Conferment of National Honours Regulations, 2013

Government Notice 336 of 2013

Coat of Arms
Conferment of National Honours Act, 2012

Conferment of National Honours Regulations, 2013

Government Notice 336 of 2013

  • Published in Government Gazette 5375 on 27 December 2013
  • Commenced on 27 December 2013
  • [This is the version of this document at 15 November 2017.]
  • [Note: The version of this legislation as at 15 November 2017 was revised and consolidated by the Legal Assistance Centre and the Government of the Republic of Namibia. All subsequent amendments have been researched and applied by Laws.Africa for NamibLII.]

1. Definitions

In these regulations a word or an expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act has that meaning and unless the context otherwise indicates—Ministry” means the Ministry of Veterans Affairs;Secretariat” means the Secretariat established in terms of section 7 of the Act;the Act” means the Conferment of National Honours Act, 2012 (Act No. 11 of 2012).

2. Types, categories or class of honours

(1)The Namibian National Honours consist of orders, decorations and medals, which the President may confer upon citizens, residents and friends of Namibia as contemplated in Article 32(3)(h) of the Namibian Constitution.
(2)The types, categories or class of honours which the President may confer under Article 32(3)(h) of the Namibian Constitution are—
(a)Namibian General Honours;
(b)Namibian Defence Force Honours;
(c)Namibian Police Force Honours;
(d)Namibian Correctional Service Honours, and
(e)Namibian Central Intelligence Service Honours.

3. Namibian General Honours

(1)The Namibian General Honours that may be conferred upon a person are—
(a)the Order of the Most Ancient Welwitschia Mirabilis;
(b)the Most Brilliant Order of the Sun;
(c)the Order of Mukurob;
(d)the Most Distinguished Order of Namibia;
(e)the Most Excellent Order of the Eagle;
(f)Independence Medal;
(g)Liberation Medal; and
(h)Foreign Service Medal.
(2)The Minister, in consultation with such offices, ministries, agencies, organisations or institutions as he or she may consider appropriate, must determine the criteria and conditions for a person to be eligible for conferment of any of the Namibian General Honours referred to in subsection (1) and must submit a copy of the criteria and conditions to the Secretariat.

4. Namibian Defence Force Honours

(1)The Namibian Defence Force Honours that may be conferred upon a member or a former member of the Defence Force are—
(a)Order of Welwitschia, in the categories—
(i)Grand Master; and
(ii)Grand Commander;
(b)Order of the Sun, in the categories—
(i)Grand Commander;
(ii)Grand Office; and
(c)Order of Namibia, in the categories—Grand Commander;Grand Officer;Officer; andMerit;
(d)Order of the Eagle, in the categories–Grand Commander;Grand officer; and[The word “Officer” should be capitalised.]Commander;
(e)Order of Bravery, in the categories—Gold;Silver; andBronze.[The subparagraphs in paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) are not labelled with Roman numerals in the Government Gazette, unlike the subparagraphs in paragraphs (a) and (b)]
(2)The Chief of the Defence Force appointed by the President in terms of Article 32(4)(c)(aa) of the Namibian Constitution must determine the criteria and conditions for a member or former member of the Namibian Defence Force to be eligible for conferment of any of the Namibian Defence Force Honours referred to in subsection (1) and must submit a copy of the criteria and conditions to the Secretariat.

