Namibian Constitution
Suspension of Operation of Provisions of Certain Laws and Ancillary Matters Regulations
Proclamation 36 of 2020
- Published in Government Gazette 7275 on 16 July 2020
- Assented to on 14 July 2020
- Commenced on 16 July 2020
- [This is the version of this document from 16 July 2020 and includes any amendments published up to 17 January 2025.]
Part 1 – Preliminary matters
1. Definitions
In these regulations unless the context indicates otherwise -"Stage 3 State of Emergency Regulations: Erongo Region" means Stage 3: State of Emergency - Covid-19 Regulations: Erongo Region published under Proclamation No. 32 of 6 July 2020;"specified period" means the period referred to in regulation 3 of the Stage 3: State of Emergency Regulations: Erongo Region;"restricted area" means restricted area as defined in regulation 1 of the Stage 3 State of Emergency Regulations: Erongo Region; and"State of Emergency" means the State of Emergency that was declared by the President by Proclamation No. 7 of 18 March of 2020, and which came into effect on 17 March 2020.2. Purpose of regulations
The purpose of these regulations is to -Part 2 – Suspension of operation of provisions of certain laws
3. Suspension of operation of certain provisions of Magistrates’ Courts Act, 1944
4. Suspension of operation of certain provision of Price Control Act, 1964
Despite section 2 of the Price Control Act, 1964 (Act No. 25 of 1964) that requires the Minister to appoint a Price Controller subject to the laws governing the public service, the Minister responsible for administering that Act, may appoint a Price Controller for the duration of the State of Emergency, without complying with the requirements of that section.5. Suspension of operation of certain provisions of Criminal Procedure Act, 1977
6. Suspension of operation of certain provisions of Social Security Act, 1994
7. Suspension of operation of certain provisions of Medical Aid Funds Act, 1995
8. Suspension of operation of certain provision of Identification Act, 1996
The operation of section 14(2) of the Identification Act, 1996 (Act No. 21 of 1996) is suspended for the duration of the State of Emergency, except that the Minister responsible for administering that Act may, whenever he or she considers it necessary, disclose specific information such as the name, surname and identity number of any person contained in the Population Register for Namibia to any institution, public or private, for the validation and verification of such information for the purpose of payment of any grant made available by the State.9. Suspension of operation of certain provision of Short-term Insurance Act, 1998
10. Suspension of operation of certain provision of Long-term Insurance Act, 1998
11. Suspension of operation of certain provisions of Standards Act, 2005
The Namibian Standards Institution may, for the duration of the State of Emergency, under section 20(1) of the Standards Act, 2005 (Act No. 18 of 2005) set, establish, and issue a Namibian Standard or amend or withdraw a Namibian Standard issued under that section, without having to follow the procedures for the setting, establishing, issuing, amending or withdrawing of a Namibian Standard as set out in the Standards Regulations published under Government Notice No. 249 of 20 September 2013.12. Suspension of operation of certain provisions of Vocational Education and Training Act, 2008
The provisions of sections 35(1), 36(1), 37, 38, 39 and 40 of the Vocational Education and Training Act, 2008 (Act No. 1 of 2008) and the Imposition of Vocational Education and Training Levy on Employers notice published under Government Notice No. 6 of 27 January 2014 are suspended as from 1 June 2020 up to 31 July 2020 insofar as they relate to the imposition or variation of a levy to be paid by employers in general or specific categories of employers, for the purpose of facilitating and encouraging vocational education and training.Part 3 – General provisions
13. Provisions relating to expiry of licences, permits and other authorisations
14. Effect of suspension of operation of provisions of certain laws
Any suspension of a law effected by a regulation made under Article 26(5) of the Namibian Constitution and which is in force immediately before the commencement of these regulations in any part of Namibia and which is similar to a suspension effected by these regulations is deemed to continue without interruption.History of this document
16 July 2020 this version
14 July 2020
Assented to
Cited documents 10
Act 10
1. | Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 | 1953 citations |
2. | Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 | 989 citations |
3. | Standards Act, 2005 | 114 citations |
4. | Social Security Act, 1994 | 88 citations |
5. | Long-term Insurance Act, 1998 | 83 citations |
6. | Short-term Insurance Act, 1998 | 66 citations |
7. | Medical Aid Funds Act, 1995 | 55 citations |
8. | Vocational Education and Training Act, 2008 | 34 citations |
9. | Price Control Act, 1964 | 23 citations |
10. | Identification Act, 1996 | 22 citations |