Regulations Prescribing Quality of Service Standards Applicable to Service Licencees, 2015

Government Notice 152 of 2015

Coat of Arms
Communications Act, 2009

Regulations Prescribing Quality of Service Standards Applicable to Service Licencees, 2015

Government Notice 152 of 2015

  • Published in Government Gazette 5713 on 21 April 2015
  • Commenced on 21 April 2015
  • [This is the version of this document at 15 November 2017.]
  • [Note: The version of this legislation as at 15 November 2017 was revised and consolidated by the Legal Assistance Centre and the Government of the Republic of Namibia. All subsequent amendments have been researched and applied by Laws.Africa for NamibLII.]
These regulations were made by the Board of the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia. The General Notice containing the regulations includes a Schedule which set out a motivation for the regulations, based on the proposed regulations which were published in advance of the final regulations:


The proposed regulations set out the quality of service standards that are applicable to Individual (Comprehensive telecommunications service licence (ECNS and ECS), Class ECS, ECNS and Class Comprehensive telecommunications (ECNS and ECS).), Class Comprehensive Multiplex and Signal Distribution, Multiplex and Signal Distribution Licenses. Commercial Broadcasting service licence, Community Broadcasting service licence and Public Broadcasting service licence.

The regulations also set out reporting requirements applicable to licensees and mandate a specific reporting format and the consequences for failure to comply with the quality of service standards and reporting requirements."
[The capitalisation of the regulation headings and text is reproduced here as it appears in the Government Gazette.
Errors and inconsistencies in capitalisation are not individually marked.

The lay-out has been adjusted to be consistent with that in other regulations, but the numbering and lettering is as it appears in the Government Gazette.]

1. Definitions

In these regulations, any word or expression to which a meaning is assigned in the Act, shall have the same meaning and-Act” means the Communications Act, 2009 (Act No. 8 of 2009);Authority” means the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia;Busy time” means a set of the same three (3) hours in each of the same days in the reporting period, during which the highest average traffic for a service is measured or expected;Elapsed day” means a twenty-four (24) hour time period;Electronic communications” means any emission, transmission or reception of sound, pictures, text or any other information by wire, radio waves, optical media, electromagnetic systems or any other means of a like nature;Fault” means the failure of a service to the extent that the service or some aspects of the service is unavailable;Licensees” means licensees issued with licences in terms of regulation 5(1)(a) & (b)(i)(ii)(iii) of the Regulations Setting Out Broadcasting and Telecommunications Service Licence Categories, as published in Government Gazette No. 4714, Notice No. 124, dated 18 May 2011, as amended in Government Gazette 5148, General Notice No. 74, dated 13 March 2013;Log-in” means multi-step process including, both authentication and authorization, as well as other system start-up tasks in order to provide a user with access to services and/or resourcesPacket loss” means the failure of one or more transmitted packets to reach their final destination;Reporting period” means the period of one (1) month starting from the 1st day of every applicable calendar month to the last day of the month for measurements to be submitted by the licensee or a specified time period as determined by the Authority to conduct quality of service measurements;Reporting area” means the geographical area as determined by the Authority from time to time within which quality of service standards are measured;Service coverage” means the state of indoor and outdoor radio access within the network coverage area of the licensee;SMS” means Short Message Service;Telecommunications services” means services whose provision consists wholly or partly in the transmission or routing of information on telecommunications networks by means of telecommunications processes but does not include broadcast services; andQuality of Service data” means all data accumulated by the Authority pertaining to the measurement of quality of service standards.

2. Submission of documents to the Authority

(1)In these regulations, when persons are permitted or called upon to submit information to the Authority in writing, they may do so either physically or electronically-[The subregulation number (1) appears to be in error; there are no other subregulations in this regulation.]
i)by hand to the head offices of the Authority, namely Communication House, 56 Robert Mugabe Avenue, Windhoek;
ii)by post to the head offices of the Authority, namely Private Bag 13309, Windhoek 9000;
iii)by electronic mail to the following address:[There should be a semicolon at the end of paragraph (iii).]
iv)by facsimile to the following facsimile number: +264 61 222790; or
v)in any other manner or at alternative addresses set out by the Authority from time to time.

