1.1DefinitionsThe importance of definitions is more than a matter of semantics since they can influence the way in which persons with disabilities are viewed by society and by themselves. They also influence the type of provision made to meet the needs of persons with disability.There are a number of definitions of disability and of persons with disabilities. The most widely used is the medical model. However, organisations of and for disabled people are increasingly adapting a social model. The World Health Organisation uses the following definitions: Impairment - is a functional limitation within the individual caused by physical, mental or sensory impairment. Disability - is the loss or limitation of opportunities to take part in the normal life of the community on an equal level with others due to physical or social barriers.The social context in which people, both disabled and non-disabled, interact is excluded if disability is viewed only pathologically. Then, the “solution” to disability is to cure disabled people and this task would almost certainly be given to the medical profession. However, if disability is perceived as a social phenomenon, legislators, architects and others who determine the shape of our built environment have a crucial role to play.In implementing this policy, it is the social model that is more relevant to the lives of disabled people, although their medical needs should not be overlooked.1.2Disability As A Human Rights And Development IssueIn the past, disability was regarded as an issue with the responsibility of “caring” for disabled people falling on the family. Intervention was channelled through welfare institutions with little or no commitment to addressing disability in other areas of government responsibility, for example, access to health care, education, training, employment, service delivery, sport and recreation and public transport. The dependency which this welfare model created disempowered disabled people, isolated and marginalised them from the mainstream of society.In contrast, a human rights and development approach to disability would face a better chance of creating equal opportunities. This is the process through which the various systems of society and the environment are made available and accessible to all citizens.As part of the process of equal opportunities, provision should be made to assist them to assume a more complete responsibility as members of society. They should receive the support they need within the ordinary structures of society in areas such as education, health, employment and social servicesThe principle of equal rights implies that the needs of each and every individual are of equal importance, and that those needs must be made the basis when planning and making policies. Furthermore, all resources must be employed in such a way as to ensure that every individual has equal opportunity for participation.1.3Declarations Of The United NationsThe Government of the Republic of Namibia accepts the principles of participation, integration and equalisation of opportunities, defined by the United Nations in the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons and The Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. These principles shall serve as leading guidelines and also form the basis for the implementation of the National Policy on Disability. These principles are also stated in the Declaration on the Year of Disabled Persons (1981). The National Policy shall also represent the policy referred to in Article 2 of ILO Convention No. 159 on the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons.The Government further accepts the principles incorporated within the following declarations which proclaimed the necessity of protecting the rights and assuring the welfare and rehabilitation of the physically and mentally disadvantaged: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants of Human Rights, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the Declaration on the rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, and the Declaration on Social Progress and Development.2. AN INTEGRATED NATIONAL DISABILITY POLICY
2.1The VisionThe Government of the Republic of Namibia dedicates itself to strive for the creation of a “Society for All” based on the principles of the Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. The Government declares to commit itself to the principles and policies outlined in this documentThe concept of a society for all, encompassing human diversity and the development of all human potential, can be said to embody, in a single phrase, the human rights instruments of the United Nations.In a society for all, the needs of all its citizens constitute the basis for planning and policy making. The general systems and institutions of society should be made accessible to all its citizens. By accommodating the needs of all its citizens in its structures and functions, a society mobilises all their potential into strengthening its development.The ultimate goal in development is an inclusive Society For All which recognises and values individual differences and acknowledges common humanity and equality. The low level of understanding of disability issues, and the exclusion of persons with disabilities from the development process, necessitates the need to develop programmes focusing specifically on disability. These programmes would help to raise awareness, change attitudes, promote equal opportunities, and find creative and practical means of adapting society to meet the needs of all its citizens including those who are disabled. Moreover people with disabilities are a natural and integral part of society and in the interest of society as a whole, should have equal opportunities to contribute their experience, talents and capabilities to