Related documents
- Is amended by Social Work and Psychology Amendment Act, 2018
- Is commenced by Commencement of the Social Work and Psychology Act, 2004

Social Work and Psychology Act, 2004
Act 6 of 2004
- Published in Government Gazette 3246 on 26 July 2004
- Assented to on 13 July 2004
- Commenced on 1 October 2004 by Commencement of the Social Work and Psychology Act, 2004
- [This is the version of this document from 6 September 2018 and includes any amendments published up to 17 January 2025.]
- [Amended by Social Work and Psychology Amendment Act, 2018 (Act 12 of 2018) on 6 September 2018]
1. Definitions
In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates -“annual fee” means the annual fee determined by the Council in terms of section 28(1)(b);“appeal committee” means the appeal committee established by the Council in terms of section 12(3)(a);“certificate of status” means a certificate setting out the information referred to in section 30(2);“clinical psychologist” means a person registered as such in terms of this Act, or regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61;“commencement date” means the date of commencement of this Act;“committee” means a committee established in terms of section 12;“counselling psychologist” means a person registered as such in terms of this Act, or regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61;“Council” means the Social Work and Psychology Council of Namibia established by section 3;“educational institution” means any university, college, technical college, technikon, training facility or other similar or related institution where a qualification can be obtained which complies with the requirements of a prescribed qualification contemplated in section 18;“educational psychologist” means a person registered as such in terms of this Act, or regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61;“education committee” means the education committee established by the Council in terms of section 12(4)(a);“executive committee” means the executive committee established by the Council in terms of section 12(1)(a);“fees”, in relation to an application, means the fees relating to the application concerned determined by the Council in terms of section 28(1)(a);“former Clinical Psychology Board” means the Clinical Psychology Board established by section 2 of the Allied Health Professions Act, 1993 (Act No. 20 of 1993), and in existence immediately before the commencement date;“former Social and Social Auxiliary Workers’ Board” means the Social and Social Auxiliary Workers’ Board established by section 2 the Social and Social Auxiliary Workers’ Professions Act, 1993 (Act No. 22 of 1993), and in existence immediately before the commencement date;“inquiry” means a professional conduct inquiry in terms of PART V;“intern-psychologist” means a person registered as such in terms of this Act, or regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61;“Interim Council” means the Interim Council established in terms of section 60;“in writing”, relating to any notice to be given, includes a notice, a record, the agenda or the minutes of a meeting, or an extract therefrom, sent, delivered or dispatched to the intended recipient by hand, by registered post or by means of facsimile or e-mail, or in any prescribed manner, addressed to the applicable address furnished in writing by that intended recipient, or which has been entered into the register in which the name of the registered person concerned appears;“legal practitioner” means a legal practitioner as defined in section 1 of the Legal Practitioners Act, 1995 (Act No. 15 of 1995);“member of the Council” means a member of the Council appointed in terms of section 7;[definition of “member of the Council” substituted by section 1 of Act 12 of 2018]“Minister” means the Minister responsible for Social Services;“Ministry” means the Ministry responsible for Social Services;“other examining authority” means an examining authority recognised by the Minister in terms of section 18(3);“Permanent Secretary” means the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry responsible for Health and Social Services;“practise”, in relation to a profession to which this Act applies, includes the taking up of employment where any act especially pertaining to such profession is performed;“preliminary investigation committee” means the preliminary investigation committee established by the Council in terms of section 12(5)(a);“prescribe” means to prescribe by regulation;“president” means president of the Council elected in terms of section 10;“professions” means the professions referred to in section 17(1);“professional conduct committee” means a professional conduct committee established by the Council in terms of section 12(2);“psychology student” means a person registered as such in terms of section 21, or regarded to be so registered in terms of section 