3. Applicability

(1)These regulations are applicable to the following service licence categories set out in the Regulations Setting Out Broadcasting and Telecommunications Service Licence Categories, published as General Notice No. 124 in Government Gazette No. 4714 dated 18 May 2011 as amended in General Notice No. 74 in Government Gazette No. 5148 dated 13 March 2013-[The subregulation number (1) appears to be in error; there are no other subregulations in this regulation.]
i)Individual (Comprehensive telecommunications service licence ECNS and ECS); and
b.ECNS; and
c.Comprehensive telecommunications service licence (ECNS and ECS);
d.Class Comprehensive Multiplex and Signal Distribution service licence;
e.Commercial Broadcasting service licence;
f.Community Broadcasting service licence;
g.Multiplex service licence;
h.Public Broadcasting service licence; and
i.Signal Distribution service licence.

4. Minimum quality of service standards

(1)Licensees must maintain the minimum quality of service standards in accordance with the requirements contained in Appendix A to these regulations.[The subregulation number (1) appears to be in error; there are no other subregulations in this regulation.]

5. Reporting requirements

(1)Licensees must submit a report to the Authority, in the format set out in Appendix B, on a bi-annual basis. Bi-annual reports are to be submitted on or before 31 July for the period January to June, and on or before 31 January for the period July to December.
(2)The licensee shall take the measurements according to the standards stipulated in Appendixes A and B to these regulations.
(3)The Authority may publish quality of service performance indicators in any form or format that it deems reasonably appropriate.
(4)If the Authority publishes the quality of service performance indicators as indicated in subsection 5(3), the Authority may request comments from licensees on quality of service performance indicators prior to publication.[The term “subsection” should be “subregulation”.]
(5)The Authority may conduct surveys or other studies to assess customer satisfaction with the quality of service provided by licensees.
(6)The Authority may audit some or all of the quality of service data submitted by a licensee.
(7)The Authority may investigate the quality of service measurement, reporting and record keeping procedures of the licensee.
(8)Licensees shall submit any additional information requested by the Authority to verify or clarify quality of service measurements including time periods and geographical areas within thirty (30 days) from receiving the request from the Authority.
(9)Licensees must retain all quality of service data, including all measurements and related records for a minimum period of five (5) years, after the end of the reporting period, or for a time period as may be directed by the Authority.
(10)The Authority shall determine the geographical area and time period for drive testing conducted on behalf of the Authority to measure quality of service standards.
(11)The Authority shall measure and ensure compliance to quality of service standards using any or all of the following methods:-
(a)Drive testing by the Authority, and/or an independent party appointed by the Authority; and/or
(b)Data collection and statistical reports from licensees; and/or
(c)Any other reasonable means.

6. Condonation

(1)In the event a licensee is unable to comply with any time set out in these regulations, it may request from the Authority an extension of time at least seven (7) days prior to the time set out or within such other time period agreed by the Authority upon good cause shown.
(2)The Authority will respond to the request for condonation as soon as practicable, and may either grant or deny the request, in its sole discretion, based on, among other things, the nature of the information and the reasons for non-compliance with the time set out.

7. Failure to submit information

(1)If a licensee fails to submit in the manner and format prescribed by the Authority, as set out in these regulations or to submit the reports required to be submitted by these regulations the Authority may:[The comma after “prescribed by the Authority” is perhaps intended to appear after “as set out in these regulations”, or else an additional comma should appear after the latter phrase. There should also be a comma after the phrase “by these regulations”.]
(a)Issue a written request for submission of outstanding information within a prescribed time; and
(b)Require the licensee to implement a remedial plan within a time frame agreed with the Authority and again submit the outstanding and/or additional information to the Authority.
(2)If after the measures set out in (1) above, the licensee still fails submit the information requested, the Authority will deal with the matter in terms of sections 114 and 115 of the Act.
[The word “to” appears to have been omitted before the word “submit”.]

