Directive Relating to Child Protection Response during COVID-19

Government Notice 120 of 2020

Directive Relating to Child Protection Response during COVID-19

Coat of Arms
Namibian Constitution

Directive Relating to Child Protection Response during COVID-19

Government Notice 120 of 2020

Under regulation 14(1) and (3) of the State of Emergency - Covid-19 Regulations published under Proclamation No. 9 of 28 March 2020, with the authorisation of the President and the approval of the Attorney-General, I issue the directive set out in the Schedule.D. SiokaMinister of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare

1. Definitions

In this directive, a word or expression to which a meaning has been given in the Regulations or the Act has that meaning, and unless the context indicates otherwise -"cluster" means the cluster on Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare in the Office of the Vice President;"designated social worker" means a control social worker, a chief social worker, a senior social worker or a social worker listed in Annexure 1 to this directive;"national level supervisor" means a control social worker, or a person designated by the cluster as such;"the Act" means the Child Care and Protection Act, 2015 (Act No. 3 of 2015); and"the Regulations" means the State of Emergency - Covid-19 Regulations published under Proclamation No. 9 of 28 March 2020.

2. Purpose of this directive

The purpose ofthis directive is to:
(a)provide a general framework on how to deal with children in an emergency situation, taking into account their physical and psychological vulnerabilities and associated risks;
(b)address challenges and provide guidance on how to respond to child related cases of Covid-19; and
(c)ensure effective and efficient coordination and management of child protection services during the Covid-19 state of emergency.

3. The response plan

(1)The cluster is the overall lead in child protection.
(2)There will be two complementary parallel response streams for child protection, one at the national level and one at the regional level.
(3)The national level must provide guidance, support and supervision to regional level teams of social workers and administrative officers.
(4)Designated social workers in all the 14 regions must lead the response after they receive a direct referral for child protection from a stakeholder or a community member.
(5)Designated social workers must manage direct referrals for child protection and ensure timely and effective linkages to services.
(6)The cluster must undertake its role as the overall lead in all cases involving child protection in accordance with:
(a)the Act;
(b)relevant Case Management Processes; and
(c)the applicable Standard Operating Procedures that are in place.
(7)National level supervisors must provide supportive supervision and guidance on integrative services and management to assist with the effective rolling out of sustainable and harmonised systems of care services for children.
(8)The payment of state grants referred to in Chapter 16 ofthe Act that are currently in existence must continue.
(9)For the purposes of sub-directive (8), service providers at pay points must ensure that relevant prevention services in terms of section 130 ofthe Act are applied.

4. Procedures for referral of children

(1)The first point of response to children in need of protective services is the 116 or 106 helplines or reporting the matter to the nearest police station.
(2)A helpline official or a police officer must connect the reported case to a designated social worker who must manage the case in accordance with the provision of the Act.
(3)The cluster must assign a designated social worker for each region to oversee all cases of children in that region who are 18 years of age or less and in need of protective measures in accordance with Chapter 15 of the Act.
(4)The national level supervisors must immediately inform the Director of Child Care and Protection about specific emergency cases that require special interventions such as:
(a)households without any parental supervision or child headed households;
(b)children living and working on the street;
(c)children who are infected with the COVID-19; and
(d)households with children in need of nutritional support or any emergency assistance during the State of Emergency period.

5. Acute cases

(1)A designated social worker must immediately refer an acute case to the Director of Child Care and Protection.
(2)For the purposes of this directive, a case is an acute case if the parents of a child have been removed for isolation purposes or the parents of a child have passed away due to Covid-19 infection.