62;“psychometrist” means a person registered as such in terms of this Act, or regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61;“psycotechnician” means a person registered as such in terms of this Act, or regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61;“public holiday” means a public holiday referred to in, or declared under, section 1 of the Public Holidays Act, 1990 (Act No. 26 of 1990);“qualification” means any degree, diploma, or certificate conferred upon a person after having been examined in respect of that person’s proficiency in a particular field of study;“register” -(a)when used as a verb, means to register a person in terms of section 20, 21 or 22, as the case may be, and “registration” has a corresponding meaning; and(b)when used as a noun, means a register referred to in section 25;“registered person” in relation to any profession to which this Act applies, means a person who is registered in terms of section 20, 21, or 22, as the case may be, in respect of the profession concerned, or who is regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61;“registrar” means the person appointed in terms of section 14(1) as the registrar of the Council and of the Councils established by law for the nursing profession, the medical and dental professions, the pharmacy profession and the allied health professions, or the staff member referred to in section 64(7) acting as the registrar;“regulation” means a regulation made in terms of this Act;“repealed Act” means the repealed Allied Health Services Professions Act, 1993 (Act No. 20 of 1993) or the Social and Social Auxiliary Workers’ Professions Act, 1993 (Act No. 22 of 1993), as the case may be;“rule” means a rule made by the Council in terms of this Act;“social auxiliary worker” means a person registered as a social auxiliary worker in terms of section 22, or regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61;“social worker” means a person registered as such in terms of section 20, or regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61;“staff member” means a staff member as defined in section 1(1) of the Public Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 13 of 1995);“student psychometrist” means a person registered as such in terms of this Act, or regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61;“student psychotechnician” means a person registered as such in terms of this Act, or regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61;“student social worker” means a person registered as such in terms of section 21, or regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61;“this Act” includes the regulations and the rules;“unprofessional conduct” means improper or dishonourable or unworthy conduct or conduct which, when regard is had to the profession of the person who is registered in terms of this Act, is improper or disgraceful or dishonourable or unworthy, and includes acts and omissions specified in terms of section 37;“professional conduct inquiry” means an inquiry referred to in section 38;“unregistered person”, in relation to any profession to which this Act applies, means a person who is not registered in terms of section 20, 21, or 22 in respect of such profession, or who is not regarded to be so registered in terms of section 61, and “not registered” has a corresponding meaning; and“vice-president” means the vice-president of the Council elected in terms of section 10.2. Application of Act
This Act applies to the professions referred to in sections 17 and 61(1).Part II – ESTABLISHMENT, OBJECTS, FUNCTIONS AND POWERS OF SOCIAL WORK AND PSYCHOLOGY COUNCIL OF NAMIBIA
3. Establishment of Social Work and Psychology Council of Namibia
4. Succession from former Boards to Council
5. Objects of Council
The objects of the Council are -6. Powers of Council
7. Composition of Council
8. Disqualification to be member of Council
A person does not qualify to be a member of the Council in terms of section 7, if that person -9. Vacation of office by members of Council and filling of vacancies
10. President and vice-president of Council
11. Meetings and decisions of Council
12. Executive committee, professional conduct committee, appeal committee, education committee, and other committees
13. Funds of Council
14. Appointment of registrar and staff
15. Powers, duties and functions of registrar
16. Control over education, tuition and training
17. Registration prerequisite for practising
18. Minimum requirements of study for registration
19. Application for registration
20. Procedures relating to registration
21. Registration of student social workers and psychology students
22. Registration of social auxiliary workers
23. Conditional registration
24. Registration of person registered conditionally
Any person registered conditionally in terms of section 23 may apply to the Council, as soon as he or she has complied with that section and the conditions specified in the conditional registration certificate concerned, for registration in terms of section 20.25. Keeping of registers