8. Penalties

(1)Any licensee who fails to maintain the minimum quality of service standards set out in these regulations or to submit the reports required to be submitted by these regulations, shall be guilty of contravening these regulations.
(2)Where a licensee contravenes one or more of these regulations or quality of services standard contained herein, the Authority may-
(a)issue to a licensee a written warning and final date for submitting outstanding reports where the licensee is guilty of not submitting reports as required by these Regulations; or
(b)require the licensee to implement a remedial plan within a time frame agreed with the Authority and again submit additional information about the quality of the relevant service to be compared against performance data collected by the Authority; or
(c)order the licensee to compensate subscribers or consumers for poor quality of service; or
(d)impose a penalty of not more than N$500,000.00 for-
(i)failure by a licensee to perform measurements for reporting purposes as contained in these regulations;
(ii)submitting or causing the submission of false or misleading information to the Authority;
(iii)each contravention of a quality of service standard as set out in section 2 of Annexure A hereto; or
(e)impose a penalty not exceeding N$1,000,000.00 for-
(i)each contravention of a quality of service standard as set out in sections 1 and 3 of Annexure A hereto;
(ii)each repeated contravention of a quality of service standard as set out in Annexure A hereto; or
(f)impose a penalty not exceeding N$5,000,000.00 for failure to implement a remedial plan agreed with the Authority for compliance with any quality of service standard within such time frame the Authority may direct; or
(g)take any other measure the Authority regards as reasonable in the circumstances.
(3)Any amount of penalty payable in terms of paragraphs (d), (e) or (f) of subregulation (2) constitutes a debt due to the Authority by the relevant licensee concerned and may be recovered by the Authority by means of proceedings instituted in any competent court.
(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulations (2) and (3), the Authority may waive the payment of or refund the whole or any part of a fine payable.
(5)Before imposing any penalty as contemplated by paragraphs (d), (e) or (f) of subregulation (2), the Authority must give an affected licensee the opportunity to be heard, whereafter the Authority may-
(a)decide not to impose any penalty; or
(b)impose such penalty the Authority deems fit.



1. Service quality
Supply time for fixed line initial connectionThe duration (elapsed days) from the instant a valid service request has been received to the instant a working service is made available for use95% of service requests to be completed within 5 elapsed days and 100% of service requests to be completed within 7 elapsed daysInclude the following scenarios-A new connectionAn existing connection taken over by another customerAn additional connection provided to a customer who already has an existing service, including any upgrades in serviceA valid service request may be made in writing.Where a licensee and a customer agree that a service request for multiple connections or at various sites will be completed in stages, each agreed delivery time counts as a separate service request for measurement purposesIndividual licenseesClass Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licenseesClass ECNS licensees
Supply time for internet accessThe duration (elapsed days) from the instant a valid service request has been received to the instant a working service is made available for use95% of service requests to be completed within 5 elapsed days 100% of service requests to be completed within 7 elapsed daysInclude the following scenarios-A new connectionAn existing connection taken over by another customerAn additional connection provided to a customer who already has an existing service, including any upgrades in serviceA valid service request may be made verbally or in writing. Where a licensee and a customer agree that a service request for multiple connections or at various sites will be completed in stages, each agreed delivery time counts as a separate service request for measurement purposesIndividual licenseesClass Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licenseesClass ECS licenseesClass ECNS licensees
Supply time for initial mobile services connection (postpaid/prepaid)The duration (elapsed days) from the instant a valid service request has been received to the instant a working service is made available for use95% of service requests to be completed within 5 elapsed days 100% of service requests to be completed within 7 elapsed daysInclude the following scenarios-A new connectionAn existing connection taken over by another customerAn additional connection provided to a customer who already has an existing service, including any upgrades in serviceA valid service request may be in writing.Where a licensee and customer agree that an order for multiple connections each agreed delivery time counts as a separate service request for measurement purposesIndividual licenseesClass Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licenseesClass ECS Licensees
Supply time for subscription based television service connectionThe duration (elapsed days) from the instant a valid service request has been received to the instant a working service is made available for use95% of service requests to be completed within 5 elapsed days 100% of service requests to be completed within 7 elapsed daysInclude the following scenarios-A new connectionAn existing connection taken over by another customerAn additional connection provided to a customer who already has an existing service, including any upgrades in serviceA valid service request may be in writing.Where a licensee and customer agree that an order for multiple connections each agreed delivery time counts as a separate service request for measurement purposesCommercial Broadcasting licenseesPublic Broadcasting licensees
Fault Repair TimeThe time (elapsed hours) by which valid faults on networks are repaired90% of faults to be repaired within 24 elapsed hours from time reported 100% of faults to be repaired within 48 elapsed hours from time reportedThe time by which valid faults on networks are repaired and the percentage of faults cleared in the time specified in any service level agreement or contract must be reported separatelyIndividual licenseesClass Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licenseesClass ECNS licenseesSignal Distribution licenseesClass Comprehensive Multiplex andSignal Distribution licenseesCommercial Broadcasting licenseesPublic Broadcasting licenseeCommunity Broadcasting licensee
Proportion of problems with number portability proceduresNumber of requests with a deviation from the normal porting procedure divided by the total number of requests for number portabilityNumber of requests with deviations from the normal porting procedures must be less than 5% of total number of requests for number portabilityA deviation from the normal porting procedures occurs when-All the services from the donor has to be restore temporarily whilst problems are resolvedThere is a gap of more than 1 hour in either or both incoming our outgoing servicesThe recipient operator has to open a trouble ticket as a consequence of an event that does not permit to consider number portability completed after the time period agreed between operatorsIndividual licenseesClass Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licenseesClass ECS licensee
2. Billing and customer service
Response time for administration and billing enquiriesDuration from the instant when the address information required for setting up a call is received to the instant the human operator answers the calling user to attend to the enquiry95% of calls must be answered within 20 secondsEnquiries attend to by IVR only is excluded from this measurement.