Annexure 1

The cluster

Contact details for social services from Gender Equality, Poverty and Eradication Social Welfare Cluster

Name & SurnameRegion/officePositionTelephone no
National Coordinator
Mrs H. Andjamba, Director Child Care and Protection, 0811295219
Khomas Region
Ms. C. ManghonoKhomas Control Social worker0812430744
Ms. L. UirasWindhoekChief Social Worker0812489383
Mr. B. KaveruaASCSenior Social Worker0812417901/ 0814786574
Ms. E. ViallG.B.P.V.USocial Worker0812291024
Ms. C. KavitaHead OfficeSocial Worker0813413502
Ms. S. ShaamenaHead officeSocial Worker0814882941
Ms. G. SimasikuASCSocial Worker0816605289
Mrs. A. MupupaG.B.P.V.USocial Worker0816605279
Ms. P. ShipundaG.B.P.V.USocial Worker0813788249
Ms. M. AipingeOtjomuiseSocial Worker0816056578
Ms. P. FerisASCSocial Worker0814683683
Hardap Region
Ms. C. ManghonoHardapControl Social Worker0812430744
Ms. S. MuhindaMarientalSenior Social worker0813388269
Ms. L. PaulusGibeonSocial worker0812352739
Ms. H. IndongoRehobothSocial worker0818065301
Ms. S. UuwangaRehobothSocial worker0813418942
Ms. M. KuumeMarientalSocial worker0816707711
Erongo Region
Ms. B. NshimyimanaErongoControl Social worker0812374468
Ms. M. Ricther (Supervisor)ErongoSenior Social Worker 0812564733
Ms. A. BaardSwakopmundSocial Worker0814294703
Ms. M. N. ChingwaramuseeWalvis BaySocial Worker0814205850
Ms. C. MutwameziWalvis BaySocial Worker0813362197
Ms. E. TjazukoOmaruruSocial Worker0813362197
Omaheke Region
Ms. B. NshimyimanaOmahekeControl Social worker0812374468
Ms. C. Muna (Supervisor)Gobabis Social worker 0813505515
Ms. Kiimbi NamvulaOtjineneSocial worker0813731214
Zambezi Region
Ms. B. NshimyimanaZambeziControl Social worker0812374468
Mr. Dennis Matomola (Supervisor)ZambeziSenior Social worker 0816119760
Ms. S. SinalumbuKabbeSocial Worker0814474883
Ms. M. MafuyaLinyantiSocial Worker0816865449
Ms. M. MatenguKatima MuliloSocial Worker0816188414
Mr. G. ChetikaKatima MauliloSocial Worker0816589944
!Karas Region
Ms. A. Musukubili! KarasControl Social worker0812808407
Ms. M. ForbesKeetmanshoopSenior Social worker0814790907
Ms. A. SkrywerLuderitzSocial worker0816325795
Mr. H. GaogosebKarasburgSocial worker0817718779
Ms. A. Musukubili! Karas Control Social worker0812808407
Ms. M. SwartzGrootfonteinSenior Social worker0813915212
Ms. S. MuharukuaOkahandjaSocial worker0816605159
Ms. H. PetrusOkakararaSocial worker0814838890
Oshana Region
Ms. R. Pelema OshanaControl Social worker0812328671
Ms. L. IipingeOgwendivaChief Social worker0813078001
Ms. J. HandeleOgwendivaSenior Social worker0813670793
Ms. L. EndjalaOgwendivaSenior Social worker0812947396
Ms. L. AlfeusOndangwaSocial worker0818501444
Ms. I. DawidOshakati West & OmpundjaSocial worker0812399516
Ms. L. ShaningwaOngwediva & UuvudhuyaSocial worker0812874057
Ms. S. KakiliOkatanaSocial worker0813325165
Ms. P. NewakaOshakati East & UukwiyuSocial worker0813051311
Ohangwena Region
Ms. R. PelemaOhangwenaControl Social Worker0812328671
Ms. D. TshivoloEenhanaChief Social worker0812482386
Ms. A. ValombolaEenhanaSenior Social worker0816363248
Ms. E. NhindaEenhanaSenior Social worker0812452620
Ms. V. AshiyanaEenhanaSocial worker0814423090
Ms. M. WanailongaOkongoSocial worker0814659313
