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Gaming and Entertainment Control Act, 2018
Act 13 of 2018
- Published in Government Gazette 6793 on 13 December 2018
- Assented to on 16 November 2018
- Commenced on 1 December 2021 by Commencement of Gaming and Entertainment Control Act, 2018 and Gaming and Entertainment Control Amendment Act, 2020
- [This is the version of this document from 1 December 2021 and includes any amendments published up to 17 January 2025.]
- [Amended by Gaming and Entertainment Control Amendment Act, 2020 (Act 5 of 2020) on 1 December 2021]
Chapter 1
1. Definitions
In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates -“accommodation establishment” means premises registered as an accommodation establishment under section 20 of the Namibia Tourism Board Act, but excludes premises of a safari undertaking, rest camp or lodge situated in a game reserve or outside a local authority area;“amusement machine” means a mechanical, electrical or electronic machine or device operated by the insertion of a coin, amusement machine token or by the use of credit which is intended exclusively for amusement purposes and not for gambling purposes and from which a player may obtain nothing representing money, goods or any other benefit, other than the opportunity to continue to use the machine;“Anti-Corruption Act” means the Anti-Corruption Act, 2003 (Act No. 8 of 2003);“associate” means -(a)an employer;(b)a co-shareholder of a private company referred to in section 22 of the Companies Act, 2004 (Act No. 28 of 2004);(c)a co-member of a corporation as defined in section 1 of the Close Corporations Act, 1988 (Act No. 26 of 1988); or(d)a person to whom one has granted or from whom one has received a general power of attorney;“Board” means the Gambling Board established by section 5;“bookmaker" means a person who directly or indirectly earns or endeavours to earn his or her livelihood wholly or partly by receiving or negotiating bets or wagers on the result of an event or contingency, but does not include a person who operates a totalizator;“bookmaking business” means a business carried on by a bookmaker for the purpose of directly or indirectly receiving or negotiating bets or wagers on the result of any event or contingency;“bookmaker licence” means a bookmaker licence issued under section 36;“casino”, in relation to licensed premises, means a room in or a part of the premises in which games are played or gambling machines are kept and played;“casino licence” means a casino licence issued under section 34;“chief executive officer” means a person appointed as the chief executive officer in terms of section 16;“committee” means a committee of the Board established under section 13;“Competition Act” means the Competition Act, 2003 (Act No. 2 of 2003);“consideration” means money, token, ticket, electronic credit, debit or an electronic chip or similar objects regardless of its apparent or intrinsic value or whether it is transferred directly or indirectly;“contingency” means an event or occurrence of which the outcome is uncertain or unknown to a person until it happens;“controlling interest” means an interest of whatever nature in a licensed gambling business that enables the holder of such interest to exercise, directly or indirectly, control of any kind of, or in any way, the activities or assets of the licensed business;“designated area” means an area within a licensed premises where a gambling game is available to be played;“family member” means a -(a)spouse; or(b)child, parent, brother or sister, whether such a relationship results from birth, marriage or adoption;“Financial Intelligence Act” means the Financial Intelligence Act, 2012 (Act No. 13 of 2012);“financial interest” means -(a)a right or entitlement to share in profits or revenue of gambling;(b)a real right in respect of property of a company, corporation or business that conducts gambling;(c)a real or personal right in property used by a company, corporation or business referred to in paragraph (b); or(d)a direct or indirect interest in the voting shares or voting rights attached to shares of a company or an interest in a close corporation that conducts gambling;“gambling” means a form of gambling, including a game or the casting of a lot in which luck is an element and by which a prize may be won, whether or not an element of knowledge or skill is included in the process of determining the winner;“gambling activity” means an activity that meets the requirements of section 29;“gambling game” means an activity that meets the requirements of section 31;“gambling house”, in relation to a licensed premise, means a room in, or a part of, the premise in which a gambling machine is kept and played;“gambling house licence” means a gambling house licence issued under section 35;“gambling machine”, includes a totalizator and mechanical device, electrical device, video, electronic device, electro-mechanical device or other devices, contrivance, machine, device, equipment or software, other than an amusement machine, that is available to be played or operated on payment of a consideration and -(a)may entitle the player or operator to a pay-out or deliver a pay-out to the player or operator as a result of playing or operating the gambling machine; or(b)is used, or is designed