26. Removal of name from register and effect of such removal
27. Restoration of name to register
28. Fees payable to Council and maintaining of registration by registered person
29. Register as proof
30. Certificate of status and extract from register
31. Temporary registration for purposes of educational demonstrations or training
32. Educational institutions to furnish particulars
33. Registration and use of additional qualifications and specialities
34. Continuing professional development
35. Penalties for practising as social worker, student social worker, social auxiliary worker or student social auxiliary worker, or using certain titles or performing certain acts, while not registered
[The heading of this section refers to a “student social auxiliary worker”, but this category is not referred to in the text of the section.]36. Penalties for practising the psychology profession, or using certain titles or performing certain acts, while not registered
37. Professional conduct rules by Council
38. Inquiry by Council into complaint, charge or allegation of unprofessional conduct
39. Procedures relating to professional conduct inquiry
40. Professional conduct inquiry in respect of registered person not to prejudice civil or criminal liability
41. Penalties for false evidence
Any person who gives false evidence on oath at any inquiry held under this Part, knowing that evidence to be false, is guilty of an offence and on conviction liable to the penalties prescribed by law for the crime of perjury.42. Penalties by Council or professional conduct committee for unprofessional conduct
43. Postponement of imposition of penalties and suspension of execution of penalties
44. Effect of suspension or removal from register
45. Cognisance by Council of conduct of registered persons under certain circumstances
46. Pro forma complainants
47. Limitation of liability
Unless otherwise provided in this Act, the Minister, the Permanent Secretary, the Council or any committee thereof, any member of the Council or of any such committee, the Interim Council or any member thereof, any officer or employee of the Council, or the registrar, is not liable in respect of anything done or omitted to be done in good faith in the exercise of a power or the performance of a duty or function in terms of this Act, or anything that may result from anything so done or omitted.48. Investigation, assessment and powers of Council in respect of impaired registered persons
49. Charges by registered persons
50. Offences relating to registers, registration and impersonation
Any person who -51. Limitations in respect of unregistered persons and proof of registration for issue of licences
52. Matters relating to investigations and inspections
53. Appeals to appeal committee
54. Appeals to High Court
55. Delegation of powers
56. Regulations
57. General rules by Council
58. Offences and penalties
Any person convicted of any offence in terms of -59. Authorisation to practise professions in employment of State
60. Establishment of Interim Council
61. Transitional provisions
62. Repeal of laws and savings
63. Short title and commencement
This Act is called the Social Work and Psychology Act, 2004, and will come into operation on a date to be determined by the Minister by notice in the Gazette.History of this document
06 September 2018 this version
01 October 2004
26 July 2004
13 July 2004
Assented to
Cited documents 9
Act 9
1. | Public Service Act, 1995 | 316 citations |
2. | Legal Practitioners Act, 1995 | 255 citations |
3. | Public Accountants’ and Auditors’ Act, 1951 | 203 citations |
4. | Abuse of Dependence-Producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centres Act, 1971 | 191 citations |
5. | Deeds Registries Act, 1937 | 150 citations |
6. | Hospitals and Health Facilities Act, 1994 | 102 citations |
7. | Mental Health Act, 1973 | 100 citations |
8. | Magistrates Act, 2003 | 92 citations |
9. | Public Holidays Act, 1990 | 76 citations |
Documents citing this one 95
Gazette 77
Act 10
1. | Public and Environmental Health Act, 2015 | 63 citations |
2. | Child Care and Protection Act, 2015 | 61 citations |
3. | Criminal Procedure Act, 2004 | 18 citations |
4. | Employment Services Act, 2011 | 17 citations |
5. | Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act, 2018 | 8 citations |
6. | Witness Protection Act, 2017 | 8 citations |
7. | Dissolution of Marriages Act, 2024 | 3 citations |
8. | National Health Act, 2015 | 3 citations |
9. | Civil Registration and Identification Act, 2024 | 2 citations |
10. | Regularisation of Status of Certain Residents of Namibia, their Descendants and Foreign Spouses Act, 2024 |
Judgment 4
Government Notice 2
Law Reform Report 1
1. | Report on the Mental Health Bill |
Proclamation 1
1. | COVID-19: Regulations Relating to Health Matters |