Any enquiry transferred from an IVR system to a human operator to attend to the enquiry is included in the measurement

The duration period in the definition includes waiting time because attendants are busy.

Time duration handle the enquiry itself is excluded from the measurement.

The parameter is applicable to all administration and billing enquiries made to a call centre by a customer via fixed, mobile, direct and/or indirect services
Individual licensees

Class Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECS licensees
Customer/Licensee Complaints Resolution TimeThe time period taken to resolve a customer complaint from the instant the customer complaint is notified to the published point of contact to the instant the cause for the complaint has been resolved90% of customer complaints must be resolved within 24 elapsed hoursStatistics should include all customer complaints received in the data collection period.

Where more than one complaint is made by the same customer, even on the same subject, each instance must be counted separately.

If a customer complains again before the existing complaint has been resolved, it must be treated as a continuation of the first unclosed complaint.

When calculating the resolution time the licensee may subtract an delay introduced by the customer from the measured time
Individual licensees

Class Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECS licensee

Class ECNS licensees

Class Comprehensive
Multiplex and Signal Distribution
Multiplex Licensee

Signal Distribution licensees
Commercial Broadcasting licensees

Public Broadcasting licensee
Community Broadcasting licensee
Billing CorrectnessThe proportion of bills resulting in a customer complaint relating to the accuracy of a given billLess than 2% of bills should result in customer complaintsA bill correctness complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with the accuracy of the bill received from a customer. Statistics should include all billing complaints received in the reporting period regardless of the validity of the complaint and the dates of calls or any other form of communication that are the subject of the complaintIndividual licensees

Class Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECS licensees
3. Network quality
Mobile /Wireless Service CoveragePercentage of test route over which a minimum signal strength of -100 dBm is achievedA minimum of -100 dBm must be achieved for 95% outdoor and 85% indoor service coverage following a predetermined test routeThe test route will be determined by the Authority depending on the network coverage provided by licensees

Measurements will be taken in a reporting area within the network coverage are of the licensee from time to time as determined by the Authority
Individual licensees

Class Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECNS Licensees
Unsuccessful Call RatioRatio of unsuccessful calls to a total number of call attempt in a specified time periodPercentage of unsuccessful calls must be less than 2% in busy timeAn unsuccessful call is a call attempt to a valid number within the licensees’ coverage area where neither called party busy tone, nor ringing tone, nor answer signal is received within 30 seconds from the instant when the last digit of the destination subscriber number is received.

