2. Fees |
The fees and charges payable to conveyancers, notaries public and other legal practitioners are as follows: |
Part I: Application for the opening of a sectional title register |
(a) For preparing and drawing an application for the opening of a sectional title register, perusing sectional plan, drawing certificates of registered sectional title, correspondence and attendance on all matters referred to m section 11 of the Act, but excluding the drawing of the consents of bondholders or holders of other real rights, or searches in a deeds registry or other public office or of the rules of the body corporate: |
| (i) A basic fee of | N$1 800 |
(ii) For each section | N$180 |
(b) Apportionment of the fees set out in this Part: |
| (i) For lodgement. | 20% |
Plus for each section | N$40 |
Provided that if the instructed conveyancer also draw's the certificate of registered sectional title, for each section | N$ 150 |
(ii) If the instructed conveyancer, in addition to the work contemplated in paragraph (b)(i) of this Part, also issues a certificate referred to in section 11(3)(b) of the Act, he or she is in addition to the fee prescribed in that paragraph, entitled to a further sum out of the total fee assessed according to the length and complexity of the search in question and in consultation with the instructing legal practitioner. |
Part II: Transfer of ownership |
(a) | For registration of transfer of ownership of a unit or land held under sectional title deed, the fee is as set out in Column B of Schedule 1 to this Tariff in respect of the purchase price or value of the transaction as shown in Column A of that Schedule: Provided that in the case of a conveyance in terms of which a certificate is issued by the appropriate governmental or other institution to the effect that the property in question is of low-cost housing nature, the fee is 50% of the amount set out in Column B of Schedule 1. |
(b) | For more than one section included in the same transaction, for each additional section an additional fee of | N$50 |
| (Note: If transfer of ownership is registered as a result of expropriation under any law or if a person becomes entitled to deal with a unit or land as if he or she had taken formal transfer into his or her name by virtue of an endorsement by the Registrar, the fee is 60% of the relevant amount set out in Column B of Schedule I.) |
(c) Apportionment of the fees set out in this Part: |
| (i) For lodgement, of the total fee | 20% |
(ii) If the instructed conveyancer, in addition to the work contemplated in paragraph (c)(i) of this Part, also prepares the deed of transfer referred to in section 17(10) of the Act, the conveyancers’ in addition to the fee prescribed in that paragraph entitled to a further 50% of the total fee. | |
Part III: Partition transfers |
(a) For the drawing and registration of each deed of partition transfer, including all preliminary and other work in connection therewith, but excluding attendances in connection with the framing of any provisional agreement | N$1 800 |
(b) For more than one section or subdivision transferred in any one deed of transfer, for each additional section or subdivision an additional fee of | N$50 |
(c) Apportionment of the fees set out in this Part: |
| (i) For lodgement, of the total fee | 20% |
(ii) If the instructed conveyancer, in addition to the work contemplated in paragraph (c)(i) of this Part, also prepares the deed of transfer referred to in section 17(1) of the Act, the conveyance is in addition to the fee prescribed in that paragraph entitled to a further 50% of the total fee. |
Part IV: Transfer by endorsement in terms of Administration of Estates Act, 1965 |
(a) For drawing all necessary documents, obtaining necessary ancillary documents, consents and certificates from the Master or Registrar of the High Court, and all necessary attendances and correspondence in connection therewith, including obtaining registration | N$550 |
(b) Apportionment of the fees set out in this Part: |
For lodgement | 20% |
Part V: Subdivision, consolidation and extension of sections or schemes |
(a) For drawing and submitting an application for sub-division and preparing certificates of registered sectional title, together with supporting documents, perusing plan of subdivision or consolidation, obtaining registration, correspondence and attendance on all matters referred to in section 22 and, in the case of a subdivision of a section, section 23 of the Act, and in the case of extension of a section, sections 25, 26 or 27 of the Act, but excluding the drawing of the consents of bond-holders or holders of other real rights | N$1 000 |
(b) If subdivision into more than two sections is required, for each additional section | N$150 |
(c) Apportionment of the fees set out in this Part: | |
| For lodgement | 20% |
Plus for each section | N$50 |
Part VI: Application for sectional title deed in respect of undivided share in unit |
(a) For preparing certificate of registered sectional title in respect of undivided share, including application, correspondence and attendances on all matters referred to in section 17(5) of the Act | N$800 |
(b) Apportionment of the fees set out in this Part: | |
| (i) For lodgement | 20% |