to be used, in determining the result of a gambling activity;“judicial officer” means the Chief Justice, the Judge President, the Deputy Chief Justice, a judge of the Supreme Court or High Court appointed in terms of the Namibian Constitution, a magistrate appointed in terms of the Magistrates Act, 2003 (Act No. 3 of 2003), and includes the Ombudsman, the Attorney-General and the Prosecutor-General;“key employee licence” means a key employee licence issued under section 40;“inspector” means a person appointed under section 18 as an inspector;“licence” means a licence referred to in section 33;[definition of “licence” substituted by section 1 of Act 5 of 2020]“licence holder” means a person to whom a licence has been issued under this Act;“licensed premises” means premises named or described in a licence issued under this Act;“local authority area” means a local authority area as defined in section 1 of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act No. 23 of 1992);“manufacturer or supplier” means a person who imports, manufactures, sells, leases, makes available, distributes, maintains or repairs gambling machines;“manufacturer or supplier licence” means a manufacturer or supplier licence referred to under section 38 of this Act;“Minister” means the Minister responsible for gambling;“Ministry” means the Ministry administering matters relating to gambling;“minor” means a person who has not attained the age of 18 years;[definition of “minor” substituted by section 1 of Act 5 of 2020]“Namibia Tourism Board Act” means the Namibia Tourism Board Act, 2000 (Act No. 21 of 2000);“online game” means a gambling game prescribed as an online game under section 73 of this Act which is played or made available to be played through the use of communication technology that allows a person utilising money, electronic checks, electronic transfers of money, credit cards, debit cards or any other instruments, to transmit to a computer information to assist in the placing of a bet or wager and other corresponding information related to the display of the game, game outcomes or other similar information, but excludes a bet or wager placed through communication technology with a bookmaker or an operator of a totalizator;“online provider” means a person to whom an online game licence has been issued;“political office bearer” means -(a)a member of the National Assembly contemplated in Article 46 of the Namibian Constitution;(b)a member of the National Council contemplated in 69 of the Namibian Constitution;(c)a member of the Regional Council elected in terms of the Regional Councils Act, 1992 (Act No. 22 of 1992);(d)a member of the Local Authority Council elected in terms of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act No. 23 of 1992);(e)a diplomatic representative of Namibia who is not a staff member;(f)a person holding a public office by virtue of an appointment in terms of the Namibian Constitution or any law but who is not a judicial officer or a staff member; or(g)a leader, or a national office bearer, of a registered political party;“premises” includes land and a building, structure, vehicle, ship, boat, vessel, aircraft or container;“prescribed” means prescribed by regulation;“Prevention of Organised Crime Act” means the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 2004 (Act No. 29 of 2004);“prize” means a pay-out, benefit or anything of value which is offered to be won in respect of a gambling activity and includes movable or immovable property and a cash prize;[definition of “prize” substituted by section 1 of Act 5 of 2020]“Public Enterprises Governance Act” means the Public Enterprises Governance Act, 2006 (Act No. 2 of 2006);“regulations” means regulations made under section 108;“removal certificate” means a removal certificate issued under section 53(2)(b);“retail liquor business” means a business carried on for the sale and supply of intoxicating liquor for on-consumption under a licence or other authority granted under the Liquor Act, 1998 (Act No. 6 of 1998);“restricted person” means a person registered as a restricted person under section 77;“spouse” means a -(a)partner in marriage;(b)partner in a customary union according to customary law; or(c)partner in a relationship in which the parties live together in a manner resembling a marital partnership or customary union;“staff member" means a staff member as defined in section 1 of the Public Service Act, 1995 (Act 13 of 1995), and includes a member of the services as defined in that Act;“Standards Act” means the Standards Act, 2005 (Act No. 18 of 2005);“testing agent” means a person licensed in terms of this Act to test and calibrate gambling machines;“testing agent licence” means a testing agent licence issued under section 39;“this Act” includes a regulation or notice made or issued in terms of this Act;“totalizator" means an instrument, machine or device, known as a totalizator or any other similar scheme which is employed for registering or indicating bets whether mechanically operated or not;“totalizator bet” means the placing or accepting of a bet by staking money or anything of value on the outcome of an event or combination of events by means of -(a)a system in which the total amount staked, after deductions provided for by law or agreement, is divided among the persons who made the winning bets in proportion to the amount staked by each of them in respect of a winning bet; or(b)a scheme, form or system of betting, whether mechanically operated or not, that is operated on similar principles;“totalizator licence” means a totalizator licence issued under section 37; and“Trust Fund” means the Gambling Trust Fund established in terms of section 25.2. Application of Act
