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Customs and Excise Act, 1998
Act 20 of 1998
- Published in Government Gazette 1900 on 30 June 1998
- Assented to on 12 June 1998
- Commenced on 1 August 1998 by Commencement of the Customs and Excise Act, 1998
- [This is the version of this document from 4 May 2022 and includes any amendments published up to 7 February 2025.]
- [Amended by Customs and Excise Act, 1998: Amendment of Part 2A of Schedule No. 1 (Government Notice 208 of 1998) on 1 August 1998]
- [Amended by Customs and Excise Act, 1998: Amendment of Part 1 of Schedule No. 1 (Government Notice 209 of 1998) on 1 September 1998]
- [Amended by Customs and Excise Act, 1998: Amendment of Schedule No.1 (Government Notice 71 of 1999) on 30 April 1999]
- [Amended by Customs and Excise Act, 1998: Amendment of Schedule No. 1 (Government Notice 93 of 2000) on 1 April 2000]
- [Amended by Customs and Excise Act, 1998: Amendment of Schedule No. 1 (Government Notice 187 of 2000) on 1 August 2000]
- [Amended by Customs and Excise Act, 1998: Amendment of Schedule No. 1 (Government Notice 116 of 2001) on 4 June 2001]
- [Amended by Customs and Excise Act, 1998: Amendment of Schedule No. 1 (Government Notice 13 of 2002) on 1 February 2002]
- [Amended by Customs and Excise Act, 1998: Amendment of Schedule No. 1 (Government Notice 115 of 2004) on 18 February 2004]
- [Amended by Customs and Excise Act, 1998: Amendment of Schedule No. 1 (Government Notice 116 of 2004) on 18 February 2004]
- [Amended by Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Act No. 20 of 1998): Amendment of Schedule No. 1 Imposition of export levy (Government Notice 61 of 2004) on 1 April 2004]
- [Amended by Amendment of Schedule 1: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 61 of 2007) on 30 March 2007]
- [Amended by Withdrawal of Government Notice No. 61 of 30 March 2007: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 97 of 2008) on 30 March 2007]
- [Amended by Amendment of Schedule No. 1 Part 6 Export Levy: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 146 of 2007) on 15 August 2007]
- [Amended by Customs and Excise Act, 1998: Amendment of Schedule No. 1 (Government Notice 246 of 2013) on 27 February 2013]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 6 of Schedule 1: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 213 of 2013) on 15 August 2013]
- [Amended by Amendment of Schedule No. 1 Part 6: Export Levy: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 307 of 2013) on 15 December 2013]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 6 of Schedule 1: Reinstatement of 30% levy on export of live mature cattle: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 198 of 2014) on 14 November 2014]
- [Amended by Amendment of Schedule No. 2 to Customs and Excise Act (Government Notice 297 of 2019) on 1 February 2015]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 2 of Schedule No. 1 of Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 66 of 2015) on 25 February 2015]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 2 of Schedule No. 1: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 101 of 2016) on 24 February 2016]
- [Amended by Imposition of duties on certain disposable goods and vehicle emissions: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 100 of 2016) on 30 May 2016]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 5 of Schedule No. 1: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 219 of 2016) on 15 September 2016]
- [Amended by Amendment of Schedule No. 1 to Customs and Excise Act: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 230 of 2016) on 26 September 2016]
- [Amended by Amendment of Schedule No. 1 to Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 300 of 2016) on 10 October 2016]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 2A of Schedule No. 1: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 93 of 2017) on 22 February 2017]
- [Amended by Customs and Excise Amendment Act, 2016 (Act 17 of 2016) on 31 March 2017]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 5 of Schedule No. 1: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 302 of 2017) on 15 November 2017]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 2A of Schedule No. 1: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 77 of 2018) on 21 February 2018]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 5 of Schedule No. 1 in respect of fuel levy: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 156 of 2018) on 1 August 2018]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 2 of Schedule No. 1: Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 133 of 2019) on 28 May 2019]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 5A of Schedule No. 1 (Government Notice 225 of 2019) on 2 August 2019]
- [Amended by Amendment of Schedule No. 1 of Customs and Excise Act (Government Notice 226 of 2019) on 2 August 2019]
- [Amended by Amendment of Schedule No. 2 to Customs and Excise Act (Government Notice 298 of 2019) on 16 October 2019]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 2 of Schedule No. 6 to Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 133 of 2020) on 26 February 2020]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 3 of Schedule No. 2 to Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 134 of 2020) on 12 March 2020]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 5A of Schedule No.1 to Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 131 of 2020) on 27 April 2020]
- [Amended by Amendment of Section A of Part 2 of Schedule No. 1 to Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 132 of 2020) on 12 June 2020]
- [Amended by Amendment of Schedule 1 to Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 47 of 2021) on 1 January 2021]
- [Amended by Amendment of Section A of Part 2 of Schedule No. 1 to Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 79 of 2021) on 16 April 2021]
- [Amended by Amendment of Schedules 1 to 6 Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 18 of 2022) on 1 January 2022]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 2A of Schedule 1 to Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 317 of 2022) on 23 February 2022]
- [Amended by Amendment of Part 5 of Schedule 1 to Customs and Excise Act, 1998 (Government Notice 215 of 2022) on 4 May 2022]