5. Namibian Police Force Honours

(1)The Namibian Police Force Honours that may be conferred upon a member or a former member of the Namibian Police Force or any person who has rendered exceptional service to the Namibian Police Force, are—
(a)Namibian Police Cross of Honour;
(b)Namibian Police Cross for Bravery;
(c)Decoration for Outstanding and Meritorious Service of the Highest Order;
(d)Decoration for Outstanding and Meritorious Service and Utmost Devotion to Duty;
(e)Commendation Medals;
(f)Campaign Medal;
(g)Medal of Honour;
(h)Wound Medal;
(1)Namibian Police Force Service Medal - Gold;[This subparagraph should be labelled as (i) instead of (1).]
(j)Namibian Police Force Service Medal - Silver;
(k)Namibian Police Force Service Medal - Bronze;
(l)Reservist Medal;
(m)Honourable Discharge Medal; and
(n)President’s Shottist Medal.
(2)The Inspector-General of Police appointed by the President in terms of Article 32(4)(c)(bb) of the Namibian Constitution must determine the criteria and conditions for a member or former member of the Namibian Police Force or a person to be eligible for conferment of any of the Namibian Police Force Honours referred to in subsection (1) and must submit a copy of the criteria and conditions to the Secretariat.

6. Namibian Correctional Service Honours

(1)The Namibian Correctional Service Honours that may be conferred upon a correctional officer or a former correctional officer are—
(a)Commissioner-General’s Decoration for Bravery (CDB);
(b)Decoration for Professional Excellence (DPE);
(c)Outstanding Achievement Decoration (OAD);
(d)Correctional Service Merit Decoration (CSM);
(e)Correctional Service Commendation Medal;
(f)Foreign Service Medal;
(g)Honours Memorial Medal;
(h)Namibian Correctional Service Long Service Medal - Gold;
(i)Namibian Correctional Service Long Service Medal - Silver; and
(j)Namibian Correctional Service Long Service Medal - Bronze
[Paragraph (j) should end with a full stop.]
(2)The Commissioner-General of Correctional Service appointed by the President in terms of Article 32(4)(c)(cc) of the Namibian Constitution must determine the criteria and conditions for a correctional officer or former correctional officer of the Namibian Correctional Service to be eligible for conferment of any of the Namibian Correctional Service Honours referred to in subsection (1) and must submit a copy of the criteria and conditions to the Secretariat.

7. Namibian Central Intelligence Service Honours

(1)The Namibian Central Intelligence Service Honours that may be conferred upon a member or a former member of the Namibian Central Intelligence Service or any other person are—
(a)Welwitschia Mirabilis - Order of Excellence;
(b)Order of Namibia;
(c)Order of the Eagle Vigilance 1st Class;
(d)Order of the Eagle Vigilance 2nd Class;
(e)Order of the Oryx;
(f)Order of Valour;
(g)Meritorious Medal - Gold;
(h)Meritorious Medal - Silver; and
(i)Meritorious Medal – Bronze;
[Paragraph (i) should end with a full stop rather than a semicolon.]
(2)The Director-General, of the Namibia Central Intelligence Service appointed by the President in terms of Article 32(3)(i)(ee) of the Namibian Constitution, must determine the criteria and conditions for a person to be eligible for conferment of any of the Namibia Central Intelligence Service Honours referred to in subsection (1) and must submit a copy of the criteria and conditions to the Secretariat.

8. Financial provision

All expenditure incurred in relation to—
(a)expenses in connection with the conferment of national honours or the meetings and the performance of the functions of the Committee or a sub-committee;
(b)remuneration, fees, travelling and other allowances for members of the Committee and sub-committees; and
(c)the performance of the functions of the Secretariat,
must be paid or defrayed by the Ministry from moneys appropriated by Parliament for the purposes.

9. Disposal, loss, theft and damage of order, decoration or medal

(1)A recipient of an honour in the form of an order, decoration or medal may not pledge, barter, sell or otherwise dispose the order, decoration or medal during his or her lifetime.
(2)A recipient of an honour in the form of an order, decoration or medal may leave an order, decoration or medal to someone else in his or her last will and testament.
(3)If a recipient of an honour in the form of an order, decoration or medal loses an order, decoration or medal awarded to him or her or if the order, decoration or medal awarded to him or her is stolen or damaged the recipient must in writing report the loss or theft or damage to the Committee and the Committee may, subject to conditions replace order, decoration or medal.
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History of this document

15 November 2017 this version
27 December 2013

Cited documents 1

Legislation 1
1. Conferment of National Honours Act, 2012 60 citations

Documents citing this one 0