This Act does not apply to an activity that is regulated in terms of the Lotteries Act, 2017 (Act No. 13 of 2017).3. Principles of gambling and gambling activities
The following are the principles of gambling and gambling activities -Chapter 2
Part 1 – General functions and powers of Minister
4. Functions and powers of Minister
Part 2 – Gambling Board
5. Establishment of Gambling Board
There is established a juristic person to be known as the Gambling Board.6. Functions and powers of Board
7. Constitution of Board
8. Disqualification for appointment as members of Board
A person may not be appointed as a member of the Board, if that person -9. Term of office
10. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies
11. Conduct of members and disclosure of interest
12. Meetings and decisions of Board
13. Committees of Board
14. External experts
15. Allowances and remuneration of members of Board and committees
Part 3 – Staff members of Board
16. Chief executive officer
17. Staff members of Board, transfer and secondment of staff members
Part 4 – Inspectorate
18. Inspectors
19. Powers and functions of inspectors
Chapter 3
Part 1 – Funds of Board
20. Funds of Board
21. Accountability and audit
22. Bank accounts of Board
The Board must open and maintain such bank accounts at one or more banking institutions in Namibia registered in terms of the Banking Institutions Act, (Act 2 of 1998) No. 2 of 1998) as are necessary for the performance of the functions of the Board.23. Financial year and budget
24. Annual report
Part 2 – Gambling Trust Fund and allocation of moneys from Gambling Trust Fund
25. Gambling Trust Fund
There is established a fund to be known as the Gambling Trust Fund which is held in trust by the Board and administered by the Board.26. Funds of Trust Fund
27. Accounting, audit and reports
28. Allocation of moneys from Trust Fund
Chapter 4
29. Gambling activities
An activity is a gambling activity if it involves -30. Bets and wagers
31. Gambling games
32. Amusement games
Chapter 5
Part 1 – Licences
33. Types of licences
Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Board may, on application made by a person, issue the following licences -34. Casino licence
35. Gambling house licence
36. Bookmaker licence
37. Totalizator licence
38. Manufacturer or supplier licence
39. Testing agent licence
40. Key employee licence
40A. Other licences
41. Maximum number of licences
42. Disqualification for licences other than key employee licence
A person may not be issued with a licence, other than the key employee licence, if the person -43. Disqualification for key employee licence
A person may not be issued with a key employee licence if the person -Part 2 – Application for licences
44. Application for granting or removal of licence
45. Application for licences
46. Report of inspector
47. Objections
48. Consideration of application by Board
49. Economic and social development issues to be considered
When considering an application for a licence, other than a key employee licence, or an application for the removal of a licence contemplated in section 44(2) , the Board -50. Competition issues to be considered
When considering an application for a licence, other than an a key employee licence, or an application for the removal of a licence as contemplated in section 44(2), the Board must consider whether the approval of the application is likely to affect competition in the gambling industry generally or in respect of the proposed activity -51. Anti-money laundering issues to be considered
When considering an application for a licence, other than a key employee licence, or an application for the removal of a licence as contemplated in section 44(2), the Board must consider whether the applicant has or will put measures in place to combat money laundering as required by Part IV of the Financial Intelligence Act -52. Board to decide on applications
53. Issuing of licence
54. Contents of licence
A licence issued in terms of this Act must -55. Register of licence holders
56. Duration of licence
57. Provisions in respect of existing licences
Despite section 56 -58. Renewal of licences
59. Suspension or withdrawal of licences
60. Surrender of licence
Part 3 – Annual licence fees, levies and penalties
61. Annual licence fees and removal fees
A licence holder must, in the prescribed manner and within a prescribed period, pay to the Board -62. Payment of levies on income of casinos and gambling houses
63. Payment of certain moneys by holders of totalizator licence
64. Payment of levies by holders of totalizator licences
65. Payment of levies by holders of bookmaker licences
66. Penalties for late payment
The Minister may prescribe the penalties payable to the Board by a licence holder who fails to pay, within the specified period, any amount due in terms of this Act.67. Keeping of books, accounts and records