national and international development.Nation-building towards a Society For All where all citizens can participate in a single economy can only take place if persons with disabilities are included in the development process.This is strengthened by the Constitution of Namibia which clearly outlines the fundamental human rights and freedoms due to all Namibian citizens. Concomitantly, Article 10 on Equality and Freedom from Discrimination states that, “all persons shall be equal before the law” and that “no person may be discriminated against on the grounds of sex, race, colour, ethnic origin, creed or social or economic status”.2.2The MissionThe mission is to improve the quality of life through enhancing the dignity, well-being and empowerment of persons with disabilities. This shall be done by enabling them to achieve the essentials of life that is, equality, full participation, independence and self-determination through ensuring the following prerequisites: recognition of rights, prevention of causes, rehabilitation, support and universal accessibility.2.3Development ObjectiveThe objective is to achieve a full social integration of disabled people in society. This will be achieved by, inter alia, providing and making accessible the following areas: rehabilitation services, education, training and employment as well as making changes in the environment to enable disabled people to lead more independent and meaningful lives.2.4General PrinciplesThe Government will give priority to enable disabled people to take charge of their lives by removing barriers to full participation in all areas thus enabling them to reach a quality of life equal to that of their fellow citizens. This will be achieved by the “equalisation of opportunities” through which the various systems of society and the environment, such as, services, activities, information and documentation are made accessible to all, and in particular to persons with disabilities. Furthermore, there should be direct participation by disabled people in the planning, implementation and evaluation of activities affecting them.To reach a society for all an ongoing and dynamic process of mutual adaptation will be necessary. It involves on the one hand persons with disabilities living according to their own wishes, choices and abilities and on the other hand, society demonstrating its support by taking specific and appropriate steps to ensure equalisation of opportunities.Moreover, persons with disabilities do not form a uniform group of people all needing the same assistance. Therefore, definitions and classifications should not have the effect of separating or excluding them from society, but point to their individual needs and to ways in which they can gain access to, for example, services to enable them to fully participate in society.When implementing the disability policy the Government will follow the basic guiding principle of integration. All services and programmes shall aim at integrating disabled persons into existing social and economic structures rather than segregating them into parallel environments.Therefore, a coherent and comprehensive policy on disability should aim at the following:- to prevent or reduce the occurrence of physical, intellectual , psychical or sensory impairments and permanent functional limitation or disability;- to assist and support persons with disabilities to reach and maintain their optimal human potential;- to make the various systems of society and the environment, such as services, activities, information and documentation available and accessible to all citizens in formats they can understand, for example, Braille for blind people and sign language for deaf people who use this form of communication.2.5Special Target Groups2.5.1Women with DisabilitiesIn many areas women have been discriminated against and subjected to cultural, social and economic disadvantages. This as a result has impeded their access to, for example, education, training and employment. The state shall ensure that disabled women have equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of life equal to that of their fellow citizens.2.5.2Children with DisabilitiesParents of children with disabilities shall be provided with information about services available so that they can make informed decisions about the needs of their children in cases where these children cannot do so themselves.Early intervention, such as early stimulation and education shall be provided to children as early as possible in order to prevent developmental disabilities.The state shall ensure that children with disabilities have equal opportunities and equal access to education, sports and recreation and all other services in the community such as health care. Boys and girls shall have equal rights.2.5.3Elderly People with DisabilitiesThe state shall develop a national strategy to ensure that elderly persons with disabilities do not fall out of society, but remain integrated and are given the rehabilitation and support to enable them to continue participating within their communities.2.5.4Disabled People Living in Rural AreasThe state shall ensure that people with disabilities in rural areas are part of the national development programmes. The Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) programme will inter alia address issues of persons with disabilities and their families living in rural and urban areas. Emphasis will be made on the rehabilitation and reintegration of disabled ex-combatants.3. KEY AREAS
