Regulations relating to Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area, 2012

Government Notice 316 of 2012

Coat of Arms
Marine Resources Act, 2001

Regulations relating to Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area, 2012

Government Notice 316 of 2012

  • Published in Government Gazette 5111 on 31 December 2012
  • Commenced on 31 December 2012
  • [This is the version of this document at 15 November 2017.]
  • [Note: The version of this legislation as at 15 November 2017 was revised and consolidated by the Legal Assistance Centre and the Government of the Republic of Namibia. All subsequent amendments have been researched and applied by Laws.Africa for NamibLII.]
[Capitalisation and italics throughout these regulations are reproduced as they appear in the Government Gazette.]


1. Definitions

In these regulations a word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act has that meaning, and unless the context otherwise indicates-buffer zone” means the all-encompassing area referred to in regulation 2;boat-based tourism”, within the boundaries of the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area, excludes any form of landing on any island within the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area;guano scraping” refers to the removal, bagging, weighing and transfer of guano, a substance primarily composed of seabird excrement accumulated in areas where seabirds roost or breed;island-based tourism” means landing on an island or accessing an island in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area;mariculture” means the farming of marine organisms;Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area” means the Namibian Islands Marine Reserve as declared under Government Notice No. 17 of 16 February 2009; andthe Act” means the Marine Resources Act, 2000 (Act No. 27 of 2000).


2. Delineation

(1)The Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area includes all islands, rocks, islets, marine resources and marine area as follows-
(a)the northern border is constituted by a line drawn from a point just north of Meob Bay at 24°29’10”S, 14°30’00”E, running due east to the high water mark;
(b)the southern border constituted by a line drawn from a point south-west of Chamais Bay at 27°57’34”S, 15°28’05”E, running due east to the high water mark;
(c)the western border is constituted by a line connecting the list of co-ordinates provided in regulation 3; and
(d)the eastern border runs along the high water mark of Namibia’s coast-line, between Meob Bay in the north and Chamais Bay in the south of the Protected Area.


3. Co-ordinates of Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area

(1)The following is the all encompassing buffer zone of the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area:[The word “all-encompassing” should be hyphenated in subregulation (1) as it is in the table below.]
All-encompassing buffer zone of the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected AreaLatitude SouthLongitude East
North-West corner extends from this point straight east to the high water mark on the coastline24°29’10”14°30’00”
Point west of Black Reef24°33’19”14°29’15”
Point west of Easter Point25°17’34”14°35’29”
Point west of Dolphin Head25°44’24”14°39’16”
Point south-west of Douglas Point26°20’32”14°44’25”
Point west of Elizabeth Point26°55’28”14°55’44”
Point north-west of Van Reenen Bay27°21’13”15°04’00”
South-West corner extends from this point straight east to the high water mark on the coastline27°57’34”15°28’05”
The eastern border is the high water mark on the coastline opposite the western border
(2)The following islands, islets, rocks, line fish sanctuary and rock lobster sanctuary fall within the above buffer zone of the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area:
IslandsLatitude SLongitude E
Hollamsbird Island24°38’22”14°31’51”
Mercury Island25°43’ 10”14°49’58”
Ichaboe Island26°17’20”14°56’11”
Seal Island26°35’45”15°09’22”
Penguin Island26°37’00”15°09’14”
Halifax Island26°39’04”15°04’47”
Possession Island27°00’45”15°11’37”
Pomona Island27°11’37”15°15’28”
Plumpudding island27°38’30”15°30’49”
Sinclair Island27°39’55”15°31’13”
Islets and Rocks
Neglectus Islet26°08’11”14°56’46”
Disused jetty in Hottentot Bay26°08’30”14°56’44”
Unnamed rock (near Danger Point)26°14’45”14°57’16”
Marshall Rocks26°21’21”14°58’46”
Boat Bay Rocks26°25’6”15°05’24”
Dumfudgeon Rocks26°29’34”15°07’01”
Ladies Rocks (N Rock)26°51’26”15°09 10”
Ladies Rocks (S Rock)26°51’37”15°09’11”
Long Island - North26°49’10”15°07’30”
Long Island - South26°49’54”15°07’41”
Albatross Rock27°07’08”15°14’17”
line fish sanctuary
North-West corner of sanctuary (Northern border extends from this point straight east to the high water mark on the coastline)24°29’10”14°30’00”
Point west of Black Reef24°33’19”14°29’15”
Point west of Black Rock24°57’23”14°42’25”
South-West corner of sanctuary (Southern border off Sylvia Hill extends from this point straight east to the high water mark on the coastline25°09’57”14°44’02”
Rock lobster sanctuary
North-West corner of sanctuary (Northern border extends from this point straight east to the high water mark on the coastline)27°03’43”15°11’56”
Point west of Prinzenbucht27°06’33”15°12’44”
Point west of Pomona27°12’02”15°13’25”
Point west of Van Reenen Bay27°24’42”15°19’25”
Point west of Baker’s Bay27°40’17”15°27’00”
SW corner of sanctuary (Southern border off Chamais Bay extends from this point straight east to the high water mark on the coastline)27°55’52”15°38’15”