Ms. F. ShilongoOndobeSocial worker0855856568
Ms. M. NambambiOshikangoSocial worker0812149290
Ms. T. AilongaOhangwenaSocial worker0814990098
Ms. F. KagolaOngengaSocial worker0815630116
Mr. A. SheefeniEndolaSocial worker0812043353
Omusati Region
Ms. B. MukuluOmusati Control Social worker0812310145
Ms. K. KapataOmusatiChief Social worker0812447310
Ms. M. HailongaGBVPSU Outapi & OgongoSocial worker0818796794
Ms. J. KasheaGBVPUS & OutapiSocial worker0813929230
Ms. M. UutoniAnamulenge& OkalongoSocial worker0812421818
Ms. M. AiyamboOshikuku & EtayiSocial worker0813289045
Mr. I. KuliwoyeElimSocial worker0811558045
Ms. A. HamunyelaOkahao & OtamanziSocial worker0814032937
Ms. M. KamatiTsandiSocial worker0813519211
Ms. E. ShilumbuOnesi & RuacanaSocial worker0812911503
Kunene Region
Ms. B. MukuluOmusatiControl Social worker0812310145
Ms. J. NamundjeboKuneneSenior Social Worker0811682002
Ms. N. SimataaOpuwoSocial worker0813109894
Mr. N. ShitalangahoKhorixasSocial worker0816185734
Ms. D. KatumbeOutjoSocial worker0812011226
Ms. Potrix LamberthKamanjabSocial worker0813844948
Oshikoto Region
Ms. R. Kamuingona OshikotoControl Social worker0811434797
Ms. A. BoschOmuthiyaChief Social worker0813186716
Ms. Frieda KadhepaOmuthiyaSenior Social worker0813820158
Ms. A. ValombolaTsumebSocial worker0813809124
Ms. Helena DavidGuinasSocial worker0816103821
Ms. Sylvia NangoloOnayenaSocial worker0812289506
Ms. Julia NekongoOnyaanyaSocial worker0816286143
Ms. Josephine IdipoOniipaSocial worker0816128169
Lydia ShipuataOniipaSocial worker0812628834
Kavango East Region
Ms. R. KamuingonaOshikotoControl Social worker0811434797
Ms. B. SimbarandaRunduSenior Social worker0814855404
Ms. Joyce SimataaRunduSenior Social worker0812280245
Mr. Augustinus TjikuzuNdonga LinenaSocial worker0812699182
Ms. Stella MwaziRundu ruralSocial worker0817519869
Ms. Trudy MushetuOmashareSocial worker0813859997
Ms. Teclar Nsozi MukayaWACPU-RunduSocial worker0816863154
Ms. Mwangala MutauNdiyonaSocial worker0813465456
Ms. Meriam KaumaRundu-UrbanSocial worker0814039483
Ms. Masiye MuyalapapiRundu - WACPUSocial worker0817436443
Kavango West Region
Ms. R. KamuingonaOshikotoControl Social worker0811434797
Ms. B. MwiyaNkurenkuruChief Social worker0812896655
Ms. R. LuthuheziNkurenkuruSenior Social worker0811515888
Mr. M. NairengeNkurenkuruSocial worker0812881625
Ms. Penehafo MupumaNkurenkuruSocial worker0812051176
Ms. Mirjam AgapitusMpunguSocial worker0816492396
Ms. Livius HaikolaNcuncuniSocial worker0814466466
Mr. Zeba MufutaMuseseSocial worker0812032702
Mr. Toivo HausikuKapakoSocial worker0812800080
Namibia Children’s Home
Ms. H. SiamwandaWindhoekChief Children’s Home Superintendent0812502767
Ms. J. ManaleWindhoekSenior Children’s Home Superintendent0815788840
Ms. A. TubayungaWindhoekSocial worker0818050471
Ms. I. LouwWindhoekChief Social worker0818343525
After School Centre
After School CentreMaggy KatimbaWindhoekSenior Children’s Home Superintendent0812135662
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History of this document

15 May 2020 this version
12 May 2020
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Cited documents 1

Act 1
1. Child Care and Protection Act, 2015 61 citations

Documents citing this one 0