The Government will pursue a coherent, global and comprehensive policy in co-operation with disabled persons and the organisations of and for them. This policy is aimed at all areas in society, but the following key areas need special attention in achieving a “Society For All” and an “Equalisation of Opportunities”.3.1Raising AwarenessThe state will design and promote programmes for raising awareness and changing public attitudes towards persons with disabilities. These will entail, inter alia, their needs, rights, potential and contribution in society.3.2Prevention, Early Intervention and Health EducationThe prevention of disability and the provision of rehabilitation are seen as part of a comprehensive integrated health care system. The Government shall ensure that the prevention of disabilities as well as the specific needs of persons with disabilities are considered at all levels of the health care system. Furthermore, all its citizens including persons with disabilities, are to be provided with effective and equal medical care based on their individual needs.The state will design, develop and strengthen early intervention programmes to prevent impairments and disabilities. These will include inter alia improvements in primary health care, immunisation activities, hygiene, nutrition and occupational health and safety.Health education shall aim at educating people about health and social issues as well as helping people to develop the ability to make informed decisions about their own health. It shall include information about institutions which can offer support to persons with disabilities.3.3Treatment, Therapeutic Aids and Orthopaedic Technical ServicesThe state shall ensure the development and supply of support services, including assistive devices for disabled people in order to minimise the consequences of the disability and to increase their level of independence.All persons with disabilities shall have full access to rehabilitation, therapeutic aids and orthopaedic technical services within their communities as part of a Community-Based Rehabilitation programme. Their families, where possible, will be informed and involved in these rehabilitation programmes.The medical rehabilitation programme shall include the provision and supply of appropriate prostheses, orthoses and technical aids.3.4Environmental AccessibilityThe state shall develop mandatory standards and guidelines to make the physical environment accessible to all disabled people. This will include all public buildings and facilities, for example, transport, telecommunication, sport and recreation facilities.The state shall ensure that architects, construction engineers and others who are professionally involved in the design and construction of the physical environment, have access to the disability policy and the requirements for making places accessible to disabled people.3.4.1Access to InformationThe state shall ensure that persons with disabilities and, where necessary, their families and/or other persons who may be entrusted, have access to full information on: their rights, diagnosis, medical records, and available services and programmes pertaining to their disability as well as those services which are generally available to the general public.The state shall develop strategies to make information services and documentation accessible to all persons with disabilities. This information will also be available in formats that can be used and understood by people with hearing, visual and other communication needs.3.5EducationThe Government shall ensure that children and youths with disabilities have the same right to education as non-disabled children. Education for all can only be achieved if all children have access to schooling. Assessment, active intervention and specialised services will be provided for those with special needs within the regular education system. Parents of these children shall be actively involved at all levels of the educational system.The provision of education shall be based on the fundamental principles of inclusive education which demand that all children shall be taught together, whenever possible, regardless of individual differences or difficulties they may have. This process of inclusion entails developing the capacity of the regular school system to enable it to meet the diverse educational needs of all children.The Government shall ensure that inclusive schools recognise and respond to the diverse needs of their students by accommodating the different styles and rates of learning; and ensuring quality education to all through appropriate curricula, organisational arrangements, teaching strategies, resource use and partnership with parents and communities.The assignment of children to special schools or special classes within a school on a permanent basis, shall be the exception and not the rule. This shall only be the case where it is clearly demonstrated that education in regular schools cannot meet a child’s educational, psychological and social needs. These special schools should be of equal standard and be closely linked to the mainstream education systems and curriculum.The aim of adult education will be to eliminate illiteracy, which forms a preventable handicap for many Namibians.Particular attention shall be paid to the role of adult education, including people with mental disabilities and/or learning difficulties. Adult education shall provide a maximum range of opportunities for people with disabilities, including those in rural areas. It will include training in basic skills such as reading and writing, as well as specialised education.The particular needs of elderly people with disabilities shall be taken into account and they shall be encouraged to participate in adult education programmes.3.6Vocational Guidance and TrainingThe state shall ensure through the National Vocational Training Act 1994 that all vocational training programmes and facilities are integrated and made accessible to all persons with disabilities.Vocational guidance shall provide information about different occupations to enable persons with disabilities to make informed