2.4 Staff appointment and development |
| Requirements | Criteria |
1. | Documented recruitment and selection processes | a.The recruitment sources, processes and criteria are fair, valid and rigorous and are likely to secure persons with relevant competencies and experiences that are commensurate with the scope and level of education services offered.b.Statements of service include, as a minimum:statement of duties; responsibilities and accountabilities;subject-related and teaching/assessing qualifications (where applicable) and/or experience needed;person specifications;remuneration and allowances;code of conduct requirements;service conditions and expectations.c.Advertisements clearly reflect position descriptions for the position advertised.d.Selection criteria do not unfairly discriminate against some prospective applicants.e.Interview questions relate to the position and provide opportunities for persons to share information on their skills, knowledge and experience, and person qualities that are applicable to the position.f.The procedures for recruitment and selection are adhered to and are effective. |
2. | Employment of appropriate staff | a.The structure and levels of professional (teaching) and administration (ancillary) staff is relevant and appropriate to the scope of services and the size and nature of the provider.b.The provider has staff with skills in the following areas:teaching and subject knowledge;assessment and moderation expertise;educational management expertise;quality management expertise;student support skills;financial and administration expertise;research mentoring and monitoring (where degree-level programmes are offered).c.All professional staff have minimum qualifications and/or sector/industry/work experiences that are consistent with the need to ensure the attainment of the types of qualifications to be awarded and are generally qualified one level higher than the qualification for which the course is intended. In the case of degree-level courses, the minimum qualification to be held is a Masters degree.d.Professional staff have qualifications and/or experiences stipulated by recognised stakeholder groups for the teaching and awarding of national qualifications.e.All administration staff have minimum qualifications that are consistent with the need to provide the level of support needed to ensure the smooth running of the provider and its courses, and the attainment of goals and objectives.f.Staff demonstrate a clear commitment to and interest in the learning and attainments of their learners.g.The sourcing of staff from any franchise or collaborative partner does not compromise the continuity of teaching and learning. |
3. | Fair conditions of employment | a.The provider complies fully with current employment-related legislation regarding appointment, conditions of employment, health and safety, discipline, and dismissal requirements.b.There is an induction process that assists new staff become familiar with their new surroundings, organisational values, and policies and procedures.c.The provider acts as a “good employer” in regards to the health, welfare and ethical treatment of all staff. |
4. | Regular appraisal of staff performance | a.Staff appraisal is based on an assessment of performance against relevant and transparent criteria and expectations.b.Appraisal is a regular though not burdensome activity.c.The appraisal process is fair and equitable.d.Appraisal is focused on the determination of successes and the identification of skills, knowledge and performance gaps that need closing.e.The appraisal process is well documented and enables outcomes to be actioned and monitored. Information on the process is clear, transparent and accessible to staff.f.The appraisal system is applicable to all staff.g.The performance appraisal system is followed as documented. |
5. | Commitment to staff development | a.There are sufficient and realistic opportunities for staff to remedy any performance gaps.b.Staff development is adequately resourced and is consistent with the financial position of the provider.c.Staff development processes and priorities are responsive to the rate of knowledge and/or technological change in the subject areas taught and assessed, and ensures that the skills, knowledge and abilities of all staff remain current and relevant to their role and position.d.Staff development opportunities are made available to all staff. |
2.5 Learning facilities, resources and contexts requirements |
| Requirements | Criteria |
1. | Adequate and appropriate buildings | a.Evidence is given that the provider has regular legal rights and/or access to any sites and premises required to deliver the education services offered.b.Site plans show the current location of key buildings and services.c.Local authority zoning laws permit the conduct of the education services offered.d.Premises meet building, health, environment and safety regulations set by local and/or national authorities.e.Premises are clean and well maintained.f.Premises are sufficient for the type and range of education services offered and the number and profile of staff and learners.g.Premises are sufficient to meet any staff or learner residential demands (where applicable). |
2. | Adequate and appropriate facilities | a.Library facilities have sufficient space to hold the resources and reader-seating volumes that are consistent with the type of courses offered and learner enrolments.b.Library facilities have sufficient texts and electronic search facilities to meet the demands of the education services offered and the demands made by staff and learners.c.Student amenities are consistent with enrolment numbers and learner profiles.d.Staff amenities are consistent with staff numbers.e.Specialist rooms and teaching facilities are sufficient for the number and type of courses offered, learner numbers and maximum capacity levels.f.All buildings and facilities are capable of accommodating the needs of persons with disabilities.g.There are sufficient operational ablution facilities for the number of staff and learners on site at any one time.h.The number, size and type of housing or accommodation units, where applicable, are sufficient to meet the numbers of staff and learners requiring such residences.i.The nature of any residences provides a standard of accommodation and comfort consistent with residences found in similar circumstances. |
