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- Is commenced by Public and Environmental Health Act, 2015: Commencement

Public and Environmental Health Act, 2015
Act 1 of 2015
- Published in Government Gazette 5740 on 18 May 2015
- Assented to on 22 April 2015
- Commenced on 17 September 2020 by Public and Environmental Health Act, 2015: Commencement
- [This is the version of this document from 18 May 2015 and includes any amendments published up to 17 January 2025.]
1. Definitions
2. Objects of Act
3. Powers and functions of local authorities
4. Health committees
5. Principles of notification of diseases
6. Classification of diseases
The Minister, in respect of the notification of diseases, may classify by notice in the Gazette a disease to be -7. Notification and reporting of notifiable infectious diseases
8. Inspection of premises and issuing of test orders
9. Medical examination of persons suspected to be suffering from notifiable infectious diseases
A health practitioner authorised by the chief health officer or a head of health services may at a reasonable time enter a premises contemplated in section 8 for the purpose of medical examination of a person contemplated in that section.10. Provision of isolation and other facilities
11. Removal and isolation of infected persons
12. Infected persons transferred for treatment from other areas
If a patient suffering from a notifiable infectious disease is transferred from an area to another local authority or state hospital or state health service for isolation and treatment in a hospital or place of isolation maintained by the local authority or the state, the local authority, state hospital or state health service to whom the patient has been transferred may recover from the local authority or state hospital or state health service who ordered the transfer of the patient the cost of -13. Local authority to prevent transmission of notifiable infectious diseases
If a person suffers from a notifiable infectious disease within the local authority area of a local authority, it is the duty of the local authority to ensure that adequate measures are taken -14. Disinfection of premises or article
15. Removal to cleansing stations of dirty and verminous persons
If a cleansing station is provided within a local authority area or within a reasonable distance there from, a person within that local authority area certified by the head of health services or a health practitioner to be dirty or verminous may be removed, on the order of the head of health services, together with his or her clothing and bedding, to the cleansing station and be cleansed.16. Removal orders
17. Exposure of infected persons or things
18. Transport of infected persons or thing in public transport
19. Infected dwellings not to be evacuated or let without previous disinfection
20. Removal and burial of human remains of persons who have died of notifiable infectious disease
21. Post-mortem examinations of human remains of persons who have died of notifiable infectious disease
22. Formidable epidemic diseases
23. Notification of suspected cases of formidable epidemic diseases
24. Notification of sickness or mortality in animals
25. Local authority to report notification of formidable epidemic diseases and execution of speedy communications
A local authority must -26. Powers of Minister if local authority fails to adequately deal with formidable epidemic disease
27. Requisition of buildings, equipment or other articles
28. Declaration of public health emergency
29. Powers of Minister regarding public health emergency or occurrence or threatened outbreak of formidable epidemic disease
30. Powers of authorised persons during declared public health emergency
31. Appointment of emergency management and response committees
32. Advances to local authorities
33. Refunds to local authorities
The Minister may authorise -Part 4 – SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS
34. Application of Part
This Part applies to all sexually transmitted infections, except the infections as the Minister may specify by notice in the Gazette.35. Duties of medical practitioners and other health practitioners relating to sexually transmitted infections
36. Duties of heads of health services and government health practitioners to report and powers of chairperson of regional council
37. Transmission of infection
A person who, knowing that he or she is infected with a sexually transmitted infection -38. Proceedings to be in camera and reports not to be published
39. Detention in hospital of infected person
40. Rights of persons detained in hospital or other place of accommodation
41. Publication of advertisements of cures
42. Control and prevention of non-communicable diseases or conditions
In order to control and prevent non-communicable diseases or conditions like cancers, diabetes, obesity, chronic respiratory diseases and cardiovascular diseases, the Minister may adopt World Health Organisation policies, develop appropriate policies and guidelines.43. Control and prevention of vector borne diseases
In order to control and prevent vector borne diseases, the Minister must develop appropriate policies and guidelines to ensure the implementation of increased access to comprehensive preventative and vector control measures -Part 6 – CONTROL AND PREVENTION AND NOTIFICATION OF MATERNAL, ANTE-NATAL AND NEO-NATAL DEATHS
44. Control and prevention and notification of maternal, ante-natal and neo-natal deaths
45. Duty of local authority to furnish potable water supplies
A local authority must provide and maintain or cause to be provided and maintained, as far as may be reasonably possible, a sufficient supply of potable water for drinking and domestic purposes, whether the supplies be derived from sources within or beyond the local authority area.46. Water works, purification and water quality
47. Powers to inspect water supply
48. Powers to inspect food or articles of food
49. Disposal of food unfit for human consumption
50. Manufacture and disposal of infant food
51. Waste collection, disposal and recycling
A local authority must ensure -52. Waste generation and storage
53. Waste disposal
54. Sanitation
A local authority must -55. Offences relating to this Part
A person who contravenes or fails to comply with this Part commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding N$100 000 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 10 years, or to both such fine and such imprisonment.Part 10 – HEALTH NUISANCES
56. Health nuisances
A person may not cause a health nuisance or may not permit to exist on a land or premises owned or occupied by him or her, or of which he or she is in charge, a health nuisance or other condition liable to be injurious or dangerous to health.57. Local authority to maintain cleanliness and prevent health nuisances