decisions when choosing an occupation according to their interests and abilities.Vocational training and rehabilitation shall be directed at helping people with disabilities to obtain or retain employment, to advance in their career and thereby facilitate their integration or reintegration into society. The state shall ensure that vocational rehabilitation services are equally developed in rural and urban areas.Vocational training and rehabilitation shall:- be open to all disabled people irrespective of their disability. The aptitudes of the individual person will be taken into consideration before allocating them to a training programme;- cover all types of activities in order to increase the range of choices for the people concerned and as far as possible be adapted to developments in the labour market;- be provided with the necessary adaptations in existing public and private services and institutions which provide vocational skills training to non-disabled persons in both urban and rural areas;- encourage both formal and informal sectors in employment to provide options for youth and adults with disabilities.3.7EmploymentThe Government’s employment policy is based on the principle of equal opportunity for all its citizens. The state shall ensure that persons with disabilities have equal opportunities for a productive and gainful employment in the labour market.An affirmative action programme when developed should ensure that persons with disabilities have equal employment opportunities and are equitably represented in a workplace. This will include the identification and elimination of employment barriers and making reasonable accommodation to the limitation of disabled people. Persons with disabilities will be provided with technical aids and assistive devices which they need to perform their job.In order to ensure equality of opportunity in employment for people with disabilities, measures shall be taken to combat all forms of discrimination in obtaining and keeping a job and in remuneration and career prospects. Therefore, the state shall ensure that labour related legislation does not discriminate against persons with disabilities and will ensure that obstacles to their employment are removed.To permit the fullest possible vocational integration of people with disabilities, whatever the origin, nature, and degree of their disability, and thereby promote their social integration and personal fulfilment, measures shall be taken to enable them to work, whenever possible, in an ordinary working environment as salaried employees.3.7.1Sheltered EmploymentSheltered employment shall be provided to people who, because of their disability or special needs are unable to obtain, keep, or cope with the demands of a job in a competitive labour market. This will take form of sheltered workshops and/or work centres. These will also prepare them, as far as possible, for employment in the open labour market.Sheltered employment shall be subject to the general supervision by competent authorities, and workers with disabilities in sheltered workshops shall have an adequate contractual status which takes into account the need for personal assistance and development. This shall take form of a normal employer/employee relationship and remuneration.3.8Social Integration and the EnvironmentThe state shall promote and strengthen the position of Namibian Sign Language in order to encourage and strengthen communication amongst deaf people who use this form of communication and between deaf and hearing people. The state shall ensure that interpreter-services with qualified sign language interpreters are developed to facilitate appropriate communication between deaf and hearing people.The state shall ensure that information available to the general public is also converted into Braille and in large prints for blind and/or partially sighted people respectively.3.8.3Culture, Religion, Recreation and SportsThe state shall support, promote and ensure that disabled people have access to cultural events and activities countrywide and at all levels.The state shall encourage religious authorities to make their facilities and activities accessible to all disabled people.The state shall ensure that public sports, recreation facilities and events are made accessible to disabled people.The state shall initiate and support the development and integration of sports for disabled people within the national sports development programme. This will enable them to qualify for international competitions.3.8.4Social Welfare and HousingThe state shall ensure that adequate allowances and pensions are allocated to all persons who are entitled to this, including adults and children with disabilities.The state shall enforce occupational health and safety regulations to ensure that workers are adequately protected.In the planning and development of public housing schemes, the state will ensure that provision of and access to housing for persons with disabilities are made.3.8.5Transport, Traffic and Road SafetyAdequate transport facilities are essential in giving people with disabilities greater independence and choice in travelling. Therefore, public transport authorities shall:- recognise that everybody has a right to public transport;- facilitate travel opportunities for passengers with disabilities by designing or adapting the various systems of public transport, as well as the traffic infrastructure to the needs of persons with disabilities;- ensure that a policy on road and traffic safety is developed to educate and prevent road accidents.3.9Social, Economic and Legal ProtectionIn order to develop personal autonomy and economic independenc, persons with disabilities shall have the right to receive social security and to have a decent standard of living.The exercise of basic legal rights of disabled