3. | Adequate and appropriate teaching materials and equipment | a.An Assets Register is maintained.b.Sufficient financial provision is made to provide for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and specialist materials and equipment of an appropriate volume, form and currency that is relevant to the outcomes of learning being developed.c.Teaching materials and equipment is of a kind that matches that currently used in the industry settings relevant to the intended outcomes of each course.d.Teaching materials and equipment is of a kind, currency and volume relevant to the mode of delivery and enrolments for each course and is accessible at the time of need.e.The lease or loan of equipment and specialist materials is covered by agreements that ensure access and availability at the time of need. |
4. | Adequate and appropriate learning materials and equipment | a.Textbook and learning materials acquisition, distribution and maintenance procedures are sufficient to meet the needs of staff, learners and the learning demands generated by the intended outcomes of each course.b.Learning materials and equipment are relevant to materials and equipment in current use in the industry setting relevant to the intended outcomes of the course. |
2.6 Delivery of courses requirements |
| Requirements | Criteria |
1. | Transfer of subject and education and/or training expertise of staff into well developed instruction and facilitation of learning | a.Teaching staff are aware of and responsive to the different learning styles of their learners, with a variety of learning and teaching techniques being used to meet the different needs of learners.b.Lessons or learning activities are well organised and prepared.c.Teaching staff are flexible in their approach to teaching and learning and are able to respond to different situations and contingencies as they arise.d.Teaching aids used are functional, interesting, and relevant to the application of the learning in the outside world.e.Courses delivered match those described in the relevant course statements. |
2. | Systematic review of courses | a.There is a planned schedule of reviews of courses that is consistent with the size and nature of each course and the extent of knowledge and technology changes in the subject areas. (Degree level courses are normally expected to be reviewed every three years. Shorter courses may be reviewed on an annual basis).b.The review process includes a review of content, outcomes of learning, course structure, staffing requirements, physical resources required, attainment standards, and the overall management of the course.c.The review process is inclusive of learners and stakeholders. In the case of degree-level programmes, though not exclusively, the review must be inclusive of at least one senior and respected staff member of another, reputable provider offering a similar course.d.The tools for seeking learner and stakeholder feedback are user friendly and effective for the intended purpose.e.The views of learners and stakeholders are taken into account where this contributes to enhanced learning and the relevance of outcomes attained. |
2.7 Learner guidance, welfare and support requirements |
| Requirements | Criteria |
1. | Written information for learners regarding the provider, courses, and learning. | a.Information is provided on:site layout and facilities;staff and management structures;governance structures and the involvement of learners;courses and qualifications available, including academic regulations for each;entry and selection criteria and processes;total enrolment costs and the total costs of pursuing a course of study or training;withdrawal and refund policies and procedures;orientation or familiarisation processes;pastoral care, course and career guidance, welfare and student support services;health and safety requirements;rules and regulations;disciplinary procedures;reassessment and assessment appeals procedures;recognition of prior learning and credit transfer arrangements.b.Information and publicity materials are a current, true and accurate representation of the facts.c.Information and publicity materials are readily available and accessible to all learners at all delivery sites. |
2. | Guidance services to support learning. | a.Academic and career support is available prior to and after enrolment, with appropriate access to support and guidance related to progress through a course being available.b.Academic and career support policies ensure that learners working in isolation from the principal learner body (eg, distance learners) receive the same level and quality of support and guidance. |
3. | Guidance and support services to support learner health and welfare. | a.Policies and practice related to learner health and welfare recognise the provider’s responsibilities to offer information and relevant assistance regarding:Major health concerns (such as STDs and HIV/AIDS);Citizenship and living skills.b.Health and welfare support policies ensure that learners working in isolation from the principal learner body receive the same level and quality of support and guidance. |
4. | Complaints and appeals procedures. | a.Complaints procedures are documented in terms of processes, obligations, and any limits applicable to all parties.b.Disciplinary procedures are clearly outlined and make a distinction between minor and major transgressions or misconducts. Steps involved in the process are clearly outlined.c.Rules, regulations and grievance procedures are likely to promote harmony and instill the conduct of good behaviour. The procedures respect the rights of individuals to complain and seek redress on reasonable grounds.d.Procedures for reassessment are clear, detailed, transparent and unambiguous, and treat learners fairly.e.Appeals against assessment, or any other decision, allow for the inclusion of a party capable of independent and objective input. |
2.8 Assessment of learner performance requirements |
| Requirements | Criteria |
1. | Documented assessment plans | a.Assessment plans and associated instruments (eg tests, marking schemes, etc) are developed for all courses.b.Assessment plans clearly detail:the assessment process and methodologies to be used;dates and times of assessment and other related regulations regarding the conduct of the assessment;the criteria to be used to determine ‘success;appeals procedures.c.Assessment plans and associated instruments are subject to internal and, where necessary, external review and moderation before use. |