Additional measurements will be taken in a reporting area within the network coverage are of the licensee from time to time as determined by the Authority
Individual licensees

Class Comprehensive
ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECS licensees

Class ECNS licensees
International Call ConnectivityThe relationship between the number of seizures that result in an answer signal and the total number of seizures (ASR) for a specific countryThe ASR on a country by country basis should be more than 60%ASR to be measured on a country by country basis over time as determined by the AuthorityIndividual licensees

Class Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECS licensees

Class ECNS licensees
Dropped Call RatioThe percentage of incoming and outgoing calls which once they have been successfully established are dropped/ interrupted prior to the call being terminated by the user, the cause of the early termination being within the operator’s networkPercentage of dropped calls must be less than 3%Percentage of dropped calls, calculated from all the calls in the time period as determined by the Authority 

Additional measurements will be taken in a reporting area within the network coverage are of the licensee from time to time as determined by the Authority
Individual licensees

Class Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECS licensees

Class ECNS licensees
Successful SMS RatioProbability that a user can send a SMS successfully to a short message centre from user terminal equipment95% of SMS messages must be send successfully in busy timeStatistics to be collected by Authority and provided by the licensee within a given time period to consist the total number of originating SMS attempts and number of successfully send SMS’s

Additional measurements will be taken in a reporting area within the network coverage are of the licensee from time to time as determined by the Authority
Individual licensees

Class Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECS licensees

Class ECNS licensees
Completion Rate for SMSThe ratio of successfully send and received SMS’s between terminal equipment of two users during busy time95% of SMS’s must be completed successfullySending and receiving from SMS’s from and to international destinations are excluded from this measurement.
Statistics to be collected by Authority and provided by the licensee within a given time period to consist the total number of originating SMS attempts and number of successfully send and receive SMS’s

Additional measurements will be taken in a reporting area within the network coverage are of the licensee from time to time as determined by the Authority
Individual licensees

Class Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECS licensees

Class ECNS licensees
Successful Internet Login ratioThe ratio of successful log-ins to access the Internet when both the access network and the licensees’ network are available95% of internet login’s by the user of data services must be successful in busy timeStatistics to be collected by Authority and provided by the licensee within a given time period to consist the total number of log-in attempts and number of successful log-ins to access the Internet

This measure is applicable to all licensees providing services allowing internet access irrespective of technology. An attempt to log-in is unsuccessful, if it fails for any reason independent whether the fault is caused by the access network or the licensee

A log-in is successful if after completion of the log-in process the use is able to use a valid IP-address (dynamic or static) to use services offered via the Internet including DNS resolution allowing to exchange data via the Internet 

Additional measurements will be taken in a reporting area within the network coverage are of the licensee from time to time as determined by the Authority
Individual licensees

Class Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECS licensees

Class ECNS licensees
Packet Loss RatioRatio of packets lost to the total packets transmitted between two designated pointsPacket Loss Ratio may not be more than 3% for any class of service offeredStatistics to be collected by Authority and provided by the licensee within a given interval per class of service as determined by the Authority

Additional measurements will be taken in a reporting area within the network coverage are of the licensee from time to time as determined by the Authority
Individual licensees

Class Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECS licensees

Class ECNS licensees
Unsuccessful data transmission ratioThe ratio of unsuccessful data transmissions to the total number of data transmission attempts in a specified time period95% of all data transmissions must be successful within a specified time periodA data transmission is successful if a test file is transmitted completely and with no errors.