4. Zonations

(1)The Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area consists of an all encompassing buffer zone, further sub-zoned into four degrees of increasing protection. The approved conditions enforceable in each zone are contained in the management zonations for the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area.[The word “all-encompassing” should be hyphenated.]
(2)Zone 1 represents the buffer zone with generalized and fewest restrictions, applicable to all islands, islets, rocks and areas specifically mentioned, as stipulated in Part 6.
(3)Enforceable conditions for Zone 2 apply to near-shore and on-shore mining areas up to a water depth of 30 m.
(4)Zone 3 restrictions are enforceable to a perimeter of 120 m (or less in specified cases in the approved management zonations) around each island, islet or rock.
(5)Zone 4 represents areas of priority conservation and highest protection status and is in force on the islands, islets, rocks, rock lobster sanctuaries and line fish sanctuaries.


5. Restricted harvesting of silver kob (kabeljou) and steenbras

A person may not, for recreational or commercial purposes, harvest silver kob (kabeljou) and steenbras by means of long-lines or line fishing in the line fish sanctuary area from Meob Bay to Sylvia Hill between the high water mark and six nautical miles offshore as indicated by the following co-ordinates:
At Meob Bay24°29’10”S14°30’00”E
Point west of Black Reef24°33’19”S14°29’15”E
Point west of Black Rock24°57’23”S14°42’25”E
At Sylvia Hill25°09’57”S14°44’02”E

6. Sylvia Hill

(1)A person is not permitted to enter the caves at Sylvia Hill, except a staff member of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources or the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, who has been issued with a permit by that Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources.
(2)Commercial rock lobster fishing is prohibited within the polygon defined by the following co-ordinates:

7. Rock lobster sanctuary between Prince of Wales Bay (otherwise referred to as Prinzenbucht) and Chamais Bay

Fishing for rock lobster for commercial purposes is prohibited in the shallow areas within the polygon defined by the following co-ordinates:
North-West corner of sanctuary (Northern border extends from this point straight east to the high water mark on the coastline)27°03’43”S15°11’56”E
Point west of Prinzenbucht27°06’33”S15°12’44”1E
Point west of Pomona27°12’02”S15°13’25”E
Point west of Van Reenen Bay27°24’42”S15°19’25”E
Point west of Baker’s Bay27°40’17”S15°27’00”E
SW corner of sanctuary (Southern border off Chamais Bay extends from this point straight east to the high water mark on the coastline)27°55’52”S15°38’15”E

8. Prohibition on purse seining

Purse seining activities may not be undertaken in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area.

9. Prohibition on trawling

Trawling activities may not be undertaken in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area.

10. Prohibition on long lining

Long lining activities may not be undertaken in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area.

11. Prohibition on kelp-cutting and harvesting of live kelp

(1)A person may not cut or harvest live kelp in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area.
(2)Where the cutting of kelp is considered necessary, this will only be allowed if a permit has been granted, after an application has been submitted to the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in accordance with Annexure A.
(3)A kelp cutting permit referred to in subregulation (2) must be issued by the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources or by a person or authority authorised by the Minister in writing.
(4)The Minister or a person or authority authorised by the Minister in writing may-
(a)refuse the application;
(b)grant the application and issue a permit; or
(c)grant the application and issue a permit subject to certain conditions which the Minister or a person or authority authorised by the Minister considers necessary.
(5)The Minister or a person or authority authorised under subregulation (3) to issue kelp cutting permits must maintain records of the permits issued and the payments received for the issuing and must file reports in the manner required by the Permanent Secretary.
(6)Applications for a kelp-cutting permit are considered on a case by case basis.