people shall be protected, including being free from discrimination. In cases where people with disabilities are partially or totally unable to administer their own property, they shall be provided with legal protection in a form of a guardian or legal assistant.3.10Training of PersonnelThe Government accepts its responsibility in ensuring the adequate training of personnel at all levels involved in the planning and provision of services for persons with disabilities. In particular, teacher training curriculum will address special educational needs in regular classrooms to the national pre-service and in-service teacher training.Comprehensive information about the various needs of all disabled people shall be included in the curriculums of various professionals for example, health workers, social workers, teachers, community workers and mid-level personnel.3.11Information, Statistics and ResearchThe Government acknowledges the responsibility for the collection and dissemination of information about the needs and rights of disabled people.The Government shall initiate and support research about the social, economic and living conditions of disabled people.When a new national census is carried out, it will include data on persons with disabilities. The results will be used in the national planning of all disability related programmes and services such as rehabilitation, communication services, integration and equalisation of opportunities.To be able to ensure a successful prevention of disabilities, in depth studies shall be conducted on the nature and prevalence of causes, types and frequencies of disabilities.3.12Family Life and Personal IntegrityThe state shall promote the full participation of persons with disabilities in family life. It shall promote their right to personal integrity and ensure that the laws do not discriminate against them with respect to their sexuality, marriage, and parenthood.Persons with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to abuse and violence within the family, community and in institutions. The state shall ensure that measures will be taken to prevent abuse and violence against them. Adequate counselling and support services shall be provided for those who become victims of violence or abuse.3.13Organisations of and for Persons with DisabilitiesThe Government recognises the right of organisations of and for persons with disabilities to represent them at national, regional and local levels as well as their role in identifying needs, evaluating services, advocating change and raising awareness.To this end, the Government shall endeavour to encourage and support the formation and strengthening of such organisations in view of the vital role they play.3.14International Co-operationThe Government shall initiate the establishment of contacts with international bodies involved in disability issues as well as the United Nations and its specialised agencies. All relevant conventions, treaties and agreements pertaining to disability and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities shall be studied in order to eventually ratify and accede to such agreements.The Government shall ensure the inclusion of disability aspects in all forms of international co-operation.4. STRATEGIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION
The following strategies are important tools for the implementation of this policy. The designated ministries will, in practical terms, support these strategies by programmes and projects whose implementation can bring about the intended goals. The extracts of the different objectives from the designated ministries’ development plans are in line with this policy’s objective and the guiding principle of full social integration and equalization of opportunities, respectively.The financial and human resources allocated to the provision of essential services to Namibians are fragmented and scattered under several ministries. Consequently, each ministry tends to have a too thin operational level staffing to respond to the needs of the local population. Therefore there is the need to pool the resources of different ministries and to organise them adequately so as to optimise the use of the total number of public services staff. Such organised pooling would enable the government to render much more extensive and intensive services to all Namibians, including persons with disabilities. The needs of and services to people with disabilities should not be treated separately by creating duplicating service structures.Each ministry carrying the main responsibility for the co-ordination of action plans in a particular area, shall ensure that all other governmental bodies and non-governmental organisations are involved in these plans.In addition to the assigned responsibilities, all government ministries should make their information and documentation accessible to disabled people and in particular to those with sensory loss in formats they can understand. For example, for blind and partially sighted people, this information should be converted into Braille and in large prints respectively or made available on audio tapes.4.1LegislationThe Government shall combat discrimination against persons with disabilities through legislation. This will help in the achievement of full participation and equality for persons with disabilities.The needs of all disabled people should be incorporated in all existing and new legislation dealing with education, employment, building codes, sports and recreation, housing, transportation, telecom / communication and all other sectors serving the public.4.2Financing the Execution of the PolicyThe Government shall ensure that a sufficient budget is allocated for all disability-related programmes and services aiming at the rehabilitation, full social integration and equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities.4.3Policy-Making and PlanningThe Government shall ensure that disability aspects are included in all relevant policy-making and national planning activities. The leading principle is that persons with disabilities and their needs shall be incorporated into the general development plans and not be treated separately.The various ministries listed below have been assigned designated areas and given the responsibility of implementing this policy. However, all government ministries and agencies should take immediate steps in including disability issues into their overall development plans. The co-ordinating ministry shall ensure that the implementation of such plans is effected.4.3.1National Planning Commission (NPC)In achieving its objective of “..rehabilitation of disabled people..” the National Planning Commission will (in collaboration with all ministries) have to carefully scrutinise all the different ministries’ plans and programmes to ensure that they include the needs of disabled people before acknowledging and approving them.4.3.2Ministry of Lands, Resettlement and Rehabilitation (MLRR)One of the objectives of this ministry is “The rehabilitation of disabled people by way of mobilising and organising them into groups that strive for skill training and the creation of employment and self-sufficiency in the production of material wealth”. Therefore, when implementing this policy, this ministry will be responsible for taking the lead role in the co-ordination of awareness raising programmes and campaigns in collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB). Other key roles will include:- Training of personnel in co-operation with all ministries and training institutions- Supporting of and co-operation with organisations of and for persons with disabilities- Maintaining International co-operation (in collaboration with NPC)- Promoting and Implementing Community-Based Rehabilitation programmes- Reporting, monitoring and evaluation in collaboration with the National Council on Disability.4.3.3Ministry of Health and Social Services (MHSS)The main objective of this ministry to is “to improve the health status of the Namibian population through the provision of relevant preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative health services, which are affordable and accessible to all Namibians”. To fulfil this objective and in implementing this policy all these services should be made accessible to disabled people.The Directorate of Social Services is responsible for Disabled Person’s Grants and Blind Person’s Grants that often are the only source of income to disabled people. The coverage and accessibility however need to be revisited and improved. Additionally, it is the social and health workers who are the most common channel for people with disabled people to access various societal and welfare services. Furthermore, specialised health, social welfare and technical support services such as counselling, physiotherapy etc. and the provision of orthopaedic equipment are also the responsibilities of the MHSS. The financial and human resources allocated to the provision of essential social welfare services are however fragmented and scattered under several ministries. These resources need to be reorganised to make the optimum use of resources available.4.3.4Ministry of Basic Education and Culture (MBEC)The ministry’s objective is.... “to ensure that basic education is received by all Namibians” when implementing this policy and to fulfil the aforementioned objective, the ministry should make provision of an inclusive education for all Namibian children including those who are disabled. This process of inclusion will entail developing the capacity of the regular school system to enable it to meet the diverse educational needs of all children. Furthermore, in co-operation with the MLRR the ministry should promote and strengthen the position on Namibian Sign Language.4.3.5Ministry of Higher Education, Vocational Training, Science and Technology (MHEVTST)At post basic level the Ministry’s intention is “to strive for a balance between academic technical and vocational education and training”. The ministry will ensure that all these different disciplines and facilities are made accessible to persons with disabilities when implementing this policy. The higher education and vocational guidance and training will co-operate with the MBEC and the Ministry of Labour (ML) respectively.4.3.6Ministry of Youth and Sports (MYS)In fulfilling the ministry’s objectives of providing and facilitating “the process of youth employment”...”skills training..” and ...”enterprise activities..” the ministry should make all these areas accessible to disabled people. This will be in collaboration with the MBEC and MLRR, as well as with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET).4.3.7Ministry of Regional and Local Government and Housing (MRLGH)Regional CouncilsOne of the objectives states that, “..establish a system of Regional Planning Advisory Committees - representing communities, the private sector, local authorities and regional ministerial offices - to advise Regional Councils..” This committee should also include disabled people or their representatives so that their needs can be included when handling the development planning matter.Local AuthoritiesOne of the objectives states that, Ò... develop new, and upgrade existing service extensions in Towns, Villages and Settlement Areas, based on a comprehensive needs survey..” This survey should include the different needs of disabled people and their families.4.3.8Ministry of Labour (ML)Labour and employment sector objectives are multi-faceted. Two of the objectives includea) “.. employment promotion both in formal and informal sectors..”b) “..establishment