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Abattoir Industry Act, 1976 Act 54 of 1976 9 April 1976
Abattoirs Restriction Proclamation, 1944 Proclamation 8 of 1944 15 February 1944
Abolishment of certain Village Councils and declaration of the areas thereof as settlement areas Proclamation 1 of 1996 2 January 1996
Abolishment of certain Village Councils and declaration of the areas thereof as settlement areas Proclamation 22 of 1993 8 September 1993
Abolishment of the Aus Village Council and declaration of the area thereof as a settlement area Proclamation 6 of 1996 2 January 1996
Abolition of Payment by Cheque Act, 2022 Act 16 of 2022 30 December 2022
Abolition of Payment by Cheque Act, 2022: Commencement Government Notice 47 of 2023 15 March 2023
Abortion and Sterilization Act, 1975 Act 2 of 1975 1 August 1978
Abortion and Sterilization Amendment Act, 1976 Act 18 of 1976 31 March 1976
Abuse of Dependence-Producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centres Act, 1971 Act 41 of 1971 1 January 1986
Abuse of dependence-producing substances and Rehabilitation Centres Act (41/1971): Amendment of Part I and Part II of the Schedule Proclamation 277 of 1977 28 October 1977
Abuse of Dependence-producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centres Act, as amended: Amendment Proclamation R141 of 1976 30 July 1976
Abuse of Dependence-producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centres Amendment Act, 1973 Act 80 of 1973 6 July 1973
Abuse of Dependence-producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centres Amendment Act, 1977 Act 14 of 1977 16 March 1977
Abuse of Dependence-producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centres Amendment Act, 1987 Act 25 of 1987 17 November 1987
Access to Biological and Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge Act, 2017 Act 2 of 2017 27 June 2017
Access to Biological and Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge Act, 2017: Commencement Government Notice 236 of 2021 1 November 2021
Access to Information Act, 2022
Act 8 of 2022 28 December 2022
Accommodation Establishments and Tourism Amendment Ordinance, 1973 Ordinance 25 of 1973 30 November 1973
Accommodation Establishments and Tourism Amendment Ordinance, 1974 Ordinance 17 of 1974 17 December 1974
Accommodation Establishments and Tourism Amendment Ordinance, 1977 Ordinance 5 of 1977 28 March 1977
Accommodation Establishments and Tourism Ordinance, 1973 Ordinance 20 of 1973 15 May 2001
Accountants’ and Auditors’ and Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 1988 Act 92 of 1988 15 July 1988
Accreditation Board of Namibia Act, 2005
Act 8 of 2005 15 March 2023
Additional Appropriation Act, 2000 Act 23 of 2000 22 December 2000
Additional Public Enterprises to Schedule 1: Public Enterprises Governance Act, 2006 Government Notice 43 of 2016 4 March 2016
Addition of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 as a schedule to the Act Proclamation R71 of 1984 25 May 1984
Addition of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969, as set out in the Schedule to the Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 Proclamation R162 of 1985 20 September 1985
Administration of Estates Act, 1965 Act 66 of 1965 15 March 2023
Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 1970 Act 54 of 1970 23 September 1970
Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 1971 Act 79 of 1971 14 July 1971
Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 1978 Act 15 of 1978 15 March 1978
Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 1981 Act 17 of 1981 17 December 1981
Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 1986 Act 6 of 1986 14 April 1986
Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 1987 Act 2 of 1987 31 March 1987
Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 2001 Act 15 of 2001 24 December 2001
Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 2018 Act 22 of 2018 31 December 2018
Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 2022 Act 9 of 2022 29 December 2022
Administration of Justice Amendment Ordinance, 1966 Ordinance 13 of 1966 17 May 1966
Administration of Justice Amendment Proclamation 1920 Proclamation 45 of 1920 18 November 1920
Administration of Justice Amendment Proclamation, 1933 Proclamation 4 of 1933 1 February 1933
Administration of Justice Proclamation, 1919 Proclamation 21 of 1919 7 September 1995
Administration of Justice Proclamation Amendment Ordinance, 1955 Ordinance 6 of 1955 28 April 1955
Administration of Justice Proclamation Amendment Proclamation, 1930 Proclamation 16 of 1930 16 June 1930
Administration of Walvis Bay - Repeal of Certain Legislation, 1982 Proclamation 149 of 1982 20 August 1982
Admiralty Court Act, 1840 Chapter 65 24 December 1888
Admiralty Court Act, 1861 Chapter 10 27 August 1881
Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act, 1972
Act 5 of 1972 8 March 1972
Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act, 1983 Act 105 of 1983 12 September 1983
Admission of Advocates Act, 1964 Act 74 of 1964 1 July 1964