Related documents
- Amends General Regulations, 2002
Basic Education Act, 2020
Basic Education Regulations, 2023
Government Notice 331 of 2023
- Published in Government Gazette 8229 on 5 October 2023
- Assented to on 30 September 2023
- Commenced on 5 October 2023
- [This is the version of this document from 5 October 2023 and includes any amendments published up to 3 January 2025.]
1. Definitions
In these regulations a word or an expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act has that meaning, and unless the context indicates otherwise-“hostel committee” means a hostel committee of a school board established under regulation 12;“hostel premises” includes any building, structure, land, and enclosure, which is under the control of a hostel;“hostel staff” includes-(a)a superintendent, supervisory teacher and supervisory person appointed on short term contract of employment; or(b)a staff member appointed in terms of the Public Service Act to perform functions at a hostel such as hostel matrons and institutional workers that perform domestic functions in the hostel.“school activity” means any educational, cultural, sporting or social activity of the school or hostel which takes place within or outside the school or hostel premises that falls outside the scope of the school curriculum;“school parent” means a parent whose child is enrolled at a school;“school premises” includes any building, structure, land, and enclosure, which is under the control of a school;“service point” includes-(a)an arts centre;(b)a community learning and development centre;(c)a community library;(d)a cultural centre;(e)monuments;(f)a teachers’ resource centre; and(g)any other establishment of the Ministry,not being a school or part of a school, where service is provided to assist learners, teachers and other members of the public in any field of teaching, learning and entertainment;“social worker” means a social worker as defined in section 1 of the Social Work and Psychology Act, 2004 (Act No. 6 of 2004);“superintendent” means a teacher designated as superintendent of a hostel in terms of regulation 16(1);“supervisory teacher” means a teacher or person designated or appointed as supervisory teacher or person in terms of regulation 18(1);“the Act” means the Basic Education Act, 2020 (Act No. 3 of 2020); and“user” means a user of a service point registered under regulation 30.2. Quality education
Subject to the guiding principles set out in section 3 of the Act, the Minister must, within the available resources, ensure the provision of quality education, including learning support and special education, which includes-Part 2 – LEARNERS AT STATE SCHOOLS
3. Admission to State schools
4. Attendance at State schools
5. Transfer of learner
6. Prefects and learners’ representative council
7. Election committee
8. Nomination and election of prefects and members of learners’ representative council
9. Powers and functions of prefects and learners’ representative council
10. Vacation of office by prefects and members of learners’ representative council
11. Meetings and decision of prefects and learners’ representative council
12. Hostel committee
13. Vacation of office of member of hostel committee
14. Vacancies on hostel committee
15. Functions of hostel committee
16. Superintendent
17. Lodging of superintendent
18. Supervisory teacher or person
19. Hostel staff
20. Quotas for boarding in State hostel
If a State hostel is established in terms of section 38 of the Act, the Executive Director must determine, in writing, the number of boarders in a State hostel, and such number may not be exceeded without the written approval of the Executive Director.21. Criteria for admission of boarder in State hostel
22. Exemption of parents from payment of hostel fees
23. Contribution to hostel development fund
24. Control over boarders
A superintendent-25. Medical attention of boarders
26. Accommodation during out weekends
A boarder may board in a hostel during an out weekend with a prior written approval of the Executive Director.27. Accommodation of persons other than learners
28. Establishment of service point
29. Head of service point
30. User of service point
31 Service point user fees
32. Committee of service point
33. Annual general meeting of users
34. Service point development fund
35. Handover of accounts and other financial documents
36. Closure of service point
37. Designation of quality assurance officers
38. Purpose of inspections
39. Determination of constitution of school board of State school
The number of school board members of a State school is determined in accordance with the total number of learners enrolled at the school as set out in Annexure 2.40. Qualification as member of school board of State school
41 Election of members of school board of State school
42. Election and nomination of members of school board of State school for learners with special education needs
43. Election of school board office-bearers
44. Meetings of school board and committees of school board
45. Confidentiality
If a school board or committee of a school board has decided that information before it is of a confidential nature, a board or committee member, apart from the permission contemplated in section 59(9)(a) of the Act, may disclose the information after having obtained permission of the school board or committee of the school board in writing.46. Powers and functions of school board
In addition to the powers and functions referred to in section 50 and 51 of the Act, a school board-47. Expenses incurred by school board or committee of school board
Expenses incurred by a school board or committee of a school board in the performance of its functions or in the exercise of its powers are paid from monies available in the school development fund of the State school concerned.Part 7 – SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT FUND
48 Voluntary contributions to school development fund of State school
49. School development fund account and investment
50. Bookkeeping
51. Functions arranged in aid of school development fund
If a function is arranged in aid of a school development fund by a school board, the principal and the secretary of the school board, as soon as possible after the conclusion of such function, must jointly-52. Payments from school development fund
53. Stores register, inventory and stock-taking
54. Appointment of auditor
When appointing an auditor in terms of section 73 of the Act, if a regional director is of the opinion that circumstances are such that the appointment of a registered auditor is not practicable or desirable, the regional director may ask the Executive Director to approve the appointment of any other suitable person with adequate knowledge and experience in accounting as auditor.55. Inspection by staff member of Ministry
56. Handover of assets when State school closed
57. Registration of private schools and private part-time centres
58. Conditions to be complied with after registration of private schools and private part-time centres
59. Registration of private hostels or community hostels
60. Aid to private schools or hostels
61. Conditions for granting of aid to private schools or hostels
A private school or hostel that applies for aid in terms of regulation 60 must satisfy the Minister that-62. Curriculum, medium of instruction or examining body for private school or private part-time centre
63. Participation of private schools in national and regional training programmes and competitions
64. Inspections, monitoring and evaluation of private schools, private part-time centre and hostels
65. Application for registration for home schooling
66. Access to school premises
67. Exemption of certain persons from application of regulation 66
Regulation 66 does not apply to-68. Early release from school
69. School and hostel environment and infrastructure
The principal or superintendent must-70. Violence, illegal drugs and alcohol-free schools and hostels
71. Search and seizure
Subject to section 35 of the Act, a principal or a person delegated by the principal may, without a warrant-72. School activities needing approval of regional director
73. Organisation of school activities
74. Consent and indemnity
75. Transportation of learners
76. Participating in physical activities and sports
77. Occupational health and safety
78. Procedure for handling incidents at State schools and hostels
History of this document
05 October 2023 this version
30 September 2023
Assented to
Cited documents 4
Act 4
1. | Social Work and Psychology Act, 2004 | 93 citations |
2. | Child Care and Protection Act, 2015 | 58 citations |
3. | Credit Agreements Act, 1980 | 40 citations |
4. | Basic Education Act, 2020 | 5 citations |