The statistics should be calculated from test transmissions made according to the measurement set-up stipulated in ETSI EG 202 057-4

Additional measurements will be taken in a reporting area within the network coverage are of the licensee from time to time as determined by the Authority
Individual licensees

Class Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECS licensees

Class ECNS licensees
Data transmission speed achievedThe data transmission rate is achieved separately for downloading and uploading specified test files between a remote web site and user equipmentData transmission speed achieved must be at least 80% of that advertised by the licensee during busy timeThe test file shall have at least twice the size (in kb) of the theoretically maximum data transmission rate per second as advertised by the licensee for a specific service

Additional measurements will be taken in a reporting area within the network coverage are of the licensee from time to time as determined by the Authority
Individual licensees

Class Comprehensive ECS/ECNS licensees

Class ECS licensees

Class ECNS licensees


The following references are indispensable for the application of this document. For undated reference, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
(i)ETSI EG 202 057-1 Speech Processing, Transmission and Quality Aspects (STQ): User related QoS parameter definitions and measurements; Part 1: General
(ii)ETSI EG 202 057-2 Speech Processing, Transmission and Quality Aspects (STQ): User related QoS parameter definitions and measurements; Part 2: Voice telephony, Group 3 fax, modem data services and SMS
(iii)ETSI EG 202 057-3 Speech Processing, Transmission and Quality Aspects (STQ): User related QoS parameter definitions and measurements; Part 3: QoS parameters specific to Public Land Mobile Networks (PLMN)
(iv)ETSI EG 202 057-4 Speech Processing, Transmission and Quality Aspects (STQ): User related QoS parameter definitions and measurements; Part 4: Internet Access
(v)ITU-T Rec. Y.1541 Series Y: Global Information Infrastructure, Internet Protocol Aspect and Next Generation Networks, Internet protocol aspects-Quality of service and network performance, Network performance objectives for IP-based services
(vi)ITU-T Rec. E.425 Series E: Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors, Network management - Checking the quality of international telephone sendee, Internal automatic observations
(vii)ITU-T Rec. E.426 Series E: Overall network operation, telephone service, sendee operation and human factors, International telephone network management and checking of sendee quality -Checking the quality of international telephone service, General guide to the percentage of effective attempts which should be observed for international telephone calls
(viii)ITU-T Rec. E.437 Series E: Overall network operation, telephone service, sendee operation and human factors, Quality of service, network management and traffic engineering-Network management - Checking the quality of the international telephone service, Comparative metrics for network performance management