12. Prohibited harvesting of inter-tidal species for commercial purposes

(1)A person may not for commercial purposes harvest any living inter-tidal or benthic species in the inter-tidal zone in areas shallower than 1 meter below the low water mark in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area.
(2)The inter-tidal and benthic species include but are not limited to the following:
Common nameScientific nameComment
Limpets:Scutella argenvillei 
Scutella granularis 
Scutella granatina 
Siphonaria spp. 
Helcion spp. 
GastropodsOxystele spp. 
Argobuccinum pustulosum 
MusselsPerna perna 
Choromytilus meridionalis 
Semimytilus algosus 
Aulocomya ater 
Mytilus galloprovincialis 
BarnaclesAusrtromegabalanus cylindricus 
White musselsDonax serra 
Venerupis corrugatus 
Red baitPyura stolonifera 
Marine wormsAll speciesInclude all poychaete species
ReefwormGunnarea capensis 
Mussel wormPseudonereis variegatus 
Sea urchinsParechinus angulosus 
StarfishMarthasterias glacialis 
Patira granifera 
Henricia ornata 
Sea cucumbersRoweia frauenfeldii 
Pentacta doliolum 
Thyone aurea 
Plants: Seaweeds
KelpEcklonia maxima 
KelpLaminaria sp. 
Sea lettuceUlva spp. 
SeaweedPorphyra capensis 
(3)A person may not, for commercial purposes, harvest the following fish species in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area:
Common nameScientific name
Silver kobArgyrosomus inodorus
West Coast steenbrasLithognathus aureti
GaljoenDichistius capensis
White stumpnoseRhabdosargus globiceps
Bronze whalerBrachyurus carcharhinus
Spotted gullysharkTriakis megalopterus
SandsharkRhinobatos annulatus
HoundsharkMustelus mustelus
Cow sharkNotorynchus cepedianus
Brown rayRaja miraletus
Biscuit skateRaja straeleni
Blue stingrayDasyatis chrysonota
Eagle rayMyliobatis aquila
Bull rayPteromylaeus bovinus
BarbelGaleichthys feliceps
dark shysharkHaploblepharus pictus
(4)A maximum limit of 100kg of gurnard (triglidae) per rock lobster vessel may be fished during the rock lobster season of January to April of each year, provided the following requirements are met-
(a)this catch may only be used for immediate bait use for the rock-lobster fishery;
(b)only hand lines may be used to fish this gurnard (triglidae); and
(c)special permission is obtained from the Permanent Secretary as required by section 51(3) of the Act.

13. Obstruction of cetacean pathways prohibited

A person may not conduct marine operations, erect structures, fixed moorings or lines that obstruct any known cetacean pathways in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area.