A licence holder, other than a holder of a testing agent licence or a key employee licence, must keep -68. Furnishing of particulars of bank accounts
Chapter 6
Part 1 – Prohibited gambling
69. Gambling in relation to illegal activities prohibited
70. Unlicensed gambling activities prohibited
71. Unlicensed dealing in gambling machines prohibited
72. Unlicensed use of premises prohibited
73. Unauthorised online gaming prohibited
74. Protection of minors
Part 2 – Provisions relating to gambling
75. Regional offices
The Board must establish regional offices for purposes of -76. Granting of credit for gambling prohibited
77. Restricted persons
78. Rules of games
79. Restrictions on advertising and promotion of gambling activities and granting of discounts
80. Enforceability of gambling debts and forfeiture of unlawful winnings
81. Financial control in business of licence holder
82. Foreign betting transactions
Chapter 7
Part 1 – Gambling premises
83. Standards for gambling premises
Part 2 – Gambling machines
84. Identification of gambling machines
85. Register of gambling machines
86. Importers or manufacturers to register gambling machines
87. Transfer of ownership or possession of gambling machines
88. Licences not to be inherited, transferred or leased
88A. Continuation of gambling business by executor, trustee, liquidator or curator
89. Calibration and certification of gambling machines
90. Central electronic monitoring system of gambling machines
91. Transitional provisions in relation to gambling machines
Chapter 8
92. Offence relating to gambling games
A person commits an offence, if the person -93. Fraudulent acts in relation to gambling activities
A person commits an offence, if the person -94. Offences relating to possession of unlawful devices
A person commits an offence, if the person in a licensed premises, uses or possess with the intent to use a device to assist -95. Offences relating to employing unlicensed employees
A person commits an offence, if the person -96. Offence relating to betting on premises not specified in licence
A licence holder who conducts a gambling activity on premises other than the premises specified in the licence commits an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine not exceeding N$10 000 or imprisonment not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.97. Offences relating to failure to pay winnings
A person who refuses or fails, without a reasonable cause, to pay the prize won by a person from a gambling activity licenced under this Act commits an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine not exceeding N$10 000 or imprisonment not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.98. Offence relating to furnishing of false information
A person who intentionally or negligently furnishes false or misleading information required by or under any provision of this Act commits an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine not exceeding N$10 000 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.99. Offences relating to inspectors
A person commits an offence, if the person -Chapter 9
100. Enquiries by Board
101. Appeals to Minister
102. Appeals to Court
Chapter 10
103. Confidentiality
104. Forfeiture
A court convicting a person of contravening a provision of this Act may declare a gambling machine, object or thing seized in terms of section 19 and which had been used in connection with such contravention to be forfeited to the State.105. Jurisdiction of magistrates courts
Despite anything to the contrary contained in any law, a magistrate’s court has jurisdiction to try an offence under this Act and to impose a penalty prescribed by this Act.106. Delegation of powers and assignment of functions
107. Limitation of liability
The Board, a member of the Board or committee, a staff member, an inspector or any other person engaged by the Board in connection with a function or power of the Board is not personally liable for damage or loss arising out of an act or omission committed in good faith by such person while exercising or performing the powers or functions in terms of this Act, except if such damage or loss is caused as a result of the gross negligence or dishonesty conduct by such person.108. Regulations
109. Exemption by Minister
The Minister may by notice in the Gazette exempt certain categories of gambling machines, certain persons or certain activities from the application of any or all of the provisions of this Act for a period as may be determined by the Minister.110. Saving and transitional provisions
111. Repeal of laws
The laws set out in the Schedule are repealed.112. Short title and commencement
History of this document
01 December 2021 this version
13 December 2018
16 November 2018
Assented to
Cited documents 21
Act 21
1. | Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 | 1953 citations |
2. | Local Authorities Act, 1992 | 1345 citations |
3. | Close Corporations Act, 1988 | 554 citations |
4. | Companies Act, 2004 | 459 citations |
5. | Regional Councils Act, 1992 | 398 citations |
6. | Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 2004 | 367 citations |
7. | Public Service Act, 1995 | 316 citations |
8. | Legal Practitioners Act, 1995 | 255 citations |
9. | Banking Institutions Act, 1998 | 224 citations |
10. | Public Accountants’ and Auditors’ Act, 1951 | 203 citations |