2. | Adherence to principles governing good assessment | a.Assessment uses methodologies that are:appropriate to the abilities being assessed;fair to all candidates and do not disadvantage, hinder, or otherwise limit opportunities for candidates to demonstrate or provide evidence of their ability;integrated into learning, training, or workplace activities;manageable, straightforward, readily arranged, cost effective and unobtrusive (where possible) to other activities.b.Evidence used to make decisions is:valid and relates to the relevant outcomes of learning and performance expectations;direct and sourced from activities that are commensurate with activities associated with the outcomes being assessed;authentic and attributed to each individual candidate without undue external influences;sufficient, clearly demonstrating that all criteria and performance contexts have been met and that performance was not the result of a chance event.c.Assessment decisions are:based on available and suitable evidence;based on clear, unambiguous and transparent criteria that reflect stakeholder-endorsed standards of expected performance;consistent over time and across assessors faced with the same evidence.d.Assessment processes are:systematic, with planning and recording being of sufficient rigour to enhance and promote fairness to all candidates;open and transparent, and are inclusive of the involvement of candidates in planning the assessment and evidence gathering processes where this is reasonable and feasible;consistently applied by all assessors and over time.e.Assessment is carried out by those with proven knowledge, skill and expertise to conduct assessments and make sound assessment decisions. |
3. | Comprehensive internal moderation systems | a.There is a planned and systematic process to identify what must be internally moderated, when, and the size of any samples used in the moderation process.b.Moderation systems look to enhance the quality of assessment processes and instruments, and the quality of assessment outcomes.c.Assessment materials are updated as a result of internal moderation findings.d.Assessor skills and expertise are managed as a result of any internal moderation findings. |
4. | Compliance with any national or inter-provider assessment systems (external moderation) | a.External moderation activities and responsibilities are complied with fully.b.Sufficient resources and financial allocations are made available to ensure obligations to external moderation requirements are met.c.Systems are in place to ensure that any candidate work or other assessment materials required for external moderation purposes is secured until required, thereafter it is returned to the candidate or otherwise disposed of.d.Findings from external moderation activities are used to enhance assessment process and practice. |
2.9 Learner records and reporting requirements |
1. | Current and secured learner enrolment records | a.Enrolment data, including details of courses enrolled in and any file notes regarding the attendance and behaviour of the learner, is accurate and current. The data is sufficient to serve the interests of the learner in any case of voluntary or forced transfer to another provider.b.Data is entered into a centralised database as soon as practicable after the data has been generated.c.Data is securely stored in two separate physical locations. Computer records are regularly backed-up and a copy is stored separate from the originals.d.Record-keeping, access, release and storage protects the privacy rights of the learner. |
2. | Current and secured learner attainment records and results | a.Progressive and final assessment results are recorded accurately and are stored securely.b.Back up [Back-up] copies of progressive and final assessment results are kept in secure store off-site.c.Final assessment results are archived indefinitely in a safe yet easily retrievable location and format.d.Systems are in place to ensure that progressive and final assessment results may only be accessed, updated or amended by authorised persons. |
3. | Timely and informative reporting of learner progress and attainment | |
2.10 Research |
Note: This sub element is required to be met only by those providers who wish to be accredited for courses that contribute to the award of degree-level qualifications, including graduate and post-graduate certificates and diplomas. |
| Requirements | Criteria |
1. | A commitment to research activities | a.Progressive attainment results are issued to learners as soon after an assessment as is practicable.b.Reported results clearly and fully reflect each candidate’s achievements in relation to the outcomes of learning and associated awarding criteria for each course enrolled in.c.Reporting of attainment results respects the privacy rights of the learner.d.Progressive and final learner attainment results are forwarded timeously to a centralised system where this is required under the registration terms for NQF qualifications. |
2. | The conduct of meaningful research | a.A schedule of current and planned research activities is accessible.b.Requirements for the submission of theses specify conditions related to length, format, authenticity, and the presentation of evidence.c.There is a requirement and provision for the supervision of research activities. Complaints procedures are inclusive of grounds for, and processes governing, complaints regarding supervision.d.Research is carried out ethically and is open to public and professional scrutiny. |
Note: Basic or fundamental research involves experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge without any particular application or use in view. Applied research involves the development or testing of existing knowledge towards specific practical objectives or the evaluation of policies or practices. Strategic research is intended to generate new knowledge in an area that has not yet advanced sufficiently to enable specific applications to be identified.Research activities are conducted in accordance with recognised ethical standards and are subject to peer and public scrutiny. |