14. Prohibition of underwater blasting and underwater explosions

(1)Underwater blasting or underwater explosions are not permitted in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area, unless the person or entity conducting the underwater blasting or under water explosions is in possession of a valid permit obtained from a regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources as indicated in Annexure B.
(2)Underwater blasting or underwater explosions are not permitted in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area if they result in the commission of the offences created in section 52(4)(d)-(f) of the Act.
(3)In the following mining license areas, according to the co-ordinates below, no more than 1% of the total marine area of mining licenses (ML) 128A, 128B, 128C, 43, 44 and 45 may be mined per annum. The Coordinate System WGS84 Geographical has been used below:
ML 128ALatitudeLongitude
128A1-26 40 00.8479614 59 08.78911
128A2-26 39 54.6808915 01 30.46299
128A3-26 48 29.0183115 04 12.81426
128A4-26 49 02.4955215 04 05.91259
128A5-26 49 52.1422015 04 09.24239
128A6-26 50 04.5258615 03 58.73598
128A7-26 50 57.9625015 01 41.93570
ML 128BLatitudeLongitude
128B1-26 53 26.7228915 02 57.59716
128B2-26 53 11.7070815 03 57.43839
128B3-26 52 27.4714615 05 05.05753
128B4-26 52 19.9841615 05 12.12413
128B5-26 52 53.0663715 06 03.17840
128B6-26 55 14.8011815 05 53.34077
128B7-26 57 58.7693915 09 02.55660
128B8-26 58 03.3051815 07 58.30468
128B9-26 58 57.6101915 04 50.60520
128B10-26 53 26.6899915 02 57.56138
ML 128CLatitudeLongitude
128C1-271347.2987415 09 33.65128
128C2-27 13 06.8265215 12 26.33036
128C3-27 20 23.1568115 15 04.06361
128C4-27 28 33.9048115 20 40.92864
128C5-27 38 09.8560615 27 26.11070
128C6-27 39 06.9798015 27 28.57346
128C7-27 40 42.6240815 25 29.06133
128C8-27 40 32.0946915 27 51.01566
128C9-27 41 46.0627015 28 31.60992
128C10-27 42 47.3248515 28 45.08406
128C11-27 43 00.1839915 28 50.07725
128C12-27 46 05.0546915 29 45.17839
128C13-27 51 33.0495315 35 40.92883
128C14-27 59 56.9661015 38 55.33039
128C15-28 01 46.6385015 37 09.27637
128C16-27 40 54.2693815 25 05.65905
128C17-27 29 07.2813215 18 19.17538
ML 43 in Mining Area (MA)1LatitudeLongitude
MA11-28 40 20.249251624 17.12621
MA12-27 59 58.3411215 38 55.38181
MA13-27 51 34.4135115 35 40.98374
MA14-27 46 06.4062515 29 45.19211
MA15-27 41 47.4146315 28 31.49963
MA16-27 40 32.1077915 27 51.01661
MA17-27 40 27.1292615 28 57.84522
MA18-27 40 20.5264015 30 23.79858
MA19-27 40 13.7508715 30 48.22887
MA110-27 40 05.7947515 31 15.33816
MA111-27 40 04.2249215 31 19.84070
MA112-27 40 01.1888515 31 23.76317
MA113-27 40 00.0008815 31 25.21322
MA114-27 39 56.7617815 31 25.32571
MA115-27 39 52.9114015 3123.79310
MA116-27 39 48.6901815 31 23.30593
MA117-27 39 45.3322715 31 23.85194
MA118-27 39 29.4706015 31 25.29408
MA119-27 39 24.2238415 31 21.93090
MA120-27 39 20.9750015 31 18.54057
MA121-27 38 47.7546115 31 42.71006
MA122-27 39 09.8715515 35 16.54508
MA123-27 39 35.8918115 38 36.23357
MA124-27 39 57.1256715 40 36.19745
MA125-27 40 36.6700715 44 07.53723
MA126-27 50 35.7090515 50 56.42108
MA127-27 52 56.1867015 52 42.83280
MA128-27 53 42.5629215 54 42.60042
MA129-27 54 20.2326315 56 12.41113
MA130-27 54 10.2937715 56 44.52961
MA131-28 05 40.8596216 11 52.77421
MA132-28 13 20.0332216 28 17.27769
MA133-28 20 03.7234416 29 00.24352
MA134-28 30 21.9017716 36 59.88366
MA135-28 38 13.1017116 27 24.95931
ML 44 at Bogenfels (BF)LatitudeLongitude
BF1-27 39 09.8709215 35 16.54507
BF2-27 38 47.7546515 31 42.70990
BF3-27 39 20.9748715 31 18.54045
BF4-27 39 15.4295115 31 09.00295
BF5-27 39 12.9353515 31 03.57746
BF6-27 39 09.1634315 31 02.86251
BF7-27 39 05.9098315 31 04.19011
BF8-27 39 01.0222115 31 05.50196
BF9-27 38 57.2574715 31 06.25398
BF10-27 38 51.6071315 31 07.37649
BF11-27 38 43.6058815 31 08.28723
BF12-27 38 33.3588215 31 05.90419
BF13-27 38 15.4116615 30 55.09554
BF14-27 38 08.9893115 30 48.90082
BF15-27 38 06.2728315 30 42.91322
BF16-27 38 04.7713715 30 34.25067
BF17-27 38 01.5224415 30 17.44551
BF18-27 38 07.3015315 29 34.16359
BF19-27 38 17.8722815 28 54.51958
BF20-27 38 29.8461115 28 14.91261
BF21-27 39 06.9772015 27 28.58253
BF22-27 38 11.1949315 27 26.15649
BF23-27 28 35.2452215 20 40.95999
BF24-27 20 24.5084615 15 04.07137
BF25-27 13 06.5917115 12 26.36903
BF26-27 1251.6128815 13 17.42819
BF27-27 12 11.6159315 14 47.43063
