Regulations setting out Minimum Technical Standards for Set-Top Box Decoders, 2013

General Notice 475 of 2013

Regulations setting out Minimum Technical Standards for Set-Top Box Decoders, 2013

Coat of Arms
Communications Act, 2009

Regulations setting out Minimum Technical Standards for Set-Top Box Decoders, 2013

General Notice 475 of 2013

  • Published in Government Gazette 5357 on 6 December 2013
  • Commenced on 6 December 2013
  • [This is the version of this document at 15 November 2017.]
  • [Note: The version of this legislation as at 15 November 2017 was revised and consolidated by the Legal Assistance Centre and the Government of the Republic of Namibia. All subsequent amendments have been researched and applied by Laws.Africa for NamibLII.]

1. Definitions

In these regulations, a word or expression to which a meaning is assigned in the Act has the same meaning, and unless the context otherwise indicates-the Regulations” means the Regulations Setting out Minimum Technical Standards for Set-Top Box Decoders.Act” means the Communications Act, 2009 (Act No. 8 of 2009).Minimum technical standards” means, for the purposes hereof, those set of standards that specifies the minimum technical requirements that are mandatory for set-top box decoders as prescribed in these regulationsSet-Top Box Decoder” means an information appliance device that generally contains a tuner and connects to an analogue television set and an external source of signal, turning the source signal into content a form that can then be displayed on the television screen or other display device.

2. Applicability

These regulations shall be applicable to-
(1)All Digital terrestrial television Set-Top Box decoders imported and sold within the Republic of Namibia.
(2)These regulations shall also be applicable to all of the following Set-Top Box decoder providers:-
(a)Broadcasting Service licensees;
(b)Signal Distributor Licensees;
(c)Multiplex Licensees;
(d)Decoder manufacturers/distributors/retailers; and
(e)The Public

3. Spectrum

The Set-Top Box decoder shall operate within the VHF and UHF television broadcasting bands as set out in the table below, using 8 MHz channel spacing in accordance with the International Telecommunications Union GE06 plan (International Telecommunications Union Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for Planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the Frequency Bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (RRC-06) – Geneva 15 May – 16 June 2006).
BandFrequency range MHz
VHFVHF III174 to 230
UHFUHF IV470 to 582
 UHF V582 to 694

4. System features

The Set-Top Box decoder shall operate according to the system features as shown in the table below in accordance with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
DescriptionMinimum standard
System StandardDigital Video Broadcasting (DVB) – Terrestrial and Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) – Terrestrial 2.
 (The following references are indispensable for the application of this document. For undated reference, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies:(ETSI TS 101 154, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Specification for the use of Video and Audio Coding in Broadcasting Applications based on the MPEG-2 Transport Stream; ETSI EN 300 743, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Subtitling systems; ETSI ETR 162, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Allocation of Service Information (SI) codes for DVB systems)
Video DecodingMoving Pictures Experts Group 2 and Moving Pictures Experts Group 4
Video ResolutionStandard Definition
Conditional AccessNo Conditional Access Module to be embedded
Video ProfileMoving Pictures Experts Group -4 MP@L3Phase Alternating Line I/B/G modulator
Over-The-Air (OTA) DownloadYes
Memory8 MB RAM, 16 MB Flash
AudioMono and Stereo

5. Software features

(1)All middleware included on the set-Top Box decoder should be embedded.
(2)The Set-Top Box decoder should be able to display an electronic programme guide depicting information for a minimum period of seven (7) days.
(3)Parental Lock functionality should be available.

6. Hardware features

The Set-Top Box decoder should be manufactured in accordance with all hardware features as shown in the table below.
DescriptionMinimum standard
Power SupplyInternal 160 – 264V AC and 47-63 HZ or External AC to DC adaptor Over/under voltage protectionOverheating protection
ConnectionsIEC 60169-2RF IN – Female RF OUT – MaleAudio/Video RCA or HDMI Serial/USB for software upgrade Ethernet Port
ExteriorStandby functionality Volume (V+ & V-)Channel Change (Ch+ & Ch-)One tri-colour LED indication required Channel ScanMenu with accept functionality

7. Accessories

(1)The following accessories shall be included in the box for each Set-Top Box decoder:
(a)A Standard remote control with batteries;
(b)Required power adaptors and a RF cable and/or a RCA cable;
(c)An English instruction manual.

8. Warranty and support

(1)The manufacturer of the Set-Top Box decoder shall offer a one (1) year warranty as a minimum requirement.
(2)Manufacturers and Importers of Set-Top Box decoders shall maintain local repair and/or swop facilities within the borders of the Republic of Namibia.

9. Non-Compliance with Minimum Technical Standards

(1)Any person, Signal Distributor Licensee, Multiplex Licensee, decoder manufacturer or distributor or retailer who fails to comply with any of the provisions contained in these Regulations shall be in contravention of these Regulations.
(2)Any person, Broadcasting Licensee, Multiplex Licensee, Decoder, Manufacturer, or Distributor or Retailor who contravenes any provision contained in these Regulations shall be subject to the provisions of Section 90, and Sections 114 to 127 of the Communications Act, 2009 (Act No. 8 of 2009), where applicable.”

10. Amendment of Minimum Technical Standards

The Authority may amend these minimum technical standards from time to time.
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History of this document

15 November 2017 this version
06 December 2013

Cited documents 1

Act 1
1. Communications Act, 2009 357 citations

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