1.Supply time for fixed line initial connectionParameter:
(i)95% of service requests to be completed within 5 elapsed days
(ii)100% of service requests to be completed within 7 elapsed days
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Percentage of service requests completed within 5 elapsed days      
Remaining percentage of service requests completed within 7 elapsed days      
Total percentage of service requests completed100%100%100%100%100%100%
2.Supply time for internet accessParameter:
(i)95% of service requests to be completed within 5 elapsed days
(ii)100% of service requests to be completed within 7 elapsed days
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Percentage of service requests completed within 5 elapsed days      
Remaining percentage of service requests completed within 7 elapsed days      
Total percentage of service requests completed100%100%100%100%100%100%
3.Supply time for initial mobile service connection (postpaid)Parameter:
(i)95% of service requests to be completed within 5 elapsed days
(ii)100% of service requests to be completed within 7 elapsed days
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Percentage of service requests completed within 5 elapsed days      
Remaining percentage of service requests completed within 7 elapsed days      
Total percentage of service requests completed100%100%100%100%100%100%
4.Fault repair timeParameter:
(i)90% of faults to be repaired within 24 elapsed hours from time reported
(ii)100% of faults to be repaired within 48 elapsed hours from time reported
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Percentage of faults repaired within 24 elapsed hours      
Remaining percentage of faults repaired within 48 elapsed hours      
Total percentage of faults repaired100%100%100%100%100%100%
5.Proportion of problems with number portability proceduresParameter: Number of requests with deviations from the normal porting procedures must be less than 5% of the total number of requests for number portability
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Total number of number portability requests      
Number of requests with deviations from normal porting procedures      
Percentage of requests with deviations from the normal porting procedures vs total number of number portability requests      
6.Response time for administration and billing enquiriesParameter: 95% of calls must be answered within 20 seconds
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Total number of calls related to administration and billing enquiries      
Total number of calls answered within 20 seconds      
Percentage of calls answered within 20 seconds vs total number of calls received      
7.Customer complaints resolution timeParameter: 90% of customer complaints must be resolved within 24 elapsed hours
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Total number of customer complaints received      
Number of customer complaints resolved within 24 elapsed hours      
Percentage of customer complaints resolved vs total number of customer complaints      
8.Billing correctnessParameter: Less than 2% of bills should result in customer complaints
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Total number of bills issued to customers      
Number of bills resulting in customer complaints      
Percentage of bills resulting in customer complaints vs total number of bills issued      
9.Service coverageParameter: A minimum of -100 dBm must be achieved for 95% outdoor and 85% indoor service coverage following a predetermined test routeNote: Measurement will be done by the Authority after which the Authority may request more information or clarification from the licensee in terms of section 5 of the regulations.
10.Unsuccessful call ratioParameter: Percentage of unsuccessful calls must be less than 2% in busy timeNote: Additional measurements will be done by the Authority after which the Authority may request more information or clarification from the licensee in terms of section 5 of the regulations.
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Hours defined as busy time for calls      
Percentage of successful calls during busy time      
Percentage of unsuccessful calls during busy time      
11.International Call ConnectivityParameter: The ASR on a country-by-country basis should be more than 60%
 ASR Rate
Destination CountryMonth 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
List of countries in alphabetical order      
12.Dropped call ratioParameter: Percentage of dropped calls must be less than 3% in busy timeNote: Additional measurements will be done by the Authority after which the Authority may request more information or clarification from the licensee in terms of section 5 of the regulations
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Hours defined as busy time for calls      
Percentage of dropped calls during busy time      
13.Successful SMS ratioParameter: 95% of SMS messages must be send successfully in busy timeNote: Additional measurements will be done by the Authority after which the Authority may request more information or clarification from the licensee in terms of section 5 of the regulations.
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Hours defined as busy time for calls      
Number of originating SMS attempts      
Number of successfully send SMS’s      
Percentage of successfully send SMS’s      
14.Completion rate for SMSParameter: 95% of SMS messages must be completed successfully during busy timeNote: Additional measurements will be done by the Authority after which the Authority may request more information or clarification from the licensee in terms of section 5 of the regulations.
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Hours defined as busy time for calls      
Number of originating SMS attempts      
Number of successfully send and received SMS’s      
Percentage of successfully completed SMS’s      
15.Successful internet log-in ratioParameter: 95% of internet log-in’s by the user of data services must be successful during busy timeNote: Additional measurements will be done by the Authority after which the Authority may request more information or clarification from the licensee in terms of section 5 of the regulations.
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Hours defined as busy time for calls      
Number of log-in attempts      
Number of successful log-in’s      
Percentage of successful log-in’s      
16.Packet loss ratioParameter: Packet loss ratio may not be more than 3% for any class of service offeredNote: Additional measurements will be done by the Authority after which the Authority may request more information or clarification from the licensee in terms of section 5 of the regulations.
 Packet loss ratio
Destination CountryMonth 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
List of class of services offered by licensee      
17.Unsuccessful data transmissionParameter: 95% of all data transmissions must be successful within a specified time periodNote: Additional measurements will be done by the Authority after which the Authority may request more information or clarification from the licensee in terms of section 5 of the regulations.
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Number of test data transmissions      
Number of successful data transmissions      
Percentage of successful data transmissions      
18.Data transmission speed achievedParameter: Data transmission speed achieved must be at least 80% of that advertised by the Licensee, during busy timeNote: Additional measurements will be done by the Authority after which the Authority may request more information or clarification from the licensee in terms of section 5 of the regulations.
 Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6
Hours defined as busy time for data      
Data speed advertised to be listed for each product or class of service offered by the licensee      
Data speed achieved to be listed for each product or lass of service offered by licensee      
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History of this document

15 November 2017 this version
21 April 2015

Cited documents 1

Legislation 1
1. Communications Act, 2009 332 citations

Documents citing this one 0