BF28-27 11 58.3925815 15 23.26718
BF29-27 11 54.9378415 15 30.43386
BF30-27 11 51.9000815 15 36.60039
BF31-27 11 45.8635415 15 36.28263
BF32-27 11 43.0042515 15 35.89123
BF33-27 11 38.1524815 15 35.63182
BF34-27 11 34.3540715 15 33.75662
BF35-27 11 30.4916415 15 32.41610
BF36-27 11 22.7816415 15 31.18700
BF37-27 11 14.3519115 15 25.58207
BF38-27 11 00.4449415 15 10.92539
BF39-27 10 21.6223815 13 47.42964
BF40-27 10 01.6230015 12 17.42728
BF41-27 09 11.6264615 13 37.42952
BF42-27 08 20.6325015 14 12.57505
BF43-27 07 48.1817115 1435.58420
BF44-27 08 03.6238115 16 05.73926
BF45-27 08 12.7338415 17 46.11760
BF46-27 08 28.2602315 20 12.78389
BF47-27 08 42.0263615 22 19.46786
BF48-27 08 43.7685315 25 13.67423
BF49-27 07 57.9498915 29 47.85047
BF50-27 09 46.4447615 30 02.27323
BF51-27 14 29.0833715 33 21.83063
BF52-27 15 41.9437515 34 30.29319
BF53-27 18 01.3537615 36 29.47922
BF54-27 19 59.0317215 38 57.94483
BF55-27 23 46.9118015 39 57.94262
BF56-27 30 15.8810015 41 23.45280
BF57-27 40 36.6700215 44 07.53712
BF58-27 39 57.1258115 40 36.19738
BF59-27 39 35.8919415 38 36.23333
ML 45 at Elizabeth Bay (EB)LatitudeLongitude
EB1-26 44 11.8516415 06 27.66960
EB2-26 44 09.0208115 06 33.42817
EB3-26 43 58.3212715 06 54.92908
EB4-26 43 26.4238315 07 36.03005
EB5-26 43 11.5246515 07 48.13067
EB6-26 42 11.5288015 08 22.33170
EB7-26 41 24.2320615 09 21.43389
EB8-26 40 54.4341615 09 39.93441
EB9-26 40 43.1348615 09 49.33493
EB10-26 40 30.6358215 09 57.03479
EB11-26 40 26.6360415 10 00.13537
EB12-26 40 21.1363315 09 59.73497
EB13-26 40 09.3372115 09 54.53499
EB14-26 40 02.7362915 09 56.13553
EB15-26 39 48.2384715 09 57.83526
EB16-26 39 42.4061715 09 58.42857
EB17-26 39 36.4531115 10 00.30400
EB18-26 39 30.4950715 1039.75408
EB19-26 39 36.9314615 10 55.07161
EB20-26 40 18.8638215 12 11.58526
EB21-26 40 53.4299415 13 10.77429
EB22-26 40 51.3046715 14 14.78152
EB23-26 42 06.8298015 17 41.22445
EB24-26 42 22.9075315 18 35.65762
EB25-26 43 40.7225315 20 39.47897
EB26-26 45 37.8514815 21 05.80449
EB27-26 47 42.6288115 21 51.81671
EB28-26 51 40.7619515 25 39.09569
EB29-26 55 26.8 124115 26 12.92748
EB30-27 01 00.6280215 24 06.87429
EB31-27 03 52.2387515 26 52.43340
EB32-27 07 57.9498915 29 47.85047
EB33-27 08 43.7685315 25 13.67423
EB34-27 08 42.0263615 22 19.46786
EB35-27 08 28.2602315 20 12.78426
EB36-27 08 12.7338415 17 46.11760
EB37-27 08 03.6238115 16 05.73926
EB38-27 07 48.1817115 14 35.58420
EB39-27 07 42.1250915 14 39.47823
EB40-27 07 20.0257715 14 43.56771
EB41-27 07 12.6442715 14 42.57525
EB42-27 06 56.5465515 14 39.30189
EB43-27 06 39.6929415 14 34.42751
EB44-27 06 25.8692415 14 28.79619
EB45-27 05 31.6408115 13 07.43069
EB46-27 05 31.6511015 11 22.60195
EB47-27 04 42.8441115 11 02.51215
EB48-27 04 11.6454015 11 27.42855
EB49-27 02 43.0382315 12 45.08114
EB50-27 01 51.0244215 13 02.35495
EB51-27 01 32.7547515 13 05.24820
EB52-27 01 11.6513915 12 58.81402
EB53-26 59 42.4088315 12 45.27342
EB54-26 58 15.5138615 12 21.42585
EB55-26 57 38.1683115 11 35.23654
EB56-26 57 51.6689215 10 07.42859
EB57-26 57 58.7729715 09 02.55319
EB58-26 55 16.1198715 05 53.35628
EB59-26 52 54.3955815 06 03.17676
EB60-26 52 19.9769015 05 12.13446
EB61-26 51 41.6914815 06 07.42462
EB62-26 50 31.6962815 07 37.42416
EB63-26 50 08.7778415 07 58.64228
EB64-26 50 01.7101015 07 56.54609
EB65-26 49 57.4674415 07 53.75643
EB66-26 49 49.1650715 07 49.49757
EB67-26 49 45.9444015 07 47.90871
EB68-26 49 34.2625415 07 44.78017
EB69-26 49 25.2275615 07 46.08885
EB70-26 49 19.1651115 07 45.68107
EB71-26 49 12.6421415 07 43.63125
EB72-26 49 03.5340815 07 39.52534
EB73-26 48 57.0197815 07 32.81997
EB74-26 48 53.7107615 07 28.93119
EB75-26 48 55.0080915 07 23.78985
EB76-26 49 01.7020715 06 57.42706
EB77-26 49 31.7000315 05 17.42401
EB78-26 49 52.1552915 04 09.24613
EB79-26 49 03.8034515 04 05.92686
EB80-26 48 28.9497615 04 12.31718
EB81-26 39 54.6771915 01 30.45690
EB82-26 39 51.7360515 02 37.42333
EB83-26 39 41.7374115 03 27.42490
EB84-26 39 19.5614715 04 45.59238
EB85-26 39 18.8202015 04 47.56698
EB86-26 39 17.9419115 04 51.08518
EB87-26 39 14.7494015 04 53.70348
EB88-26 39 08.4851615 04 56.77336
EB89-26 39 06.3575115 05 00.81667
EB90-26 38 55.0293515 05 09.35637
EB9I-26 38 49.4752015 05 06.65624
EB92-26 38 39.9651315 04 58.47361
EB93-26 38 17.1120315 04 37.60116
EB94-26 38 01.7435415 04 17.39006
EB95-26 37 56.6474315 04 04.29236
EB96-26 37 56.5979515 05 32.17806