| (ii) If the instructed conveyancer, in addition to the work contemplated in paragraph (b) (i) of this Part, also draws the certificate of registered sectional title, the conveyance is entitled to 50% of the total fee. | |
Part VII: Application for certificate of registered sectional title for portion of common property |
(a) For preparing a certificate of registered sectional title, including application in respect of a portion of land comprised in common property, correspondence and attendances on all matters referred to in section 19(3) of the Act | N$800 |
(b) Apportionment of the fees set out in this Part: |
| (i) For lodgement | 20% |
(ii) If the instructed conveyancer, in addition to the work contemplated in paragraph (b) (i) of this Part, also draws the certificate of registered sectional title, the conveyance is entitled to 50% of the total fee. |
Part VIII: Reversion from sectional title register to land register |
(a) For attending to all matters referred to in section 19(4) and (17) of the Act: |
| (i) A basic fee of | N$1100 |
| (ii) For each section | N$50 |
(b) Apportionment of the fees set out in this Part: |
| (i) For lodgement | 20% |
| Plus for each section | N$20 |
(ii) If the instructed conveyancer, in addition to the work contemplated in paragraph (b)(i) of this Fart, also draws the documents referred to in section 19(4) and (17) of the Act | N$800 |
| Plus for each section | N$50 |
Part IX: Sectional Mortgage Bonds |
(a) For registration of any sectional mortgage bond or surety bond other than a bond referred to in paragraph (b) of this Part, including the drawing of all necessary documents and the obtaining of necessary ancillary documents, the fee is as set out m Column B of Schedule 2 to this Tariff in respect of an amount of the bond as shown in Column A of that Schedule. Provided that for all bonds where the amount is N3200 000 or less and a certificate is issued by the appropriate governmental or other institution to the effect that the property in question is of a low cost housing nature, the fee is 50% of the amount set out in Column B of Schedule 2 of this tariff. |
(b) For any collateral bond passed as additional security for another bond between the same parties the fee is 50% of the fee set out in column B of Schedule 2 to this Tariff. |
(c) For more than one unit included in a bond referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of this Part, for each additional unit an additional fee of | N$100 |
(d) For purposes of determining a fee charged under paragraph (a) of this Part, the amount of the bond on which stamp duty is being levied, must be used, and in the event of a bond exempted from stamp duty, the amount on which stamp duty would have been levied had the bond in question not been exempted, must be used. |
(e) Apportionment of fees set out in this Part: |
| (i) For lodgement, of the total fee | 20% |
(ii) If the instructed conveyancer, in addition to the work contemplated in paragraph (e)(i) of this Part, also signs the bond as preparer and files the same in the conveyancers’ file in terms of regulation 36(1)(c), the conveyancer is in addition to the fee prescribed in that paragraph entitled to a further 40% of the total fee. | |
Part X: Cession, cancellation or modification of bonds |
(a) | (i) For drawing consent to cancellation of a bond, consent to cancellation of cession of a bond, release of property or person from a bond, consent to reduction of cover, consent to part payment of capital, framing waiver of preference in regard to the ranking of a bond, waiver of preference in respect of real rights in land, consent, of a mortgagee, usufructuary, lessee or holder of any other limited interest required by the Act or these Regulations and not otherwise provided for in this Tariff (not notarial) and attending registration thereof, including instructions, correspondence and all relevant attendances, except attendances on the Office of the Master of the High Court | N$600 |
| Provided that in cases where there are no financial arrangements to be made by the conveyancer, the fee is | N$400 |
| (ii) For attending to all matters referred to in paragraph (a)(i) of this Fart in respect of any second or subsequent bond when any relevant document has been drawn by the same conveyancer who drew the corresponding document or documents in connection with the first bond between the same parties over the same property, and the documents are or can be lodged simultaneously as a set, per bond | N$100 |
| (in) For every additional unit included in a release contemplated m paragraph (a) (i) or (a)(ii) of this Part after the first two units, an additional fee of | N$50 |
(b) For drawing cession of bond or application for endorsement, including instructions and drawing consent of mortgagor where necessary, attendances on mortgagor and mortgagee, correspondence and all relevant attendances including registration, but excluding attendances on the Office of the Master of the High Court | N$600 |
Provided that in cases where there are no financial arrangements to be made by the conveyancer, the fee is | N$400 |
