 48 citations |
Documents citing this one 26
Gazette 14
Judgment 6
Act 5
1. | Traditional Authorities Act, 2000 | 164 citations |
2. | Education Act, 2001 | 53 citations |
3. | Forest Act, 2001 | 21 citations |
4. | Basic Education Act, 2020 | 5 citations |
5. | National Health Act, 2015 | 3 citations |
Working Paper 1
1. | Working Paper on Issues Related to the Traditional Authorities in the Ovawambo Communities |