15. Zone 1 restrictions

(1)Prospecting and mining on islands referred to in regulation 4 is prohibited.
(2)Anchoring on islands, islets and rocks referred to in regulation 4 is prohibited.
(3)The following is prohibited on islands in Part 9 within the polygon defined by the co-ordinates-
(a)access by vessels with a size of more than 500 Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT); and
(b)mining and any form of dumping on rocky outcrop areas is prohibited, except for in the unconsolidated sediment (sandy) areas.
(4)An over-flight restriction of a minimum altitude of 3000 feet/1000 meters, within a radius of one nautical mile measured from each islands’ low water mark applies in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area, except in the case of a medical emergency and for research purposes.
(5)Over-flight restrictions of a minimum altitude of 3000 feet/1000 meters apply to Sylvia Hill, Oyster Cliffs, Spencer Bay, Van Reenen Bay, Wolf Atlas Bay and Bakers Bay on the mainland of the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area, except for Diaz Point provided Diaz Point is only approached from the North by air.
(6)Commercial harvesting of seals on all islands in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area is prohibited.


16. Prohibition on access to islands, islets and rocks

A person may not land on or access any island, islet or rock in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.


17. Zone 2 restrictions

(1)Only minimal mining processing plant discharge is allowed between Prince of Wales Bay and Chamais Bay provided that settling pond systems are being implemented in order to minimize the mining processing plant discharge.
(2)Any sediment buildup that forms land bridges to any island in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area must be monitored and remedial action must prevent the formation of the land bridges to the islands.[The word “build-up” should be hyphenated.]
(3)No more than two active mining sites using sea walls may operate simultaneously.
(4)Processing plant discharge points into the sea and onto the beach must be minimized with the development of any new mining activities in the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area.


18. Hollamsbird Island

(1)A person may not access or land on Hollamsbird Island unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources as contained in Annexure C.
(2)The commercial harvesting of seals on Hollamsbird Island is prohibited.
(3)Crafts are not permitted within the polygon as defined by the following coordinates, except for research and patrol craft of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resource:

19. Mercury Island

(1)A person may not access or land on Mercury Island unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.
(2)Guano scraping for commercial purposes on Mercury Island is prohibited.
(3)The following is prohibited around Mercury Island, according to the polygon defined by the co-ordinates indicated below:
(a)all anchorage within this polygon around Mercury Island, except for the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources research or patrol crafts and vessels appointed by Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources to undertake island infrastructure maintenance; and
(b)mining and any form of dumping on rocky outcrop areas is prohibited, except in the unconsolidated sediment (sandy) areas in Zone 3.
(4)Commercial fishing for rock-lobster is restricted to 50 meters sea-wards of the low water mark and is prohibited within the polygon defined by following co-ordinates:
(5)All fishing gear must be removed from the marine area once fishing activities have ceased as required by regulation 23(1) of the Exploitation of Marine Resources Regulations made under Government Notice 241 of 7 December 2001 and section 49(2) of the Act.
(6)Mariculture operations are only permitted outside the Zone 3 co-ordinates indicated in subregulation (4) and such operations may not obstruct the free movement or passage of whales, dolphins, African Penguins and other protected species moving through Spencer Bay around Mercury Island.

20. Neglectus Islet

A person may not access or land on Neglectus Island unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.

21. Hottentot Bay

A maximum limit of 100 kg of gurnard (triglidae) per rock lobster vessel may be fished during the rocklobster season of January to April of each year provided the following requirements are met-
(a)this catch may only be used for immediate bait use for the rock lobster fishery;
(b)only hand-lines may be used to fish this gurnard (triglidae); and
(c)special permission is obtained from the Permanent Secretary as required by section 51(3) of the Act.