(c) For drawing consents to substitution under section 57 of the Leeds Registries Act, including instructions, all attendances on mortgagee and new debtor, correspondence and miscellaneous attendances, including registration, but excluding attendances on the Office of the Master of the High Court, the fee is 50% of the fees for bonds as set out in Schedule 2 of this Tariff. | |
(d) If any of the documents referred to in this Part ate requited to be signed by mote than one mortgagee, mortgagor, usufructuary, lessee or holder for any other limited interest, for each such additional person after the first, an additional fee of | N$60 |
(e) If it is necessary to attend on the Office of the Master of the High Court in connection with any matter referred to in paragraph (a)(i) or (b) of this Part, the following additional fees are allowed: |
| (i) For obtaining any Master's Certificate, per estate for any number of certificates which are or can be applied for simultaneously | N$160 |
(ii) For obtaining copies of all necessary documents which are or can be included in one application, per estate | N$80 |
(f) For drawing consents to substitutions in terms of section 24bis (3), 45 (2) (b) or 45bis(2) of the Deeds Registries Act, including instruction, all attendances on mortgagee and new debtor, correspondence and miscellaneous attendances, including registration but excluding attendances on the office of the Master of the High Court | N$ 600 |
Provided that in cases where there are no financial arrangements to be made by the conveyancer, the fee is | N$400 |
(g) Apportionment of the fees set out in this Part: |
| (1) For lodgement | 20% |
(ii) For each further bond | N$50 |
Part XI: Notarial Deeds |
(a) For framing any notarial lease, sublease, servitude or other notarial deed and obtaining registration thereof, a fee assessed according to the length and complexity thereof, with a minimum fee of | N$750 |
(b) For drawing any notarial waiver of preference by mortgagee, usufructuary, or other holder of a limited interest, or other notarial consent required under the Act or these Regulations and obtaining registration thereof | N$750 |
(c) Apportionment of fees set out in this Part: |
| (i) For lodgement, of the total fee | 20% |
(ii) If the instructed notary, in addition to the work contemplated in paragraph (c)(i) of this Part, also executed the deed as notary, he or she is entitled to 50% of the total fee. | |
Part XII: Miscellaneous |
(a) For attendance on behalf of a transferor or transferee, mortgagor or mortgagee, supervising the registration of the transfer or bond or supervising the bond when the documents are prepared and lodged by another conveyancer, including all instructions, correspondence and miscellaneous attendances relevant to the supervision - |
| (i) if the value of the property or the amount of bond does not exceed N$150,000.00 | N$ 150 |
(ii) if the value of the property or the amount of the bond exceeds NS150.000.00 | N$300 |
(b) | (i) For attendance and searching at the deeds registry for information required in respect of any deed or matter registered under the Act, other than information required for preparation of a document otherwise provided for in this Tariff, including instructions, correspondence and relevant attendances, per quarter hour or part thereof | N$ 100 |
(ii) Reporting per folio | N$50 |
(iii) For attendance and searching at the deeds registry for research and searching for the necessary information in connection with the opening of the register and registration of the sectional plans, including correspondence and all relevant attendances per quarter hour or part thereof | N$ 100 |
(iv) Reporting per folio | N$50 |
(c) For drawing any certificate by a conveyancer with regard to servitudes, other real rights or conditions if not otherwise provided for m this Tariff | N$120 |
(d) For drawing certificate of establishment of any body corporate under section 38(1) of the Act, lodging the same, including all correspondence and attendances in connection therewith | N$120 |
(e) For drawing a consent required in terms of section 26 of the Act, including all correspondence and attendances in connection therewith, including lodging | N$400 |
(f) For any matter not herein provided, the fee charged in respect thereof, and the apportionment of the fee is in accordance with the tariff of fees prescribed by regulation 65 of the regulations made under the Deeds Registries Act | |
(g) Apportionment of fees set out in this Part: |
| (i) In respect of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c): | No apportionment |
(Remark: Note 2 below may apply in circumstances contemplated in that note) |
(ii) In respect of paragraph (d): |
| For lodgement | N$30 |
| For drawing certificate and lodgement | N$ 90 |
(iii) In respect of paragraph (e): |
| For lodgement | N$ 80 |
Note:1.Fees and percentages specified are nett and are net subject to any allowance, the customary one-third allowance having been taken into account in the apportionments.2.If the instructing legal practitioner, conveyancer or notary merely takes instructions from his or her client and thereafter sends his or her whole file to the instructed legal practitioner, conveyancer or notary, who then does all the work, the former is as a general ride entitled to 15% and the latter to 85%, of the total fee.) |