of a comprehensive and up-to-date labour market information system..” Both objectives should include disabled people. Objective (b) should also monitor the number of disabled people in the labour force and the type of occupations they are involved in. As part of the human resources development programmes provision should be made to include sheltered employment for those disabled people who qualify for it.4.3.9Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication (MWTC)Transport sector’s overall goal is to “... ensure the availability of safe, effective and efficient transport services in the different transport modes...” In implementing this policy, the ministry should ensure that public transport is made accessible to disabled people.Telecommunications - one of the objectives is “..expand the telecommunications network to improve customer access and increase the customer base..”. The other is “..train more personnel in areas where professional skills are required..” Telecommunications should make their services accessible to disabled people, and for those with sensory loss they should introduce the technology which is currently used in Europe and the USA.Furthermore, personnel should be brought in and trained. Some public telephones should be at a level which is accessible for wheelchair users.4.3.10Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB)This ministry’s main objective is “.. to maintain a vigorous mass media system which is capable of serving as a catalyst for nation-building and development”. To fully achieve this objective the ministry will have to implement this policy by ensuring that disabled people have access to the media, especially those with sensory loss. For example, the inclusion of subtitles and sign language for deaf or hard of hearing people. In collaboration with the MLRR and other ministries it will also be involved in raising awareness about the different needs of disabled people.4.3.12Department of Women Affairs (DWA)One of the general objectives is “..create more awareness on the needs, issues, concerns and roles of women in the process of development..”. In implementing this policy there should be an inclusion of women with disabilities in all development programmes.4.3.13Ministry of Finance (MF)This ministry, in addition to its other functions, has major roles in “..policy-making, economic management and resource allocation. To this end, the ministry in co-operation with the NPC, will finance the execution of this policy.4.4Communication and Co-ordinationThe Government shall strengthen the co-ordination, co-operation and communication amongst all governmental and non-governmental bodies dealing with health, education, vocational training, employment, social services and other relevant areas in society; the aim is to ensure a general development towards the equalisation of opportunities for people with disabilities in Namibia. Links and co-ordinating procedures have to be established between various bodies, departments, regional and local authorities, families and voluntary organisations.The Government acknowledges the advisory role of the representatives of organisations of and for people with disabilities as invaluable in the planning, implementation and evaluation of services; and in the programmes and strategies relevant to the needs and lives of disabled people.The Government shall ensure that different national policies related to disability are taken cognisance of by the responsible ministries and that their implementation is co- ordinated.4.5Community-Based RehabilitationThe Government will adopt a Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) as the main strategy for the implementation of programmes on prevention, rehabilitation, integration and equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities. CBR is a strategy within community development which aims at rehabilitating, socially integrating, and providing equal opportunities for all disabled people. Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities will be considered as a basic right for all those who need it; it is an important prerequisite to attaining full participation and equality within their societies and communities.Whilst committing itself to the CBR strategy, the Government recognises that there will always be a need for institutional-based rehabilitation. Specialised institutions shall be seen as support services to the communities. They shall only be established and supported as a result of documented needs within the communities when no other solution can be found.The Government believes that inclusive education and community-based rehabilitation represent complementary and mutually supportive approaches to serve those with special needs. By adopting CBR as a strategy, the Government further strengthens its principle of decentralisation of programme-implementation.Most rehabilitation can be done at home and in the community with an affordable amount of training and support. The CBR will be implemented through the combined efforts of disabled people themselves, their families and communities, and with the appropriate health care, educational, vocational and social services.4.6Monitoring and EvaluationIt is the declared goal of the Government to ensure the effective implementation of a National Policy on Disability.A proposed legislative bill called The Act on the Establishment of the National Council on Disability will be established. This proposed National Council on Disability should be consulted on all legislation and will inter alia have the following roles: identify areas where legislation is required and advise on new legislation; propose amendments on existing legislation to ensure that it entails the needs of disabled people; monitor and evaluate the implementation of the National Policy on Disability.