22. Disused Jetty in Hottentot Bay

(1)A person may not access or land on the disused jetty with co-ordinates as follows:
Disused Jetty Hottentot Bay (50m)26°08’27.60”S14°56’45.00”E
(2)A person may not approach the jetty from the sea-side direction beyond a minimum distance of 50 meters radius, measured by a line drawn from the indicated co-ordinates parallel to the jetty and to the high water mark of the coastline, according to the polygon defined by the co-ordinates in subregulation (1).

23. Islet north of Danger Point

(1)A person may not access or land on the islet rock north of Danger Point at 26°14’45”S, 14°57’16”E unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.
(2)Crafts may not approach the islet within a distance closer 50 meters according to the polygon defined by the following co-ordinate, except for commercial rock lobster dinghies, patrol and research craft of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources:

24. Ichaboe Island

(1)A person may not access or land on Ichaboe Island unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.
(2)All mining processing plants and any other processing plants on the island are prohibited.
(3)Guano scraping is permitted provided strict management guidelines issued by the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz are adhered to.
(4)Guano scraping activities may not take place within the Namibian Islands’ Marine Reserve beyond the expiry date of existing guano rights in 2016.
(5)The following are prohibited within the polygon defined by the following coordinates-
Ichaboe Island26°17’08.50’S14°56’11.00”E
(a)mining and any form of dumping on rocky outcrop areas, except in the unconsolidated sediment (sandy) areas in Zone 3;
(b)a vessel with a size of more than 500 Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) in Zone 3;
(c)tourism activities except outside Zone 3 subject to the condition that the activities remain boat-based;
(d)all anchorage within Zone 3 around Ichaboe Island, except for the following-
(i)such anchorage is only permitted in the demarcated corridor on either side of the main northern jetty; and
(ii)such anchorage is only permitted by research and patrol craft of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, vessels appointed by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources to undertake maintenance of island infrastructure and mining vessels that have a gross registered tonnage of less than 500 GRT;
(e)crafts access in Zone 3 of Ichaboe Island, except research and patrol craft of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources provided such access is limited to the open corridor alongside the jetty;
(f)rock lobster boat anchoring inside the rock lobster sanctuary overnight during the commercial rock lobster season; and
(g)anchorage during the day, without a permit except outside Zone 3 and during the commercial rock-lobster season, provided the craft does not have lobster and fishing gear such as traps and ring nets onboard.
(6)mariculture activities may only take place by boat-based ranching or diving.

25. Staple Rock, Marshall Rock, Boat Bay Rock and Dumfudgeon Rock

A person may not access or land on Staple Rock, Marshall Rock, Boat Bay Rock Dumfudgeon Rock unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.

26. Penguin Island and Seal Island

(1)The colonies of bank cormorants (phalacrocorax capensis) may not be included in guano scraping activities.
(2)A person may not access, land or enter the area on Penguin or Seal Island demarcated by the polygon as defined by the following co-ordinates:
Seal Island26°35’27.11”S15°09’20.49”E
Penguin Island26°37’08.50”S15°09’08.20”E
(3)Tourism activities are subject to the following strict conditions-
(a)boat-based tourism is to remain outside of the polygon defined by the co-ordinates in subregulation (2).
(b)future access to the island must be considered if further structures are not erected on Penguin or Seal Island and that access is subject to further restrictions such as seasonal limits, limitations on the number of visitors allowed restricted to guided tours and that bird-breeding sites are not accessed or visited; and
(c)such access is conditional on the possession of a valid permit issued by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.
(4)Island-based tourism is only permitted if issued by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources as a concession and is limited to Penguin and Seal Islands only.

27. Halifax Island

(1)A person may not access or land on Halifax Island unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.
(2)Guano scraping on Halifax Island is prohibited.
(3)Fishing for rock lobster for recreational and commercial purposes around Halifax Island is prohibited within the polygon defined by the following co-ordinates, with the northern boundary of this exclusion zone extending from the first two co-ordinates to a point straight west and the southern border extending from the latter two co-ordinates to a point straight west.
(4)Moorings, lines or floats in Guano Bay, between Halifax Island and the coast-line are prohibited.
(5)Aquaculture operations may be conducted provided they do not obstruct the passage of the Heaviside’s dolphins and African penguins in Guano Bay.
(6)Crafts are not permitted within the polygon defined by the following co-ordinates except for research and patrol craft of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources:
(7)Boat-based tourism is permitted outside of the polygon defined by the above coordinates in accordance with appropriate limitations on the number of boats and other conditions that may be prescribed.

