This is the version of this Government Notice as it was from 15 November 2017 to 23 November 2023. Read the latest available version.
Judicial Service Commission Regulations, 2011
Related documents
- Is amended by Judicial Service Commission Regulations: Amendment

Judicial Service Commission Act, 1995
Judicial Service Commission Regulations, 2011
Government Notice 60 of 2011
- Published in Government Gazette 4674 on 24 March 2011
- Commenced on 1 April 2011
- [This is the version of this document as it was at 15 November 2017 to 23 November 2023.]
- [Note: The version of this legislation as at 15 November 2017 was revised and consolidated by the Legal Assistance Centre and the Government of the Republic of Namibia. All subsequent amendments have been researched and applied by Laws.Africa for NamibLII.]
1. Definitions
In these regulations, any word or expression to which a meaning has been given in the Namibian Constitution or the Act bears that meaning, and unless the context otherwise indicates-“chairperson” means the Chief Justice or, in his or her absence, the judge appointed by the President as a member of the Commission in terms of Article 85(1) of the Namibian Constitution;“complaint” means a complaint or allegation of mental incapacity or gross misconduct against a judge or any other holder of judicial office, and includes any documents relied on by the complainant and any further information furnished in terms of regulation 6(8);“complainant” means a person who has lodged a complaint;“committee” means an ad hoc committee established by the Commission to investigate a complaint or any other matter which the Commission may deal with in terms of the Act;“day” means any calendar day, and(a)when any particular number of days is prescribed for the performance of any act, it must be reckoned exclusive of the first and inclusive of the last day; and(b)the last day of any period must be excluded if it falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday;“designated organisation” means the Law Society, any other professional organisation representing the interests of the legal profession in Namibia referred to in Article 85(1) of the Namibian Constitution, the Magistrates Commission or such other organisation with interest in the work of the Commission as the Commission may identify from time to time;“heads of court” means the Chief Justice and the Judge-President;“inquiry” means a disciplinary inquiry held by the Commission;“investigation report” means a written report of findings of a committee after carrying out investigations in terms of these regulations;“judicial officer” for the purposes of these regulations, means a person who holds judicial office;“Law Society” means the Law Society of Namibia established by section 40 of the Legal Practitioners Act, 1995 (Act No. 15 of 1995);“Magistrates Commission” means the Magistrates Commission established by section 2 of the Magistrates Act, 2003 (Act No. 3 of 2003);“meeting” includes an inquiry;“Minister” means the Minister responsible for justice;“registrar” means the registrar of the Supreme Court and, in his or her absence, the registrar of the High Court;“secretary” means the secretary of the Commission appointed in terms of regulation 19;“the Act” means the Judicial Service Commission Act, 1995 (Act No. 18 of 1995); and“the Commission” means the Judicial Service Commission.2. Recommendations with regard to appointment of Judges of the Supreme Court
3. Recommendations with regard to appointment of Judges of the High Court
4. Reasons for recommendations with regard to appointment
The secretary of the Commission, or in his or her absence any member requested by the chairperson to do so, must record the essence of the Commission’s reasons for recommending any person for appointment and such reasons must accompany the Commission’s recommendations to the President.5. Recommendations with regard to conditions of service
6. Lodging of complaint
7. Consideration of complaint
After the expiration of the time limits referred to in regulation 6(7) and (8) the Commission must consider in private the complaint and the judicial officer’s response thereto, if any, and any other information furnished in terms of regulation 6(8).8. Procedure where conduct does not warrant removal from office
9. Procedure where conduct warrants removal from office
10. Inquiry
11. Procedure at inquiry
12. Conclusion of inquiry and decision
13. Recommendation where judicial officer found guilty
14. Meeting and decisions of Commission
15. Rules of ethical judicial conduct
Any rules of ethical judicial conduct compiled by the heads of court after consultation with the judges of the Supreme Court or the High Court, as the case may be, and approved by the Commission may be taken into account by the Commission to determine whether a judicial officer’s conduct complained of amounts to gross misconduct.16. Subpoena
A summons to appear as a witness before an inquiry or to produce a book, record, document or thing must be substantially in the form of a subpoena issued by the registrar to secure the attendance of a witness in civil proceedings in the High Court and has the same effect and consequences as such subpoena.17. Penalties
A person who infringes or fails to comply with an order made or notice served on him or her by the chairperson or the Commission under these regulations commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding N$10 000 or imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years, or to both such fine and such imprisonment.18. Departure from procedure
19. Secretary of the Commission
Members of the Commission must appoint as secretary of the Commission from among their number one of the members representing the interests of the legal profession.20. Administrative work
Administrative work of the Commission is performed by staff members of the Ministry responsible for justice made available for that purpose by the registrar.History of this document
24 November 2023
15 November 2017 this version
01 April 2011
24 March 2011
Cited documents 3
Act 3
1. | Legal Practitioners Act, 1995 | 255 citations |
2. | Magistrates Act, 2003 | 92 citations |
3. | Judicial Service Commission Act, 1995 | 9 citations |