A local authority must take all lawful, necessary and reasonable practical measures to -58. Local authority to prevent or remedy danger to health arising from unsuitable dwelling
A local authority must take all lawful, necessary and reasonably practicable measures to prevent or cause to be prevented or remedied all conditions liable to be injurious or dangerous to health arising from -59. What constitutes health nuisance
The following is considered to be health nuisances which can be offensive, injurious or dangerous to health and liable to be dealt with in the manner provided in this Part, a -60. Notice to remove health nuisance
61. Procedure if person fails to comply with notice
62. Local authority to execute works in certain cases
If a local authority is satisfied that the person by whose act or omission the health nuisance arises or that the owner or occupier of the premises is not known or cannot be found, the local authority may at once execute or cause to execute the works to remove the health nuisance and the cost of executing the works concerned is a charge on the property on which the health nuisance concerned exists.63. Investigation of premises
The head of health services or a staff member authorised by him or her in writing may -64. Person making complaint of health nuisance
65. Demolition of unfit dwellings
66. Prohibitions in respect of dwellings and rooms without adequate ventilation
67. Penalties in relation to health nuisances
68. Minister may require preparation of public and environmental health plans
69. Approval of public and environmental health plan
70. Reporting on public and environmental health plan
The Minister may in writing require a regional health board or a district health board to monitor the implementation of a public and environmental health plan in the geographic area in respect of which the board concerned has jurisdiction, and to report in the manner required by the Minister on -71. Review and revision of public and environmental health plan
72. Publication of international health regulations and amendments
The chief health officer must -73. Power to carry out and apply International Health Regulations
74. Regulations by Minister
75. Power to apply regulations to notifiable infectious disease
The Minister, by notice in the Gazette, may apply the regulations made under this Act relating to notifiable infectious diseases to a notifiable infectious disease to which International Health Regulations do not apply, subject to the exceptions, adaptations and modifications as the Minister may consider necessary or expedient and as may be specified in the notice.76. Jurisdiction
An offence under a regulation contemplated in this Part is considered, with regard to the jurisdiction of a court to try the offence, to have been committed in a place where the accused happens to be.Part 13 – GENERAL
77. Regulations
78. Contributions to cost of laboratories and voluntary associations concerned with public health
79. Delegation of powers and assignment of duties or functions by Minister and chief health officer
80. Reciprocal notification and consultation between Ministry and veterinary division of Directorate of Agriculture
81. Contracts in respect of dwellings not to be affected
Except as specially provided in subsection (5) of section 61 and subsection (5) of section 65, nothing in this Act prejudices the remedies of an owner or occupier of a dwelling or premises for the breach, non-observance or non-performance of a contract entered into by an owner or occupier in respect of which dwelling or premises an order has been made by the court or a local authority under this Act.82. Savings as to recovery of damage
Subject to section 83, nothing in this Act is construed as depriving a person of a right which he or she may possess to institute legal proceedings and to obtain damages in a court of law for loss or injury sustained through the neglect of a local authority or a person to perform a function imposed by this Act.83. Protection of Ministry and local authorities
84. Protection of staff members
No report made or action taken or thing done by the Minister or by an authorised staff member of the Ministry or local authority in the exercise of a power conferred or the performance of a function imposed by this Act may subject the Minister or the staff member concerned in his or her personal capacity to a legal proceedings, if the report was made or action was taken or thing was done in good faith and without negligence.85. Powers of entry and inspection of premises
86. Penalties for fraudulent conduct in connection with certificates under this Act
A person who -87. Defect in form not to invalidate
No defect in the form of a notice given or order made under this Act -88. Service of notices
89. Certificate of fitness
The Minister may prescribe the form of a fitness certificate and manner and procedures for the issuing of fitness certificate as contemplated in the Local Authorities Act and other laws regulating the registration of businesses.90. Powers of local authority outside its local authority area
Nothing in a law governing a local authority is construed as preventing a local authority from exercising a power or performing function under this Act by reason only that in exercising the power or performing the function it may do some act or thing or incur expenditure outside its area.91. Conflict of Act with other laws
If any other law is in conflict or inconsistent with this Act, this Act prevails.92. Scope and application of subordinate legislation
93. Application of Act to State
94. Savings and transitional provision
Anything done under a law repealed by section 95 and which could have been done under a corresponding provision of this Act is deemed to have been done under this Act.95. Laws repealed
The laws set out in the Schedule to this Act are repealed.96. Short title and commencement
This Act is called the Public and Environmental Health Act, 2013, and comes into operation on a date determined by the Minister by notice in the Gazette.History of this document
17 September 2020
18 May 2015 this version
22 April 2015
Assented to
Cited documents 5
Act 5
1. | Local Authorities Act, 1992 | 1345 citations |
2. | Medical and Dental Act, 2004 | 177 citations |
3. | Allied Health Professions Act, 2004 | 134 citations |
4. | Social Work and Psychology Act, 2004 | 95 citations |
5. | Pharmacy Act, 2004 | 83 citations |
Documents citing this one 63
Gazette 44
Proclamation 9
Judgment 6
Government Notice 4
1. | Declaration of COVID-19 as Formidable Epidemic Disease | |
2. | Health Directives relating to COVID-19 | |
3. | Public Health COVID-19 General Regulations | |
4. | Public Health COVID-19 General Regulations |