28. Long Island North and South

(1)A person may not access or land on Long Island North and South unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.
(2)Guano scraping on Long Island North and South is prohibited.
(3)Crafts or anchorage are prohibited within the polygon defined by the following coordinates except for research and patrol craft of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources:
Long Island North (30m)
Long Island South (30m)
(4)Boat-based tourism is permitted outside of the polygon defined by the coordinates in subregulation (3).

29. Ladies Rocks north and south

(1)A person may not access or land on Ladies Rocks unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.
(2)Anchorage or crafts are not permitted within the polygon defined by the following co-ordinates except for research and patrol craft of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and when safe anchorage is required by mining vessels:
Ladies Rock (north) (30m)26°51’24.75’S15°09’11.30”E
Ladies Rock (south) (30m)26°51’40.00”S15°09’09.30”E

30. Possession Island

(1)A person may not access or land on Possession Island unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.
(2)Guano scraping on Possession Island is prohibited.
(3)The following are prohibited within a polygon defined by the following coordinates of Zone 3-
Possession Island (including North Reef) (120m)26°59’43.90”S15°11’25.41”E
27°00’30.45”S15°11 ‘37.48”E
(a)anchorage by mining vessels in the Zone 3 of Possession Island, except during diving operations and is not permitted in front of the building settlement on Possession Island;
(b)boat-based tourism, except outside of the polygon defined by the above co-ordinates; and
(c)fishing for rock lobster for commercial purposes, except outside the polygon defined by the above co-ordinates.
(4)Mariculture operations are permitted provided-
(a)they do not obstruct the passage and breeding areas of the Southern Right Whale; and
(b)they are done by way of ranching (moorings, lines and floats are prohibited).
(5)Safe anchorage for vessels is limited to and permitted only in the bay of the southern inshore (coast-wards) side of Possession Island.

31. Albatross Rock

(1)A person may not access or land on Albatross Rock unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.
(2)Guano scraping on Albatross Rock is prohibited.
(3)Tourism activities on Albatross Rock are prohibited.
(4)Crafts or anchorage within the polygon defined by the following co-ordinates of this Zone 3 are prohibited except for research and patrol craft of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources:
Albatross Rock27°06’59.15”S15°14’15.45”E
(5)Mariculture may be permitted under strict conditions determined by the Aquaculture Directorate within the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources.

32. Pomona Island

(1)A person may not access or land on Pomona Island unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.
(2)Guano scraping on Pomona Island is prohibited.
(3)The following is prohibited within the polygon defined by the following coordinates around Pomona Island-
Pomona Island27°11’33.60”S15°15’30.50”E
(a)tourism activities; and
(b)craft or anchorage, except for research and patrol craft of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources.
(4)Mariculture may be permitted under strict conditions determined by the Aquaculture Directorate within the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources.

33. Plumpudding Island

(1)A person may not access or land on Plumpudding Island unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.
(2)Guano scraping on Plumpudding Island is prohibited.
(3)Tourism on Plumpudding Island is prohibited.
(4)Commercial seal harvesting or activities related to the commercial harvesting of seals on Plumpudding Island are prohibited.
(5)Crafts or anchorage are prohibited within the polygon defined by the following coordinates except for research and patrol craft of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources:
Plumpudding Island27°38’29.50”S15°30’52.45”E
(6)Mariculture may be permitted under strict conditions determined by the Aquaculture Directorate within the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources.

34. Sinclair Island

(1)A person may not access or land on Sinclair Island unless the person is in possession of a valid permit obtained from the regional office of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Lüderitz as contained in Annexure C.
(2)Guano scraping on Sinclair Island is prohibited.
(3)Tourism activities on Sinclair Island are prohibited.
(4)Commercial seal harvesting or activities related to the commercial harvesting of seals on Sinclair Island are prohibited.
(5)Crafts or anchorage are prohibited within the polygon defined by the following coordinates except for research and patrol craft of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources:
Sinclair Island27°39’49.00”S15°31’10.00”E
(6)Mariculture may be permitted under strict conditions determined by the Aquaculture Directorate within the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources.
(7)Land bridge development is to be monitored and remedial action is to be taken in order to prevent land bridge formation between Sinclair Island and the coast-line.


35. Offences and penalties

(1)A person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of these regulations commits an offence and is liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding N$500 000.
(2)Any fine imposed upon conviction under these regulations is recoverable as if it were a civil judgment as contemplated in sections 52(5) and 53 of the Act.



[Editorial note: The forms have not been reproduced.]
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History of this document

15 November 2017 this version
31 December 2012

Cited documents 1

Act 1
1. Marine Resources Act, 2001 119 citations

Documents citing this one 0